The god of travel was one of “the five sacred gods” in ancient times. Under the “ritualcollapsing” social background since the Springautumn Period, obvious changes happened to the distinctions and functions of the “five sacred gods”. As a result, the god of travel became one the leading gods to be worshipped in society. The unearthed bamboo scripts of The Book of the Sun show that in times of the Warring Kingdoms and the Qin and the Han Dynasty when the atmosphere of picking auspicious days was popular in society, the date, place and sacrifice to be picked for the god of travel was deeply influenced by the fiveelements theory. With the synthesizing of the Theologies in different parts of the nation under the great unified culture in times of the Qin and the Han dynasty, the image of the god of travel gradually turned from an abstractshape god to a human figure, which indicated the transitional features from godbased to manbased image in this period of time.