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发布时间:2023-07-11 作者: 浏览次数:1595







李传友,博士、教授,博士生导师。1999年获中国科学院遗传研究所博士学位。1999-2003年在Michigan State University DOE-Plant Research Laboratory从事博士后研究。2003年入选中国科学院“百人计划”,2004年获 “国家杰出青年科学基金”资助。2015年入选泰山学者优势特色学科团队领军人才。2016年入选中组部“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。担任国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家,主要学术兼职包括Molecular Plant》、《Horticulture Research》、《Plant Molecular Biology》等国际著名刊物编委。作为执行委员会委员和中方联络人组织实施了国际茄科基因组计划,完成了栽培番茄与其起源种醋栗番茄基因组的精细序列分析。组织召开了第286次香山科学会议“植物激素与绿色革命”和第479次香山科学会议“植物发育与生殖:前沿科学问题与发展战略”。作为学术秘书申请并组织实施了国家自然科学基金委首个重大研究计划项目“植物激素作用的分子机理”(20082016年)并在结题验收中获得优秀。

李传友团队长期研究植物系统性防御与可塑性发育的机理。创造性地把植物受伤反应分为防御与再生两个密不可分的生理过程,破译了逆境条件下植物通过改变干细胞活性协同调控适应性生长和抗性的分子机制,发现了调控植物组织修复和器官再生的原初受伤信号--再生因子REF1并揭示了其在作物遗传改良中的巨大应用价值。精细解读了模式植物番茄的基因组,致力于健康美味番茄精准设计育种。CellNatureNature PlantsPNASMolecular PlantPlant Cell等国际主流学术刊物发表论文130余篇,引用12000余次。在国际权威出版社ELSEVIER出版英文专著Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in PlantsH-index57。入选Clarivate Analytics(科睿唯安)全球前1%高被引学者名单,连续四年入选ELSEVIER(爱思唯尔)中国高被引学者名单。申请PCT 专利1项,获得授权专利20余项、植物新品种权2项,育成农业农村部登记番茄品种7个。


1. 茉莉酸作用机理

茉莉酸既调控植物免疫,又在植物可塑性发育中发挥重要作用。茉莉酸信号通路的实质是核心转录因子MYC2介导的转录重编程。一方面,我们研究中介体亚基MED25MYC2形成的功能复合体MMC (MYC2-MED25 Functional Transcription Complex)在茉莉酸信号的激活、级联放大、终止以及精细调控中的


2. 植物防御与再生机理

与动物相比,固着生长的植物更易遭受机械损伤。在长期的进化过程中,植物形成了动物不可比拟的应对损伤的能力。面对损伤,植物能快速激活防御反应,并轻松自如地进行组织修复和器官再生。在番茄中,人们发现了植物对机械损伤的系统性防御现象,并证实小肽激素系统素(systemin)和经典激素茉莉酸通过共同的信号通路调控植物的系统性防御反应。相比而言,人们对损伤引发植物再生的原初信号及其转导机制知之甚少。我们以番茄为模式,建立了用正向遗传学手段解析植物受伤反应的研究体系。一方面,我们进行了大规模的遗传筛选获得了一系列系统素信号通路的抑制子(suppressor of prosystemin-mediated responses, spr),通过对这些防御缺陷突变体的研究分离关键组分,在此基础上解析植物的系统性防御反应的调控机理。另一方面,我们创造性地提出在植物受伤反应中防御功能与再生功能是密不可分的这一全新理念,据此从分析防御缺陷突变体的再生表型入手鉴定防御和再生同时发生缺陷的突变体,找到了诱发植物再生的原初受伤信号分子—再生因子REF1,在此基础上系统解析植物组织修复和器官再生的信号网络。

3. 番茄重要农艺性状形成机理解析与种质创新


4. 健康美味番茄生物育种



  1. 【中央电视台】CCTV2《中国经济大讲堂》——“餐桌上的大科技:小番茄如何变身大‘柿’业?”

