The practice of ideological discourse refers to the interactive process and results of the dissemination of ideas, which is a social construction process of making and recreating meaning, and contains differences and conflicts of values. The realities and historical responsibilities of the new era have pushed the CPC to innovatively develop and creatively construct its ideological discourse, to deconstruct the narrow, manipulative and deceptive ideological discourse of capitalism, to amend the old and lagging traditional ideological discourse in the practice of Chinesestyle modernization in the new era, and to construct a selfconsistent paradigm of ideological discourse that is independent, dialogical, just and practical. The ideological discourse system originating with Sinicized Marxism lays down the doctrinal support for the creation of a new form of human civilization; the people’s supremacy of the ruling discourse concept shapes the scientific nature of the new form of human civilization; the people’s value consensus and the common values of all humankind clarify the global significance of the new form of human civilization; and the innovation of discourse symbols expands and extends the narrative field of the new form of human civilization. The ideological discourse practice of the CPC in the new era has led to the creation of a new form of human civilization, revealed the norms and ethical strength of the Chinesestyle modernization system, returned to the essence of human life, nurtured the order of the individual’s autonomous mind, embedded the new creativity of modern Chinese civilization, and demonstrated the significant and original contribution of the Chinese people and the CPC to the development of human civilization.