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发布时间:2023-03-20 作者: 浏览次数:2186

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职    称:










2009.09-2013.06    山东农业大学 园艺                                 学士

2013.09-2015.06    中国农业大学 农业资源利用                         硕士

2015.10-2019.10    德国波恩大学/德国于利希研究中心 植物营养与土壤学  博士

2019.10-2021.10    德国波恩大学 植物营养与土壤学  博后




从事磷循环与环境的响应关系等方面的研究。重点开展的研究方向包括:1)利用稳定性同位素技术探究农 田生态系统中,深层土壤的磷循环。2)探究森林生态系统中的养分(磷)利用机制。3)利用稳定性同位素技术,探究植物-土壤体系的水分利用。4)施用磷肥导致的土壤重金属累积的评估。


1Sustainable Subsoil Management – Soil3BMBF 项目(德国联邦教育研究部基金会)

2. Green Phosphorus Fertilizers - 德国亥姆霍兹联合会-于利希研究中心项目

3. 国家自然科学基金项目-有机和常规作物生产中应用 15N 判断氮素肥料类型的研究


  1. Sun, Y., Amelung, W., Wu, B., Haneklaus, S., Schnug, E., & Bol, R. Fertilizer P-derived uranium continues to accumulate at Rothamsted long-term experiments. Science of The Total Environment, 2022820, 153118.

  2. Sun, Y., Wu, B., Amelung, W., Christensen, B. T., Pätzold, S., Bauke, S. L., Schweitzer, K., Baumecker, M. and Bol, R. Non-critical uranium accrual in soils of German and Danish long-term fertilizer experiments. Geoderma, 2020, 370, 114336.

  3. Sun, Y., Amelung, W., Wu, B., Haneklaus, S., Maekawa, M., Luecke, A., Schnug, E. and Bol, R. Co-evolution of uranium content and oxygen stable isotope in phosphate rocks. 2019. Applied Geochemistry, 2020, 104476.

  4. Sun, Y., Amelung, W., Gudmundsson, T., Wu, B. and Bol, R. Critical accrual of fertilizerderived uranium in Icelandic grassland. Environmental Science Europe, 2020, 32(1): 1-7.

  5. Sun, Y., Wu, B., Wiekenkamp, I, Kooijman, A M, Bol, R., Uranium vertical and lateral distribution in a German forested catchment. Forests. 2020,11(12):1351.

  6. Zhao, Y., Reichel, R., Herbst, M., Sun, Y., Brüggemann, N., Mörchen, R., ... and Bol, R. 2022. Declining total carbon stocks in carbonate-containing agricultural soils over a 62-year recultivation chronosequence under humid conditions. Geoderma, 425, 116060.

  7. Gu, J., Bol, R., Sun, Y., and Zhang, H. 2022. Soil carbon quantity and form are controlled predominantly by mean annual temperature along 4000 km North-South transect of Eastern China. CATENA, 217, 106498.

  8. Haneklaus, N., Sun, Y., Bol, R., Lottermoser, B., and Schnug, E. To extract, or not to extract uranium from phosphate rock, that is the question. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 753-754.

  9. Wu, B., Wiekenkamp, I., Sun, Y., Fisher, A. S., Clough, R., Gottselig, N., Bogena, H., Pütz, T., Brüggemann, N., Vereecken, H. and Bol, R. A dataset for three-dimensional distribution of 39 elements including plant nutrients and other metals and metalloids in the soils of a forested headwater catchment. Journal of environmental quality, 2017, 46(6): 1510-1518. (IF=2.1)

  10. Srivastava, A., Chahar, V., Sharma, V., Sun, Y., Bol, R., Knolle, F., Schnug, E., Hoyler, F., Naskar, N., Lahiri, S. and Patnaik, R., 2017. Study of uranium toxicity using low-background gamma-ray spectrometry. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 314(2), 1367-1373.

  11. 孙雅杰, 吴文良, 刘原庆, 孟凡乔. 有机肥和化肥对盆栽番茄氮素利用以及损失的影响. 中 国农业大学学报. 2017;22(4):37-46.

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