  1. 【中央电视台】CCTV10《透视新科技》——番茄变身记

  1. 【中央电视台】CCTV1《新闻联播》——我国主导完成番茄基因组测序

  1. 【中央电视台】CCTV13《新闻直播间》——关注番茄基因组测序 我国主导完成番茄基因组测序

  1. 【中央电视台】CCTV13《新闻直播间》——关注番茄基因组测序 基因“争夺”:没有硝烟的战争

  1. 【山东电视台】山东卫视《山东新闻联播》——破解世纪难题 山东农业大学首次发现植物再生因子

  1. 【山东电视台】山东新闻频道《闪电会客厅》——山东科研团队首次发现植物再生因子

  1. 【山东电视台】山东农科频道《山农大家说》——李传友教授团队:破解世纪难题 揭开再生奥秘

  1. 【山东电视台】山东卫视《山东新闻联播》——山东农业大学李传友团队揭示番茄果形建成机制并研发出机采鲜食番茄

  1. CC讲坛】李传友:揭秘番茄的智慧

  1. 【人民日报】我国科学家揭示植物再生新机制

  1. 【科技日报】植物再生的“指挥官”找到了

  1. 【光明日报】山东农业大学团队揭示植物再生机制

  1. 【科技日报】让鲜食番茄既耐挤压又香甜

  1. 【光明日报】山东农业大学研发出适合机采的鲜食番茄

  1. 【民生周刊】小番茄里有“大智慧”,

  1. 【农民日报】丢掉的番茄味,是怎样找回来的?,


  1. Yang W, Zhai H, Wu F, Deng L*, Chao Y, Meng X, Chen Q, Liu C, Bie X, Sun C, Yu Y, Zhang X, Zhang X, Chang Z, Xue M, Zhao Y, Meng X, Li B, Zhang X, Zhang D, Zhao X, Gao C, Li J, and Li C*. (2024). Peptide REF1 is a local wound signal promoting plant regeneration. Cell 187: 3024–3038.

新闻公众号:专家点评 Cell | 破解世纪难题——李传友团队首次发现再生因子调控植物组织修复和器官再生,

  1. Han H, Li X, Li T, Chen Q, Zhao J, Zhai H, Deng L, Meng X*, and Li C*. (2024). Chromosome-level genome assembly of Solanum pimpinellifolium. Sci. Data 11: 577.


  1. Yang T, Deng L*, Wang Q, Sun C, Ali M, Wu F, Zhai H, Xu Q, Xin P, Cheng S, Chu J, Huang T, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2024). Tomato CYP94C1 inactivates bioactive JA-Ile to attenuate jasmonate-mediated defense during fruit ripening. Mol. Plant 17: 509–512.


  1. Liu J, Zhang C, Sun H, Zang Y, Meng X, Zhai H, Chen Q*, and Li C*.(2024) A natural variation in SlSCaBP8 promoter contributes to the loss of saline-alkaline tolerance during tomato improvement. Hortic. Res. 10: uhae055.


  1. Wang Y, Sun C, Ye Z, Li C, Huang S, and Lin T*. (2024). The genomic route to tomato breeding: Past, present, and future. Plant Physiol. DOI:10.1093/plphys/kiae248

  1. Zhu Q, Deng L, Chen J, Rodriguez GR, Sun C, Chang Z, Yang T, Zhai H, Jiang H, Topcu Y, Francis D, Hutton S, Sun L, Li C-B, van der Knaap E, and Li C* (2023). Redesigning the tomato fruit shape for mechanized production. Nat. Plants 9: 1659–1674.

Highlighted with a News article in Science,


  1. Deng L*, Yang T, Li Q, Chang Z, Sun C, Jiang H, Meng X, Huang T, Li C-B, Zhong S, and Li C*. (2023). Tomato MED25 regulates fruit ripening by interacting with EIN3-like transcription factors. Plant Cell 35: 1038–1057.

