Yongqing Zheng


Yongqing Zheng, male, professor and doctoral supervisor at Shandong University, was born in February 1965. Currently he is the deputy director of the National Engineering Laboratory for E-Commerce Technologies, the vice chairman and president of Shanda Dareway Software Co., Ltd., the academic leader of the outstanding innovation team of large data integration and intelligent analysis in Jinan,and the top professional talents in Jinan. He presided over and participated in the completion of the key projects of  National Science and Technology Support Program, National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program), Shandong Province Science and technology development plan,Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation National and provincial and ministerial level science research and industrialization projects more than 20 items. He has published more than 20 papers in important journals and conferences at home and abroad, and many of them have been included in EI. He won one prize for the China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award, four second awards for Shandong Province, two first awards for the Shandong Province Computer Application Excellence Achievement, and two second awards for Shandong Province Computer Application Excellence Achievement.


software project management

Research Interests

Data computing and cloud computing software architecture,Research project



2. 面向全人群全生命历程健康管理决策的多源异构时空大数据融合方法研究,国家自然科学基金-重大研究计划,2019.1-2022.12.

3. 众智网络建模与互联,国家重点研发计划课题,2017.12-2020.11.

4. 基于分布式计算框架的大图数据分析平台研发,山东省重点研发计划,2016.1-2017.12

5. 基于天地网络的数字出版资源投送云服务体系架构和标准研究,国家科技支撑计划项目,2012.9-2015.12.

6. 支持IPv6/IPv4的电力智能主站设备及应用平台研发与应用示范,国家发改委产业化专项项目,2012.4-2014.4.

7. 基于国产云计算平台的社会保障领域SaaS服务及应用平台,山东省信息产业发展资金项目,2012.6-2013.12.

8. 基于泛在终端与云计算的物联跨域PaaS平台及其在社会保障行业中的应用,山东省信息产业发展专项资金项目,2011.6-2012.12.

9. 职业资格服务体系业务平台研发,国家科技支撑计划重点项目课题,2010.01-2012.06

10. 基于模糊元图与粒度计算的服务聚合与协同方法研究,山东省自然科学基金项目,2010.10-2013.10

11. 基于智能终端设备的CNGI电力需求侧管理与监测网络,国家发改委产业化专项项目,2009.1-2010.12.

Scientific research awards


2. SmartHS:An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision,国际人工智能创新应用奖,2018

3. 社会公共服务平台和自助服务终端研发及应用,中国产学研合作创新成果奖,2012

4. 基于OSGI的人力资源与社会保障一体化平台,山东省科技进步二等奖,2012.

5. 农村社会保险管理信息系统,山东省计算机应用优秀成果一等奖,2010.

6. 高速网络访问控制与计费系统,山东省计算机应用优秀成果二等奖,2006.

7. 劳动力市场管理信息系统,山东省计算机应用优秀成果二等奖,2006.

8. 远红外集中抄表系统,山东省计算机应用优秀成果一等奖,2005.

9. 医疗保险管理信息系统,山东省科技进步二等奖, 2003.

10. INTRANET的社会保险系统,山东省科技进步奖二等奖,2001.



2. SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision, AAAI 2018(CCF A).

3. Feature Assessment and Classification of Diabetes Employing Concept Lattice,CSCWD2019(CCF C).

4. QoS Analysis and Optimization of Business Processes,CSCWD2018(CCF C).

5. Resource and performance prediction at high utilization for N-Tier cloud-based service systems, ACSW 2017.

6. Optimal Crowds Contest Model for Crowdsourcing. ICCSE 2017.

7. AdaptScale: An adaptive data scaling controller for improving the multiple performance requirements in Clouds, Future Generation Computer Systems,2017(CCF C).

8. MapReduce Short Jobs Optimization Based On Resource Reuse, Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design, 2016.11(CCF C).

9. CTP:a Scheduling Strategy to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in Multi-tier Website System, Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design, 2016.11(CCF C).

10. 基于动态供应链网络的协同行为模式挖掘方法, 计算机集成制造系统, 2016.02.

11. 云中SaaS应用的多租户数据动态迁移策略, 计算机工程与科学,2013.

12. 基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法,计算机集成制造系统(EI),2013.8.

13. Document-oriented Database-based Privacy Data Protection Architecture, WISA 2013,2013.9.

14. A Dynamic Web Service Composition Method Based on Viterbi Algorithm,ICWS 2012.

15. A Workflow-Oriented Cloud Computing Framework and Programming Model for Data Intensive Application, CSCWD, 2011.6.