| 姓名:李玉龙 |
职称/职务:讲师 |
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电子信箱:liyulong@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向:微生物生态;中药材土传病害防治及药材产量、品质提升 |
办公地点:格物楼 |
李玉龙,博士,讲师。2019年6月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获得博士学位。2019年10月至2023年4月在西北农林科技大学从事博士后研究。2023年4月至今在陕西师范大学生命科学学院任职,主要从事微生物生态、中药材土传病害生物防治及中药材产量、品质提升相关的研究。研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者主要发表在Biology and Fertility of Soils, Microbial Ecology和Biological control等杂志上。
1.Li YL, He F, Guo, Q, Feng ZY, Zhang M, Ji CL, Xue QH*, Lai HX*, et al. Compositional and functional comparison on the rhizosphere microbial community between healthy and Sclerotium rolfsii-infected monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii) revealed the biocontrol potential of healthy monkshood rhizosphere microorganisms. Biol Control, 2022, 165: 104790.
2.Li YL, Li HY, Han X, Han G, Xi J, Liu YT, Zhang YJ, Xue QH, Guo Q*, Lai HX*, et al. Actinobacterial biofertilizer improves the yields of different plants and alters the assembly processes of rhizosphere microbial communities. Appl Soil Ecol, 2022, 171: 104345.
3. Zhang YJ, Zhang T, Xue ZJ, Liu YF, Li YZ,Li YL*, Chen Q*.Streptomyces application triggers reassembly and optimization of the rhizosphere microbiome of cucumber[J]. Diversity, 2021, 13: 413.
4. Chen Q, Bai S, Zhang T, Duan CM, Zhao J, Xue QH*,Li YL*. Effects of seed-coating preparations of livingStreptomyces globisporus on plant growth promotion and disease control againstVerticillium wilt in cotton. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 6001.
5.Li YL, Guo Q, He F, Li YZ, Xue QH*, Lai HX*. Disease-control and plant growth-promotion effects of Actinomycetes as biocontrol agents are related to alterations of the rhizosphere microbiota in the tuberous plantAconitum carmichaeli. Microb Ecol, 2020, 79: 134-147.
6. Guo Q#,Li YL#, Lou Y, Shi MD, Jiang, YY, Zhou JH, Sun, YF, Xue QH, Lai HX*.Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Ba13 induces plant systemic resistance and improves rhizosphere microecology against tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease. Appl Soil Ecol 2019, 137:154-166.
7.Li YL, Guo Q, Wei XM, Xue, QH, Lai, HX. Biocontrol effects ofPenicillium griseofulvum against monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii Debx.) root diseases caused bySclerotium rolfsiii andFusarium spp. J Appl Microbiol, 2019, 127: 1532-1545.
8. Li YL, Guo Q, Li, YZ, Sun, YF, Xue QH*, Lai HX*.Streptomyces pactum Act12 controls tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease and alters rhizosphere microbial communities. Biol Fertility Soils, 2019, 55:149-169.
9.Li YL, He F, Xue QH*, Lai HX*. Mechanism of in vitro antagonism of phytopathogenicScelrotium rolfsii by actinomycetes. Eur J Plant Pathol, 2017, 149:299-311.