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美国新奥尔良大学化学系Zeev Rosenzweig教授访问我院

发布人:  发布时间:2011-09-26  点击:[]

        应重点实验室张成孝教授的邀请,2011年9月23日,美国国家自然科学基金委化学学科项目主任,美国新奥尔良大学化学系Zeev Rosenzweig教授访问我院,并做了题为“Luminescent Quantum Dots in ioanalytical and Cellular Assays, Opportunities and Future Challenges”的报告。报告由张成孝教授主持,我院部分教师及研究生聆听了此次报告。

        精彩的报告引起大家极大的兴趣,会后大家就自己感兴趣的问题和科学研究方法与Zeev Rosenzweig教授做了深入而友好的讨论和交流,并与相关老师进行了座谈。

        Zeev Rosenzweig教授课题组及其简介:http://www.chem.uno.edu/ChemistryDepartmentfolder/Rosenzweig.html


Zeev Rosenzweig教授与我院师生交流

Abstract: Semiconductor luminescent quantum dots have been used extensively in the last decade in a wide range of biological applications. This became possible in large part due to seminal work of Prof. Xiaogang Peng, now at Zhejiang the University of Arkansas who developed relatively simple synthetic techniques to form high quality luminescent quantum dots, and Shuming Nie (Emory/Georgia Tech) and Simon Weiss (UCLA) who developed methods to modify the surface of luminescent quantum dots with hydrophilic ligands to enable their use in aqueous solution and as a result in bioanalytical assays. Professor Rosenzweig and his students made unique contribution to the field by developing quantum dot based luminescent probes that make use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between luminescent quantum dots and molecular acceptors or gold nanocrystals that act as luminescence quenchers. In his presentation, Prof. Rosenzweig will describe the preparation of these unique luminescent probes and different ways to apply them in biological systems including in single biological cells. He will also analyze the current state of the art in the field and discuss the opportunities and challenges in translating this unique technology from basic research to clinical applications.

Biography: Prof. Rosenzweig was born in Tel Aviv, Israel in 1961. He received his BSc and PhD degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel in 1986 (BSc) and 1991 (PhD). His PhD work focused on the development of non-linear optical methods for studying surface processes on well defined catalysts under ultrahigh vacuum and high pressure conditions. In 1992, Prof. Rosenzweig moved to the US for postdoctoral training at Iowa State University (1992-1993) and the University of Michigan (1994-1995). He then assumed a faculty position in the department of chemistry of the University of New Orleans where he established a research program in the area of luminescent nanomaerials. He rose through the academic ranks and became a Full Professor in 2003. In 2005, Professor Rosenzweig became a program director at the US national Science Foundation where he managed a funding program in environmental chemical sciences and lead the international collaboration in chemistry program, one of the largest international collaboration in chemistry programs in the Us and the world. Prof. Rosenzweig is the Author of over 100 research articles and book chapters primarily in the area of luminescent nanomaterials. He graduated 15 PhD scientists, some became faculty members in US and international universities while other assumed senior scientist positions in government laboratories and the private sector.