Title: Spectral analysis for Γ\Η
Author: Erez Lapid, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Venue: Room 309, Math Building
Attachments: Notes on Spectral analysis for Γ\H
Lecture I: Introduction to automorphic forms
Lecture II: Geometry and Analysis on the Hyperbolic Plane
Lecture III: Spherical functions
Lecture IV: The invariant integral operators on C(Γ\H)
Lecture V: Cuspidal spectrum of Γ\H
Lecture VI: Continuous spectrum of Γ\H
Lecture VII: Selberg trace formula
Lecture VIII: Application of Selberg trace formula I
Lecture IX: Application of Selberg trace formula II
Lecture X: Spectral decomposition, hyperbolic lattice point problem
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
These lecture notes were taken by students. Use them at your own risk. If you have any comments or corrections, please do not hesitate to contact us.