近日,山东大学公共治理研究院谢蕾研究员作为通讯作者在环境科学研究刊物《Environmental Research Letters》(SCI 1区 五年IF: 6.672,最新IF 6.096)上发表文章《A bibliometric review of water security concept in Central Asia》(点击文章题目查看原文内容)。
Engineering, economic, social sciences, geophysical, and integrated modeling studies have approached the assessment of water security in Central Asia in distinct ways. Different indicators and indexes have been introduced to assess the most vulnerable aspects of water use in this region. Until now, though, the suggested approaches are often represented in a fragmented manner, while the relevant indicators cannot fully attribute the vulnerability status of a country or on a regional level. This can result in diverging perceptions of the water security situation in policy dialogues, also affecting bilateral and multilateral relations among the countries in Central Asia. In this study, we conduct a bibliometric review on the approaches and methods that directly or indirectly touch upon the water security perceptions in Central Asia. We employ data mining techniques to explore trends in the conceptualization of water security in the region since the breakup of the Soviet Union by also identifying the water interests and priorities set by each country. The findings reveal that within the last decade, the water security-related studies have given much importance to technical and infrastructural means to protect human livelihoods against global environmental changes but also to foster economic growth. The water governance and management aspects are largely overlooked in favour of more techno-centric approaches. These findings are expected to clarify further the perception of water security concept within Central Asia by indicating the geophysical, institutional, and historical challenges that need to be met for a mutual understanding among the countries in the region.
transboundary basins, water resources management, governance, environment, engineering, Central Asia
谢蕾,山东大学公共治理研究院研究员,主要研究方向为全球环境治理、河流流域治理。曾出任英国诺丁汉大学社会学与社会政策学院课题组研究员。现任英国兰卡斯特大学中国研究中心客座研究员。担任英文刊物Forest and Society编委会委员;在《Eurasian Geography and Economics》《 Journal of Contemporary China》《China Information》《 International Environmental Agreement, Politics, Law and Economics》《New Political Economy》等发表SSCI/SCI 期刊论文数篇。
【文丨谢蕾 审核丨谢蕾 编辑丨孙嘉翼】