Title: An automorphic descent construction for symplectic groups and its applications to L-functions
Speaker: Bin Xu, Sichuan University
Abstract: Automorphic descent, developed by Ginzburg-Rallis-Soudry, is a method which constructs concrete automorphic representations of classical groups, and has various applications in the study of automorphic representations. In this talk, we will introduce an automorphic descent construction for symplectic groups. As an application, we give a new approach to show that for an appropriate cuspidal automorphic representation of GL(2) of symplectic type, there exist infinitely many quadratic twists with non-zero central L-values. This is a joint work with Baiying Liu.
Host: Guanghua Ji
Time/Venue: 14:00-15:00 THU 5/12/2019 B1044