Education quality is the purity of essential prescription of education and life of education. Although different historical periods and societies differ in their prescription of the essence and demand for the quantity of education, shaping men with political integrity and professional competence is the highest and purest prescription of educational essence. Improving the quality, expanding the quantity of education and providing better education for more people are the ultimate aim, highest ideal and permanent pursuit of education. The status quo of current Chinese educational quality is not courageous enough: lack of the strength of improving the highest quality and optimizing the structural quality, lowlevel soft quality, including ideological pursuit, affecting improvement of hard quality, such as science and technology and cultural innovation, poor coordination between qualities of primary and higher educations affecting improvement of educational quality as a whole and low quality of ability, especially innovative and practical ability, etc. The essential means of improving educational quality is to reduce utilitarian pursuit and inhibit examoriented education. In practice, the following effective ways can be adopted to improve educational quality: establishing an outstanding aim of permanent ideal by setting up a clear direction of study and strengthening interest, motivation and innovation of learning, transforming the view of educational quality by raising the quality of educational contents, process, means and administration, improving the national quality to realize the objective of educational justice, transforming the systems of educational assessment and talentedworker selection and creating mutual acceleration between pursuit of social values and that of educational values.