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2021.9-至今      山东大学 公共治理研究院 院长助理 副教授

2018.7-2021.9 山东大学 公共治理研究院 助理教授


2015.9-2018.6 北京师范大学 土地资源管理 博士 刘彦随教授

2012.9-2015.6 山东农业大学 土地资源管理 硕士 李贻学副教授

2008.9-2012.6 山东农业大学 土地资源管理 本科




20238-202412 全国统计科学研究项2023年度课题 “新时代多层级乡村振兴统计监测研究—以山东省为例” 主持

20238-20248 2023年度青岛市社会科学规划研究项目 “青岛市乡村集体经济发展推动共同富裕的路径研究——以莱西市共富公司为例”主持

20234-20238 “双百调研工程”2023年度课题 “乡村集体经济发展推动共同富裕的路径研究——以莱西市共富公司为例”主持

       202311-20248月 费县农村闲置宅基地复垦的地票交易机制研究 主持

20211月-202312 国家自然科学基金“京津冀地区乡村地域系统转型发展机理与模式优化研究”,主持,在研

20201月-202312月 山东大学青年团队项目 “黄河三角洲居民生存环境福祉与公共政策研究,主持,在研

20211月-2022 12中国博士后科学基金 “山东省县域乡村转型机理与模式优化研究”,主持,在研

20199月-202212月 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目 “新时代县域乡村转型发展机理与振兴模式研究—以山东省为例”,主持 在研

20208月-20216月 2020年青岛市社科规划项目 “青岛市乡村转型与振兴模式优化研究”,主持,已结项

20178月 “The First IGU-AGLE Commission Conference on Global Rural Development and Land Capacity Building”陕西省榆林市,参会并作报告“Influence Measure of Rapid Urbanization on Agricultural Production Factors Based on Provincial Panel Data

20177月-8月 “2016年国家贫困县退出” 第三方评估 参与调研问卷设计、报告撰写

20174月   “2017 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG)” 波士顿参会并作报告“Land Use Change and Effects Analysis of Tideland Reclamation in Hangzhou Bay

20171月-2月 “2016年国家精准扶贫工作成效” 第三方评估 参与调研数据管理、报告撰写

20169月-20174月 参与了国家社科基金重大项目“城镇化对我国农业农村发展的影响与对策研究” 负责部分研究和报告撰写工作

20165月-6月 “2015年国家精准扶贫工作成效”第三方评估参与调研、报告撰写

20159月-20174月 参与了国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目“空心村综合整治的关键技术研究与示范” 负责部分研究和报告撰写工作

20156月-8月 “实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫”重大政策措施第三方评估 参与调研、报告撰写


[1] Jintao Li, Chu, Lei. Spatiotemporal Evolution and Transformation Regulation Strategies of Rural Residential Land on the Grand Canal (China). Land, 2024, 13, 578.

        [2] Jintao Li, Haorang Dong, Shaoxing Li. Economic development and optimal allocation of land use in ecological emigration area in China. Land use policy, 2024,142,107178.

[3]  Jintao Li, Yuling Gong. Spatial Location Differentiation and Development Decision Optimization of Characteristic Villages and Towns in China. Geography and sustainability, 2022(3):21-31.
[4] Jintao Li, Yuling Gong, Changjun Jiang. Spatio-temporal differentiation and policy optimization of ecological well-being in the Yellow River delta high-efficiency ecological economic zone. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022(339): 130717.
[5] Changjun Jiang, Jintao Li, Jilai Liu. Does urbanization affect the gap between urban and rural areas? Evidence from China. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2022(82): 101271.

[6] Jintao Li, Zongfeng Sun. Does the transfer of state-owned land-use rights promote or restrict urban development? Land Use Policy, 2021(100): 104945.

[7] Jintao Li, YansuiLiu, Yuanyuang Yang, Ning Jiang. County-rural revitalization spatial differences and model optimization in Miyun District of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Journal of Rural Studies, 2021(86):724-734.

[8] Jintao Li, Jiang Changjun, Xing Zhanjun. Multi-dimensional influence measurement of urbanization on the quality of natural living environment in China. Environment Development and Sustainability, 2021(17):1251-1268.

[9] Jintao Li, Zongfeng Sun. Urban Function Orientation Based on Spatial-temporal Differences and Driving Factors of Urban Construction Land. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2020,146(3):1-12.