Highlighted with an In Brief article in Plant Cell,


  1. Yang T, Ali M, Lin L, Li P, He H, Zhu Q, Sun C, Wu N, Zhang X., Huang T, Li C-B, Li C*, and Deng L*. (2023). Recoloring tomato fruit by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated multiplex gene editing. Hortic. Res. 10: uhac214. (Cover story)


  1. Zhou M, Deng L, Yuan G, Zhao W, Ma M, Sun C, Du M*, Li C*, and Li C-B*. (2023). Rapid generation of a tomato male sterility system and its feasible application in hybrid seed production. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136: 197.

  1. Zhou M, Deng L, Yuan G, Zhao W, Ma M, Sun C, Du M, Li C, and Li C-B*. (2023). A CRISPR-Cas9-derived male sterility system for tomato breeding. Agronomy 13: 1785.

  1. Zhao Q, Zhao P, Wu Y, Zhong C, Liao H, Li C, Fu X, Fang P, Xu P*, and Xiang C*. (2023). SUE4, a novel PIN1-interacting membrane protein, regulates acropetal auxin transport in response to sulfur deficiency. New Phytol. 237: 78–87.

  1. An C, Deng L, Zhai H, You Y, Wu F, Zhai Q, Goossens A, and Li C*. (2022). Regulation of jasmonate signaling by reversible acetylation of TOPLESS in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 15: 1329–1346.

Highlighted with a Spotlights article in Molecular Plant,


  1. Du M, Daher F, Liu Y, Steward A, Tillmann M, Zhang X, Wong J, Ren H, Cohen J, Li C*, and Gray W*. (2022). Biphasic control of cell expansion by auxin coordinates etiolated seedling development. Sci. Adv. 8: eabj1570.

新闻公众号:Science Advances | 打破传统认知,李传友研究组合作解析植物顶端弯钩的形成机制,

  1. Lin L, Du M, Li S, Sun C, Wu F, Deng L, Chen Q*, and Li C*. (2022). Mediator complex subunit MED25 physically interacts with DST to regulate spikelet number in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64: 871–883

  1. Zhou M, Deng L, Guo S, Yuan G, Li C*, and Li C-B*. (2022). Alternative transcription and feedback regulation suggest that SlIDI1 is involved in tomato carotenoid synthesis in a complex way. Hortic. Res. 9: uhab045. (Cover story)

  1. Tao H, Miao H, Chen L, Wang M, Xia C, Zeng W, Sun B, Zhang F, Zhang S, Li C*, and Wang Q*. (2022). WRKY33-mediated indolic glucosinolate metabolic pathway confers resistance against Alternaria brassicicola in Arabidopsis and Brassica crops. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64: 1007–1019.

  1. Lian J, Han H, Chen X, Chen Q, Zhao J*, and Li C*. (2022). Stemphylium lycopersici Nep1-like protein (NLP) is a key virulence factor in tomato gray leaf spot disease. J. Fungi 8: 518.

  1. Sun C, Li D, Gao Z, Gao L, Shang L, Wang M, Qiao J, Ding S, Li C, Geisler M, Jiang D, Qi Y*, and Qian Q*. (2022). OsRLR4 binds to the OsAUX1 promoter to negatively regulate primary root development in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64: 118-134.

  1. Tu T, Zheng S, Ren P, Meng X, Zhao J, Chen Q*, and Li C*. (2021). Coordinated cytokinin signaling and auxin biosynthesis mediates arsenate-induced root growth inhibition. Plant Physiol. 185: 1166–1181.

  1. Liu H, Liu L, Liang D, Zhang M, Jia C, Qi M, Liu Y, Shao Z, Meng F, Hu S, Yin Y*, Li C*, and Wang Q*. (2021). SlBES1 promotes tomato fruit softening through transcriptional inhibition of PMEU1. iScience 24: 102926.

  1. Zheng S, Ren P, Zhai M, Li C*, and Chen Q*. (2021). Identification of genes involved in root growth inhibition under lead stress by transcriptome profiling in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 39: 50–59.

  1. Guo P, Chong L, Wu F, Hsu C, Li C, Zhu J-K, and Zhu Y*. (2021). Mediator tail module subunits MED16 and MED25 differentially regulate abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 63: 802–815.

