Title: Analytic twists of GL(3)xGL(2) automorphic forms
Speaker: 林永晓 瑞士EPF
Abstract: We show that the coefficients of GL(3)xGL(2) Rankin--Selberg L-functions do not correlate with a class of exponential functions with oscillatory phase. We will give two applications of our result, including a subconvex bound for GL(3)xGL(2) L-functions in the t-aspect which improves on an estimate of Munshi, and under the Ramanujan conjecture a convexity-breaking estimate for sums of GL(3)xGL(2) Fourier coefficients improving upon a result of Friedlander--Iwaniec. This is joint work with Qingfeng Sun.
Time/Venue: 10:00-11:00 3/1/2020 明德楼C座7楼报告厅