[10] Zongfeng Sun, Jintao Li*. The Effects of Performance of Public Sector Health System on Quality of Life in China: Evidence from the CGSS2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020,17(8):1-16.

[11] Yuling Gong, Jintao Li*, Yixue Li. Spatiotemporal characteristics and driving mechanisms of arable land in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during 1990-2015. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2020(70):100720.

[12] Jintao Li, Hongfa Zhang, Zongfeng Sun.  Spatiotemporal variations of land urbanization and socioeconomic benefits in a typical sample zone: A case study of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.  Applied Geography, 2020(117):12187.

[13] Jintao Li, Yixue Li. Influence measurement of rapid urbanization on agricultural production factors based on provincial panel data, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2019(67):69-77.

[14] Zongfeng Sun, Jintao Li*. Citizens’ Satisfaction with Air Quality and Key Factors in China—Using the Anchoring Vignettes Method. Sustainability, 2019,11(8):2206.

[15] Jintao Li, Yansui Liu, Yuanyuan Yang, Ning Jiang. Measuring model of rural transformation development path in Fuping County of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Habitat International. 2018(74):48-56.

[16] Jintao Li, Yansui Liu, Yuanyuan Yang. Land Use Change and Effect Analysis of Tideland Reclamation in Hangzhou Bay, Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(2):394-405.

[17] Yansui Liu, Jintao Li, Yuanyuan Yang. Strategic adjustment of land use policy under the economic transformation. Land use policy, 2018(74):5-14.

[18] Yansui Liu, Yuanyuan Yang, Yurui Li, Jintao Li. Conversion from rural settlements and arable land under rapid urbanization in Beijing during 1985–2010. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 51:141-150.

[19] Jintao Li, Yuanyuan Yang, Ning Jiang. County-Rural Transformation Development from Viewpoint of “Population-Land-Industry” in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region under the Background of Rapid Urbanization. Sustainability, 2017, 9(9):1637.

[20] Cheng, Xiaohua,Xu, Difei, Sun, Hui, Zheng, Meiyi, Li, Jintao.Rural Spatial Differentiation and Revitalization Approaches in China: A Case Study of Qingdao City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022,19(24): 16924.

[21] Cheng, Long, Zhengchun, Li, Jintao. Promote or Demote? Investigating the Impacts of China’s Transferable Development Rights Program on Farmers’ Income: A Case Study from Chongqing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022,19(21): 13751.

[22] Changjun Jiang, Jintao Li. Influence of the Market Supply of Construction Land on the Misallocation of Labor Resources: Empirical Evidence from China. Land, 2022, 11(10), 1773.

[23] 李进涛. 京津冀地区乡村转型发展路径测度与模式优化.山东大学出版社,2022年4月.
[24] 刘琳,李进涛(副主编)等. 山东综合社会发展报告(2017-2018年度).山东大学出版社,2019年12月.

[25] 李进涛.城乡居民生存环境福祉时空分异与优化策略研究.山东社会科学,2021(6):5-13.

[26] 李进涛,刘琳,王乙杰,冷安丽.县域乡村三生系统发展时空分异与优化决策.农业资源与环境学报,2021,38(03):523-536.

[27] 刘彦随,李进涛.30年中国沿海围垦土地利用格局及其驱动机制[J].中国科学:地球科学, 2020,50(6):761-774.

[28] 李进涛,刘彦随,杨园园,蒋宁.城镇化对农业农村的多维度影响——基于省际面板数据实证研究[J].人文地理, 2019,34(03):137-145.

[29] 李进涛,杨园园,蒋宁.京津冀都市区乡村振兴模式及其途径研究——以天津市静海区为例[J].地理研究, 2019,38(03):496-508.

[30] 李进涛,刘彦随,杨园,刘继来.1985-2015年京津冀地区城市建设用地时空演变特征及驱动因素研究[J].地理研究, 2018,37(01):37-52.

[31] 刘彦随,李进涛.中国县域农村贫困化分异机制的地理探测与优化决策. 地理学报, 2017, 72(1):161-173.

[32] 李进涛,李贻学.基于不同赋权法的经济发展水平评价——以东营市为例.山东农业大学学报(自然科学版) , 2015,46(01):116-120.

[33] 李进涛,李贻学,巩玉玲,唐丽静.基于IDRISI的山东省土地生态安全评价研究.中国人口.资源与环境 , 2014,24(S3):190-193.


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