  1. Zhai Q, Deng L, and Li C*. (2020). Mediator subunit MED25: at the nexus of jasmonate signaling. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 57: 78–86.

新闻公众号:Curr Opin Plant Biol | 李传友研究组应邀撰写茉莉酸信号通路转录调控机理的综述文章,

  1. Zhai H, Zhang X, You Y, Lin L, Zhou W*, and Li C*. (2020). SEUSS integrates transcriptional and epigenetic control of root stem cell organizer specification. EMBO J. 39: e105047.



  1. Wu F, Deng L, Zhai Q, Zhao J, Chen Q, and Li C*. (2020). Mediator subunit MED25 couples alternative splicing of JAZ genes with fine-tuning of jasmonate signaling. Plant Cell 32: 429–448.


  1. Du M*, Zhou K, Liu Y, Deng L, Zhang X, Lin L, Zhou M, Zhao W, Wen C, Xing J, Li C-B*, and Li C*. (2020). A biotechnology-based male-sterility system for hybrid seed production in tomato. Plant J. 102: 1090–1100.


  1. You Y, An C, and Li C*. (2020). Insect feeding assays with Spodoptera exigua on Arabidopsis thaliana. Bio-protocol 10: e3538.

  1. Sun C, Deng L, Du M, Zhao J, Chen Q, Huang T, Jiang H, Li C-B*, and Li C*. (2020). A transcriptional network promotes anthocyanin biosynthesis in tomato flesh. Mol. Plant 13: 42–58. (Cover story).

Highlighted with a Spotlights article in Molecular Plant,


  1. Sun W, Han H, Deng L, Sun C, Xu Y, Lin L, Ren P, Zhao J, Zhai Q*, and Li C. (2020). Mediator Subunit MED25 Physically Interacts with PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4 to Regulate Shade-Induced Hypocotyl Elongation in Tomato. Plant Physiol. 184:1549–1562.

Highlighted with a News and Views article in Plant Physiology,

  1. Shao Z, Zhao Y, Liu L, Chen S, Li C, Meng F, Liu H, Hu S, Wang J, and Wang Q*.(2020). Overexpression of FBR41 enhances resistance to sphinganine analog mycotoxin-induced cell death and alternaria stem canker in tomato. Plant Biotechnol. J. 18: 141154.

  1. Ren K, Tian X, Li S, Mei E, He M, Tang J, Xu M, Li X, Wang Z, Li C, and Bu Q*. (2020). Oryza sativa mediator subunit OsMED25 interacts with OsBZR1 to regulate brassinosteroid signaling and plant architecture in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 62: 793–811.

  1. Zhu Y, Hu X, Duan Y, Li S, Wang Y, Rehman A, He J, Zhang J, Hua D, Yang L, Chen Z, Li C, Wang B, Song C, Sun Q, Yang S, Gong Z*.(2020). The Arabidopsis nodulin homeobox factor AtNDX interacts with AtRING1A/B and negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling. Plant Cell 32: 703–721.

  1. Guo H, Sun Y, Yan H, Li C, and Ge F*. (2020). O-3-induced priming defense associated with the abscisic acid signaling pathway enhances plant resistance to Bemisia tabaci. Front. Plant Sci. 11: 93.

  1. Yang T, Deng L, Zhao W, Zhang R, Jiang H, Ye Z*, Li C-B*, and Li C*. (2019). Rapid breeding of pink-fruited tomato hybrids using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. J. Genet. Genomics 46: 505508. (Cover story)

  1. Wang H, Li S, Li Y, Xu Y, Wang Y, Zhang R, Sun W, Chen Q, Wang X, Li C*, and Zhao J*. (2019). MED25 connects enhancer-promoter looping and MYC2-dependent activation of jasmonate signaling. Nat. Plants5: 616625.


新闻公众号:Nature Plants | 遗传所李传友/山东农大赵久海合作团队在植物转录增强子调控基因转录的机理研究中取得重要进展,

  1. Liu Y, Du M, Deng L, Shen J, Fang M, Chen Q, Lu Y, Wang Q*, Li C*, and Zhai Q*. (2019). MYC2 regulates the termination of jasmonate signaling via an autoregulatory negative feedback loop. Plant Cell 31: 106–127.

