This paper points out there are several important aspects in Chinese history research for a western scholar. Firstly, the approach of any historian depends on his concept of the function and duty of the historian and the purpose for which he is writing. Secondly, comparison and contrast are the hope of reaching conclusions that are both valid and of a reasonably wide significance. Thirdly, identifying his sources of information and assessing their value are important aspects in historical research. Fourthly, the historian’s difficulties are incomplete information, the temptation to impose the assumptions and ideas of our own time on the past, familiarity with the Chinese sources and so on. Fifthly, different historians have different intentions and methods. Finally, the author points out the way forward: comparing in two cultures, conjointly but independently; paying attention for periods of disunity; presenting the results of research on several levels (professional standard, for colleagues in other disciplines and for general readers).