In the Critique of Judgment,the importance of sublimity is not only reflected in the connection between nature and freedom, but also in the construction of pure aesthetic judgment.Therefore, it is necessary to rethink Kant’s deduction of the sublime.By analyzing the process of deduction of the sublime in the third critique, this paper attempts to clarify the following two points: firstly, Kant’s inquiry initially points to the connotation of “unlimited” form.However, from the mathematically sublime to the mechanically sublime, when the form changes from “absolute whole” to “supersensible substrate”, the “unlimited” form is actually the subject’s own “mental attunement”.The analysis of the “power” associated with will, in its essence, is to construct the feeling in the aesthetic sense through the combination of subject mind and reason.Secondly, If the interpretation of the sublime shows the possibility of feeling, this emotion is not “the feeling of pleasure and displeasure”, but “the feeling of spirit”.For the synthesis of pure aesthetic judgment, Kant shows the possibility of the feeling of spirit through the deduction of the sublime, and thus participates in the construction of the possibility of synthetic apriori judgement.