Highlighted with an In Brief article in Plant Cell,

Highlighted with a Spotlight article in Trends Plant Sci.,


  1. You Y, Zhai Q*, An C, and Li C*. (2019).LEUNIG_HOMOLOG mediates jasmonate-dependent transcriptional activation in cooperation with the coactivators HAC1 and MED25. Plant Cell 31: 21872205.


  1. Zhai Q, and Li C*. (2019). The plant Mediator complex and its role in jasmonate signaling.J. Exp. Bot.70: 34153424.

  1. Zhou W, Lozano-Torres JL, Blilou I, Zhang X, Zhai Q, Smant G, Li C, and Scheres B*.(2019). A jasmonate signaling network activates root stem cells and promotes regeneration. Cell 177: 942–956.

  1. Zhang P, Wei J, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Li C, Liu S, Dickee M, Yu X, and Turlings TCJ*. (2019). Airborne host–plant manipulation by whiteflies via an inducible blend of plant volatiles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.116: 7387–7396.

  1. Shi X, Preisser E, Liu B, Pan H, Xiang M, Xie W, Wang S, Wu Q, Li C, Liu Y, Zhou X, and Zhang Y*. (2019). Variation in both host defense and prior herbivory can alter plant-vector-virus interactions. BMC Plant Biol. 19: 556.

  1. Wang M, Qiao J, Yu C, Chen H, Sun C, Huang L, Li C, Geisler M, Qian Q, Jiang D, and Qi Y*. (2019). The auxin influx carrier, OsAUX3, regulates rice root development and responses to aluminium stress. Plant Cell Environ. 42: 11251138.

  1. Qi L, Zhang X,Zhai H, Liu J, Wu F, Li C*,and Chen Q*. (2019). Elongator is required for root stem cell maintenance by regulating SHORT ROOT transcription. Plant Physiol. 179: 220232.

  1. Zhang R, Ge S, He J, Li S, Hao Y, Du H, Liu Z, Cheng R, Feng Y-Q, Xiong L, Li C, Hetherington A, and Liang Y-K*. (2019).BIG regulates stomatal immunity and jasmonate production in Arabidopsis.New Phytol.222: 335348.

  1. Zhang XZhou W, Chen Q, Fang M, Zheng S, Ben S, and Li C*.(2018). The Mediator subunit MED31 is required for radial patterning of Arabidopsis roots.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 115: E5624E5633.

  1. Deng L, Wang H, Sun C, Li Q, Jiang H, Du M, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2018). Efficient generation of pink-fruited tomatoes using CRISPR/Cas9 system. J. Genet. Genomics 45: 51–54.

  1. Lian J, Han H, Zhao J, and Li C*. (2018).In-vitroand in-planta Botrytis cinereainoculation assays for tomato. Bio-protocol8: e2810.

  1. Guo H, Sun Y, Yan H, Li C, and Ge F*.(2018). O-3-induced leaf senescence in tomato plants is ethylene signaling-dependent and enhances the population abundance of Bemisia tabaci. Front. Plant Sci. 9: 764.

  1. Zhang H, Yu P, Zhao J, Jiang H, Wang H, Zhu Y, Botella M, Samaj J, Li C, and Lin J*.(2018). Expression of tomato prosystemin gene in Arabidopsis reveals systemic translocation of its mRNA and confers necrotrophic fungal resistance. New Phytol. 217: 799–812.

  1. Zhai Q, Li L, An C, and Li C*. (2018). Conserved function of mediator in regulating nuclear hormone receptor activation between plants and animals. Plant Signal. Behav. 13: e1403709.

  1. Lv B, Tian H, Zhang F, Liu J, Lu S, Bai M, Li C, and Ding Z*. (2018). Brassinosteroids regulate root growth by controlling reactive oxygen species homeostasis and dual effect on ethylene synthesis in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 14: e1007144.

