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发布时间:2023-12-19 作者: 浏览次数:6327

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李明聪,女,硕士研究生导师,山东省创业培训讲师。20196月于山东农业大学获得生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,20199月进入山东农业大学生命科学学院微生物系工作,承担本科生《微生物学》等教学。主要从事微生物分子生态学、环境微生物组学研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、山东省自然科学基金青年项目和山东省青年创新团队等。以第一作者和通讯作者在《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》,《Estuaries and Coasts》,《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》,《Scientific Reports》,《微生物学通报》等学术刊物上发表多篇研究论文。




1. 环境微生物组学

2. 微生物生态学


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金“大气氮沉降对黄河口湿地中主导硝酸盐转化过程的影响研究”(N0. 42007208)(主持)

2. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金“微生物介导的黄河口湿地硝酸盐转化过程的时空格局及环境影响因素研究”“ZR2020QD084”(主持)

3. 山东省科技厅青年创新团队“植物微生物联合修复团队”(2022KJ333)( 主持)


1.Li MC, Wei GS, Liu JA, Wang XY, Hou LJ*, Gao Z*. Effects of Nitrate Exposure on Nitrate Reduction Processes in the Wetland Sediments from the Yellow River Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 2021: 1-16.

2. Wei GS1, Li MC1, Shi WC, Tian RM, Chang CY, Wang ZR, Wang NX, Zhao GX*, Gao Z*. Similar drivers but different effects lead to distinct ecological patterns of soil bacterial and archaeal communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2020, 144: 107759.(并列一作)

3. Sun MY1, Li MC1, Zhou YQ, Liu JA, Shi WC, Wu XL, Xie BH*, Deng Y*, Gao Z*. Nitrogen deposition enhances the deterministic process of the prokaryotic community and increases the complexity of the microbial co-network in coastal wetlands. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 856: 158939.

4. Li MC1, Wei GS1, Shi WC, Sun ZT, Li H, Wang XY*, Gao Z*. Distinct distribution patterns of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in sediment and water column of the Yellow River estuary. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8(1): 1584.

5. Gao L, Liu C, Li MC*, Lin XB*. Sediment Nitrate Dissimilatory Reduction Processes along a Salinity Gradient in an Estuarine and Coastal Wetland, China[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(6): 761. (通讯作者)

6. Shi WC, Li MC, Wei GS, Tian RM, Li CP, Wang B, Lin RS, Shi CY, Chi XL, Zhou B*, Gao Z*. The occurrence of potato common scab correlates with the community composition and function of the geocaulosphere soil microbiome. Microbiome. 2019, 7(1): 14.

7. Wei GS1, Li MC1, Li FE, Li H, Gao Z*. Distinct distribution patterns of prokaryotes between sediment and water in the Yellow River Estuary. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100(22): 9683-9697.(并列一作)

8. Chang MR1, Li MC1, Li M, Xie YH, Li Y, Yang WR, Gao Z. Changes of gut microbiota in pregnant sows induced by 5-Aminolevulinic acid. Research in Veterinary Science, 2021.(并列一作)

9. Shi T1, Li MC1, Wei GS, Liu JA, Gao Z*. Distribution patterns of microeukaryotic community between sediment and water of the Yellow River estuary. Current Microbiology. 2020, 77: 1496-1505. (并列一作)

10. Li FE1, Li MC1, Shi WC, Li H, Sun ZT*, Gao Z*. Distinct distribution patterns of proteobacterial nirK- and nirS-type denitrifiers in the Yellow River estuary, China. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2017, 63(8): 708-718.(并列一作)

11. 宋伟凤1, 李明聪1, 高峥*. 环境中微生物原位检测方法研究进展. 生物技术通报. 2017, 33(10): 26-32. (并列一作)

12. 姜怡如,高峥,李明聪*.水生生态系统中金属依赖型甲烷厌氧氧化过程的研究进展. 微生物学通报, 2020, 47(10):3318-3328.(通讯作者)
