Title: On the exceptional set of the generalized Ramanujan conjecture
Speaker: 王英男(深圳大学)
Abstract: For any prime $p$ and Hecke-Maass form $\phi$ on $GL(n) (n\geq2)$, $\alpha_{\phi,1}(p),\ldots,\alpha_{\phi,n}(p)$ denote the corresponding Satake parameters of $\phi$ at $p$. The generalized Ramanujan conjecture asserts that $|\alpha_{\phi,i}(p)|=1$, $i=1,\ldots,n$. In this talk we will survey the recent results and developments centered on this problem. This is a joint work with Lau Yuk-Kam and Ng Ming Ho.
Time/Venue: 2020/05/11 15:00-15:50
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