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发布时间:2012-11-07 作者: 浏览次数:1940


  1. 高等学校博士点专项基金:离子液体对土壤/沉积物中典型PPCPs的提取及被动采样研究,主持人;
  2. 中国博士后科学基金:离子液体在土壤/沉积物中人工合成麝香提取及被动采样中的应用研究,主持人;
  3. 国家自然科学基金:莠去津强化生物降解过程中土壤微生物群落结构的演替规律,主要成员;
  4. 国家自然科学基金:基于物理过程的重金属污染物迁移转化数值模拟,成员;
  5. 天津市科技攻关项目:海河底泥清淤优化方案研究,主要成员;
  6. 国际铜业协会(ICA)项目:铜从土壤到地下水的沥滤研究,主要成员;
  7. 山东农业大学创新基金:离子液体对土壤中抗生素的提取研究,主持人;
  8. 山东农业大学博士后:人工合成麝香在土壤/植物体系中的迁移转化及对植物的毒性研究
  1. Shujuan Sun,Suiliang Huang, Phosphorus fractions and release in the sediments of Haihe River. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2009,21(3):291-295
  2.Shujuan Sun, Jian Xu, Shugui Dai, Xue Han. Influences of Copper Speciation on Toxicity to Microorganisms in Soils. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences,2006,19:409~413
  3. Shujuan Sun,Suiliang Huang,Paul Smith. Experimental Investigation of Phosphorus Release from Haihe River Sediments Capped by Natural Zeolites and its Modified Ones,Proceedings of 16th IAHR-APD Congress and 3rd Symposium of IAHR-ISHS,2008,October 23rd,Hohai University, Nanjing, China
  4. Shujuan Sun,Lei Wang,Suiliang Huang,Hongwen Sun,The effect of capping with natural and modified zeolites on the release of phosphorus and organic contaminants from river sediment,Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2011,DOI 10.1007/s11705-010-0561-2(in press)
  5.Leiwang,Hongwen Sun,Wenling Wu and Shujuan Sun,Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids and perfluorooctanesulfonate in bivalve shells: Extraction method optimization. Journal of Chromatography A,2010,1217:436-442
  6. J. Xu, S. Dai, X. Han, S. Sun, P. Zhang. Leaching of Copper from an Industrial Sludge Applied on a Soil Column. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2006, 76:663~670
  7. J. Xu, X. Han, S. Sun, F. Meng, S. Dai. Leaching Behavior of Copper (II) in a Soil Column Experiment. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2005,75:1028~1033
  8. 孙淑娟,黄岁樑,海河底泥磷释放模拟实验研究,环境科学研究,2008(4):126-131
  10.安敏, 文威, 孙淑娟, 黄岁樑,pH 和盐度对海河干流表层沉积物吸附解吸磷( P)的影响,环境科学学报,2009, 29( 12 ):2616 - 2622

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