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【论文发表】李进涛《Multi-dimensional influence measurement of urbanization on the quality of natural living environment in China》
发布时间:2021年01月05日 09:19   作者:   点击:[]

  近日,山东大学公共治理研究院助理教授李进涛以第一作者身份在SCI期刊Environment, Development and Sustainability》发表文章《Multi-dimensional influence measurement of urbanization on the quality of natural living environment in China(点击文章题目查看原文内容)


    With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization and the continuous improvement of social productivity, people are increasingly demanding a higher quality of the living environment. Based on existing research, this study built a compiled index system to evaluate the quality of natural living environment (NLEQ). Thereafter, the spatiotemporal characteristics of NLEQ were analyzed using a panel regression analysis, to explore the mechanism of urbanization through the multi-dimensional method of system–subsystem–factors. The results show that NLEQ significantly improved from 2008 to 2017; resource-environmental quality (REQ) had a north–south difference, while environmental pollution governance (EPG) had an east–west difference due to the different influences of urbanization on NLEQ, REQ, and EPG. Industrial urbanization had a significant influence on REQ, and population urbanization and land urbanization had a significant influence on EPG. These results suggest that more attention should be paid to resource conservation and pollution treatment in the context of rapid urbanization. This article describes the evaluation of NLEQ and discusses the relationship between urbanization and NLEQ from a geographical perspective. It is of critical reference to study regional development imbalances in the natural living environment, in order to construct an ecological civilization.


Quality of natural living environmentUrbanizationResource-environmental qualityEnvironmental pollution and governancePanel regression


李进涛,山东大学公共治理研究院助理教授,主要研究方向为城乡发展与土地资源利用。先后参与了国家科技支撑计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目等研究,参加了2015年、2016年、2017年精准扶贫第三方评估工作,获得了“先进个人”荣誉称号。担任《Land Degradation & Development》、《Journal of Geographical Sciences》期刊审稿人;在《Journal of Rural Studies》、《Land Use Policy》、《Habitat International》、《Sustainability》、《Journal of Mountain Science》、《Socio-economic Planning Sciences等发表SSCI/SCI 期刊论文数篇


【文|孙嘉翼  审核|李进涛  编辑|孙嘉翼】

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