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发布日期:2018-06-28 作者: 来源: 点击:









教授,博士生导师。主要从事动物生殖与发育、生态毒理学等领域的研究工作。承担国家及省部级科研项目9项,发表学术论文130余篇,获陕西省和西安市科学技术奖2项。长期主讲“人体组织学与解剖学”、 “发育生物学”和“神经解剖学”等课程,参编国家和教育部规划教材《人体组织学与解剖学》等5本教材,多次获学校教学质量优秀奖和人才培养奖。兼任世界自然保护联盟物种生存委员会(IUCN/SSC)两栖爬行动物专家组成员。


1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目,酚类环境污染对两栖动物性腺分化的雌激素效应,2008.1-2010.12,No.30770243;

2. 主持陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,秦岭山区经济两栖动物卵子发育及繁殖规律的研究,2002.1-2004.12,No.2001SM26;

3. 主持陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,中国大鲵性腺的超微结构及其对外源性激素的效应,1992.1-1994.12,No.39109;

4. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,陕西师范大学生物学基地,2012.1-2015.12,No. J1103511;

5. 参与陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,环境辛基酚污染对中国林蛙幼体消化道发育的影响及分子机制初探2019.1-2020.12,No.2019JM-391

6. 参与陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,烷基酚胁迫下两栖动物精巢组织基因差异表达的鉴别和分析。2016.1-2017.12.,No. 2016JM3017;

7. 参与陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,酚类环境污染物对两栖动物性别决定影响的分子机制,2009.1-2010.12,No. SJ08C101;

8. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,不同婚配制度田鼠社会行为发育形成的行为神经内分泌机制,2007.1-2009.12,No..30670273;

9. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,田鼠嗅觉识别记忆及其神经生物学机制研究,2002.1-2005.12,No.30200026。


1. 人体组织学与解剖学,第5版,2012,高等教育出版社,副主编;

2. 人体组织学与解剖学自学指导,2013,高等教育出版社,副主编;

3. 人体组织学与解剖学课外实践,2001,高等教育出版社,参编;

4. 人体组织学与解剖学,第3版,1999;第4版,2006,高等教育出版社,参编;

5. 大学科学实验,2017,陕西师范大学出版社,参编。


1. Lei Xie, Xinyi Li, Kai Liang, Chao Wu, Hongyuan Wang, Yuhui Zhang*. Octylphenol influence growth and development of Rana chensinensis tadpoles via disrupting thyroid function. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 169: 747-755.

2. Yuhui Zhang,Lei Xie, Xinyi Li, Lihong Chai, Hongyuan Wang. Exposure to nitrate alters the histopathology and gene expression in the liver of Bufo gargarizans tadpoles. Chemosphere, 2019, 217:308-319.

3. Xinyi Li, Wenjie Jin, Lei Lei, Yuhui Zhang*. Identification and expression of Dmrt1 and Sox9 during the gonadal differentiation of Rana chensinensis.Turkish journal of zoology, 2019, 43(4):319-330.

4. Yu Ma, Bo Li, Yang Ke, Yuhui Zhang*. Effects of low doses trichlorf on exposure on Rana chensinensis tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology, 2019, 34:30-36.

5. Yuhui Zhang, Lei Xie, Xinyi Li, Lihong Chai, Mengxing Chen, Xiaojing Kong, Qingqing Wang, Jingfei Liu, Lijuan Zhi, Chang Yang, Hongyuan Wang. Effects of fluoride on morphology, growth, development, and thyroid hormone of Chinese toad (Bufo Gargarizans) embryos. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 2018, 59:123-133.

6. Yuhui Zhang, Xinyi Li, Lihong Chai, Hongyuan Wang. Influence of DEHP on thyroid, sex steroid-related genes and gonadal differentiation in Rana Chensinensis tadpoles. Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 2018, 33:112-121.

7. Xinyi Li, Fang Wei, Jin-shu Gao, Hong-yuan Wang, Yuhui Zhang*. Oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity of frog, Rana chensinensis, when exposed to low doses of octylphenol. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2018,64:86-93.

8. Jinshu Gong, Xinyi Li, Yuhui Zhang, Hongyuan Wang. Endochondral ossification in hind limbs during Bufo gargarizans metamorphosis: a model of studying skeletal development in vertebrates. Developmental Dynamics, 2018, 10:1121-1134.

9. Chao Wu#, Yuhui Zhang#, Lihong Chai, Hongyuan Wang. Transcriptomics provides mechanistic indicators of fluoride toxicology on endochondral ossification in the hind limb of Bufo gargarizans.Aquatic Toxicology, 2018, 201 :138-150.

10. Yu Ma, Bo Li, Yang Ke, Yongan Zhang, Yuhui Zhang*. Transcriptome analysis of Rana chensinensis liver under trichlorfon stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 147:487-493.

11. Yao Bai, Xinyi Li, Zhijun Liu, Yuhui Zhang*.Effects of octylphenol on the expression of StAR, CYP17 and CYP19 in testis of Rana chensinensis. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2017, 51: 9-15.

12. Chuanchuan Du, Xinyi Li, Huaxin Wang, Wenjie Jin, Kai Liang, Yuhui Zhang*. Identification of thyroid hormone receptors α and β genes and their expression profiles during metamorphosis in Rana chensinensis. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 2017, 41: 454-463

13. Bo Li, Yu Ma, Yuhui Zhang*. Oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in the frog, Rana chensinensis, exposed to low doses of trichlorfon. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. 2017, 52(7):476-482

14. Chao Wu#, Yuhui Zhang#, Lihong Chai, Hongyuan Wang. Histological changes, lipid metabolism and oxidative stress in the liver of Bufo gargarizans exposed to cadmium concentrations. Chemosphere, 2017, 179: 337-346.

15. Xinyi Li, Jia Liu, Yuhui Zhang*. Octylphenol induced gene expression intestes of frog, Rana chensinensis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 128:75-82.

16. Huaxin Wang, Xinyi Li, Chuanchuan Du, Wenjie Jin, Yuhui Zhang*. Characteristic analysis of prolactin and its receptor genes from Rana chensinensis and expression pattern during metamorphosis. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 2016,40:303-313.

17. Xinyi Li, Ning Xiao, Yuhui Zhang*. Toxic effects of octylphenol on the expression of genes in liver identified by suppression subtractive hybridization of Rana chensinensis. Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23:1-10.