Miscellaneous corvee categories and the lack of documented decrees do not constitute a negation of Seyi in the early Tang Dynasty. Seyi has been disconnected from the official system by law on reducing Seyi in various departments,besides the longterm evolution path of Seyi in the horizon of China’s general history,this all reflects seyi in the early Tang Dynasty having an independent status in contrast to other types of corvee. Seyi in the early Tang Dynasty can differentiate from regular corvee and chores corvee through exempting corvee,charge and characteristic of enslavement,besides the periodization of corvee,pay money to be exempted from the corvee and personal identity.It can be classified as government agency,official servants,countryside and particular corvee. “Zhiyi”(职役) is the intrinsic nature of seyi in the early Tang Dynasty.This is not only manifested in seyi group as “Sanguan”(散官), “Xunguan”(勋官),official household(官户),chores household,but “Youjunming”(有军命) as well.The clarification of Seyi in the early Tang Dynasty contributes to further cognition of seyi in the late Tang Dynasty and even the issue of ancient China’s Zhiyi.