  1. An C, Li L, Zhai Q*, You Y, Deng L, Wu F, Chen R, Jiang H, Wang H, Chen Q, and Li C*. (2017). Mediator subunit MED25 links the jasmonate receptor to transcriptionally active chromatin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114: E8930E8939.

  1. Du M,Zhao J*, Tzeng D,Liu Y, Deng L, Yang T, Zhai Q, Wu F, Huang Z, Zhou M, Wang Q, Chen Q, Zhong S, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2017).MYC2 orchestrates a hierarchical transcriptional cascade that regulates jasmonate-mediated plant immunity in tomato. Plant Cell 29: 1883–1906.

  1. Li J, Li C, and Smith S.M.(Eds.). (2017). Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier. (Book)

  1. Zhai Q, Yan C, Li L, Xie D, and Li C*. (2017). Jasmonates. In Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. 1st ed. Li J, Li C and Smith M.S. ed (London, United Kingdom: ELSEVIER Academic Press), pp. 243263. (Book chapter)

  1. Smith M, Li C, and Li J. (2017). Hormone function in plants. In Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. 1st ed. Li J, Li C and Smith M.S. ed (London, United Kingdom: ELSEVIER Academic Press), pp. 1–38. (Book chapter)

  1. Qi J, Wu B, Feng S, Lu S, Guan C, Zhang X, Qiu D, Hu Y, Zhou Y, Li C, Long M, and Jiao Y*. (2017). Mechanical regulation of organ asymmetry in leaves. Nat. Plants 3: 724–733.

  1. Liu B, Preisser E, Shi X, Wu H, Li C, Xie W, Wang S, Wu Q, and Zhang Y*. (2017). Plant defence negates pathogen manipulation of vector behaviour. Funct. Ecol. 31: 1574–1581.

  1. Li C*, Li J*, Harter K, Lee Y, Leung J,Martinoia E, Matsuoka M, Offringa R, Qu L, Schroeder J, andZhao Y. (2016). Toward a molecular understanding of plant hormone actions. Mol. Plant9: 1–3.

  1. Xu Y, Jin W, Li N, Zhang W, Liu C, Li C*, and Li Y*.(2016). UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE14 interacts with ULTRAVIOLET-B INSENSITIVE4 to regulate endoreduplication and cell and organ growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 28: 1200–1214.

  1. Ito J, Fukaki H, Onoda M, Li L, Li C, Tasaka M, and Furutani M*. (2016). Auxin-dependent compositional change in Mediator in ARF7- and ARF19-mediated transcription. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113: 6562–6567. 

  1. Ou Y, Lu X, Zi Q, Xun Q, Zhang J, Wu Y, Shi H, Wei Z, Zhao B, Zhang X, He K, Gou X, Li C, and Li J*. (2016). RGF1 INSENSITIVE 1 to 5, a group of LRR receptor-like kinases, are essential for the perception of root meristem growth factor 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Res. 26: 686–698.

  1. Cui H, Wei J, Su J, Li C, and Ge F*. (2016). Elevated O-3 increases volatile organic compounds via jasmonic acid pathway that promote the preference of parasitoid Encarsia formosa for tomato plants. Plant Sci. 253: 243–250.

  1. Wang C, Hu T, Yan X, Meng T, Wang Y, Wang Q, Zhang X, Gu Y, Sanchez-Rodriguez C, Gadeyne A, Lin J, Persson S, Van Damme D, Li C, Bednarek S, and Pan J*. (2016). Differential regulation of clathrin and its adaptor proteins during membrane recruitment for endocytosis. Plant Physiol. 171: 215–229.

  1. Shi W, Chen X, Wang L, Gong Z, Li S, Li C, Xie B, Zhang W, Shi M, Li C, Zhang Y, and Song X*. (2016). Cellular and molecular insight into the inhibition of primary root growth of Arabidopsis induced by peptaibols, a class of linear peptide antibiotics mainly produced by Trichoderma spp. J. Exp. Bot. 67: 2191–2205.

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