近日,山东大学公共治理研究院助理教授李进涛以第一作者身份在SSCI期刊《Journal of Urban Planning and Development》2020年9月刊上发表文章《Urban Function Orientation Based on Spatiotemporal Differences and Driving Factors of Urban Construction Land》(点击文章题目查看原文内容)。
This paper examines the development trends of urban construction land in 17 cities within the Shandong province, China, and uses multivariate linear regression, a geographical detector, and a spatial neighborhood analysis to determine the spatiotemporal driving mechanisms of construction land development from 1985 to 2015. The results reveal clear differences in the scale, rate, direction, and stability of urban construction land, and the 17 cities investigated were divided into four development models, including the uncoordinated wave cities (Jinan, Yantai, and Weifang), uncoordinated stable cities (Zibo, Rizhao, Linyi, Dongying, and Binzhou), coordinated wave cities (Qingdao, Zaozhuang, Taian, Laiwu, Weihai, and Liaocheng), and coordinated stable cities (Jining, Dezhou, and Heze). A number of temporal driving factors affected the expansion scale of urban construction land, including the natural population growth rate, employment index, second industry structure ratio, and firm size index, whereas the spatial driving factors that affected the spatial pattern of urban construction land included the distance to the main railway, distance to the main road, and distance to the city center. Next, points were assigned to different levels of characteristics and spatiotemporal driving factors of the urban construction land, a composite score of urban development was obtained, and the 17 cities were divided into the following zones: core trading (Qingdao), key development (Jinan and Yantai), industrial cluster (Jining, Laiwu, Linyi, Weifang, Weihai, and Zibo), and conserving economic zones (which included the remaining eight cities). Different functions and development directions should be considered in these different zones. For instance, more international trade markets should be built in Qingdao to promote the export of industrial products, whereas Jinan and Yantai should target development into megacities, and provide technical guidance and industry driving for the surrounding cities. Finally, the study recommends the intensive use of land, industrial transformation, and upgrading, as well as multifunctional development planning and building a multidimensional transportation network to promote coordinated and integrated development in Shandong province.
Urban construction land; Dominant driving factors; Urban functional zones; Geographic detector
李进涛,山东大学公共治理研究院助理教授,主要研究方向为城乡发展与土地资源利用。先后参与了国家科技支撑计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目等研究,参加了2015年、2016年、2017年精准扶贫第三方评估工作,获得了“先进个人”荣誉称号。担任《Land Degradation & Development》、《Journal of Geographical Sciences》期刊审稿人;在《Journal of Rural Studies》、《Land Use Policy》、《Habitat International》、《Sustainability》、《Journal of Mountain Science》、《Socio-economic Planning Sciences》等发表SSCI/SCI 期刊论文数篇。
【文|王跃 审核|孙嘉翼 李进涛 编辑|王跃】