Joint SDU/SDNU Automorphic Forms and Representations Seminar
Abstract: This is a weekly seminar on automorphic forms, representations and L-functions. We will follow the Corvallis proceedings "Automorphic forms, Representations and L-functions". There will be weekly meetings which will include presentations and discussions of the lecture notes. The main prerequisites are basic algebra, analysis and algebraic number theory.
Organizers: Guanghua Ji, Shandong University
Xiaofei Yan, Shandong Normal University
Time/Venue: B1044,19:00-21:00 Wed
1. Zihao Wang, Reductive groups
2. Xiaofei Yan, Reductive groups over local fields
3. Guanghua Ji, Representations of reductive lie groups
4. Bin Guan, Representations of p-adic groups
References: Automorphic forms, Representations and L-functions, PSPM 33, AMS.