

孙宗鹏,副研究员。2008年哈尔滨工业大学本科毕业,2011年获欧盟居里夫人奖学金于University of Tuebingen攻读神经科学博士。主要采用光遗传,在体神经电生理记录和神经活动成像技术,结合计算机模型和动作追踪技术揭示感知、运动以及大脑利用奖励信号(奖励预测误差)驱动学习行为的神经机制。研究方向:(1)生命体一直跟周围世界进行交流与相互作用,为此大脑需要将外界信息内化并转换成运动信号。利用动物模型、神经活动记录,结合神经通路特异性标记探讨不同脑区及神经环路在感觉编码、运动控制以及感觉运动转换中的作用。(2)奖励系统是人类最原始的动力系统。大脑的奖励通路不仅保障物种的生存,例如觅食行为和性行为;而且也可以促进学习和改变动物的行为。我们的研究兴趣是了解奖励的神经编码原则以及奖励调控动物行为的神经机制。



1. Zong-peng Sun, Aleksandra Smilgin, Marc Junker, Peter W. Dicke, Peter Their. (2017). "The same oculomotor vermal Purkinje cells encode the different kinematics of saccades and of smooth

pursuit eye movements." Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 16;7:40613. doi: 10.1038/srep40613.

2. Zong-peng Sun, Aleksandra Smilgin, Marc Junker, Peter W. Dicke, Peter Their. (2017). " Short-term adaptation of saccades does not affect smooth pursuit eye movement initiation." Journal of vision, 17 (9), 19-19.

3. Zong-peng Sun, Marc Junker, Peter W. Dicke, Peter Their. (2016). "Individual neurons in the caudal fastigial oculomotor region (FOR) convey information on both macro- and microsaccades." Eur J Neurosci. 2016 Oct;44(8):2531-2542.

4. Zong-Peng Sun*, Lei Gong*, Shu-Hong Huang, Zhao Geng, Lei Cheng, and Zhe-Yu Chen. (2011). "Intracellular trafficking and secretion of cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor in neurosecretory cells." J Neurochem 117(1): 121-132. (co-first author)

5. Yu-Xia Yin*, Zong-Peng Sun*, Shu-Hong Huang, Ling Zhao, Zhao Geng and Zhe-Yu Chen. (2010). "RanBPM contributes to TrkB signaling and regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor-induced neuronal morphogenesis and survival." J Neurochem 114(1): 110-121. (co-first author)

6. M Junker, D Endres, ZP Sun, PW Dicke, M Giese, P Their. (2018) "Learning from the past: A reverberation of past errors in the cerebellar climbing fiber signal."  PLoS biology 16 (8), e2004344

7. Shu-Hong Huang, Ling Zhao, Zong-Peng Sun, Xue-Zhi Li, Zhao Geng, Kai-Di Zhang, Zhe-Yu Chen. (2009). "Essential role of Hrs in endocytic recycling of full-length TrkB receptor but not its isoform TrkB.T1." J Biol Chem 284(22): 15126-15136.

8. Ai-Ling Bi, Yue Wang, Shuang Zhang, Bo-Qin Li, Zong-Peng Sun, Hong-Sheng Bi, Zhe-Yu Chen. (2015). "Myosin II regulates actin rearrangement-related structural synaptic plasticity during conditioned taste aversion memory extinction." Brain Struct Funct 220(2): 813-825.


 Zong-Peng Sun, Shabtai Barash, Peter Their. (14 October 2015). "The Neuronal Codes of the Cerebellum". Chapter 8: The Role of the Cerebellum in Optimizing Saccades. ISBN: 780128013861