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发布时间:2022-06-21 作者: 浏览次数:22846

学历: 博士                     所属部门: 植物生理学系

职称: 教授                     招生专业: 植物生理学(博士、硕士)

联系方式: 电话: 0538-8243663;E-mail:


卢从明,博士,教授,博士生导师1998年度中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,2007年度国家杰出青年基金”获得者1986年1989年获江苏农学院学士学位硕士学位,1993年获中国科学院植物研究所博士学位。1994至1999年,先后在以色列本古里安大学、香港浸会大学以及英国伦敦大学国王学院从事博士后研究。2000年至2018年中国科学院植物研究所研究员2018年起任山东农业大学教授曾任中国科学院植物研究所光合作用研究中心主任(2002-2011),中国科学院光生物学重点实验室主任(2011-2018),中国科学院大学岗位教授,中国植物学会秘书、常务理事,中国植物生理学会理事等职务兼任《植物学报》、《作物学报》、《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》等刊物编委。主要从事光合作用功能调控分子机理作物分子设计育种研究。在Cell, Nature Plants, Advanced Science, PNAS, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell等学术期刊发表论文100余篇。












2. 绿体基因组及其功能


3. 光合作用环境适应机理


4. 作物光合作用分子设计育种






4.国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金,光合作用光保护的调控机理(30725024), 2008-2011年,项目负责人。



1.Xuemei Wang, Zhipan Yang, Yi Zhang, Wen Zhou, Aihong Zhang, Congming Lu. (2020) Pentatricopeptide repeat protein PHOTOSYSTEM I BIOGENESIS FACTOR2 is required for splicing of ycf3. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. (doi: 10.1111/jipb.12936)

2.Min Ouyang, Xiaoyi Li, Jing Zhang, Peiqiang Feng, Hua Pu, Lingxi Kong, Zechen Bai, Liwei Rong, Xiumei Xu, Wei Chi, Qiang Wang, Fan Chen, Congming Lu, Jianren Shen, Lixin Zhang. (2020) Liquid-liquid phase transition drives intra-chloroplast cargo sorting. Cell 180: 1144-1159.

3.Zechen Bai, Jing Zhang, Xin Ning, Hailong Guo, Xiumei Xu, Xiahe Huang, Yingchun Wang, Zhubing Hu, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang, Wei Chi. (2020) A kinase–phosphatase–transcription factor module regulates adventitious root emergence in Arabidopsis root–hypocotyl junctions. Molecular Plant. (

4.Ling Li, Fei Li, Yue Wang, Chunhong Yang, Congming Lu, Cheng Liu, Ruixue Sun. (2020) An innovative artificial photosystem II constructed from PSII core of Thermosynechococcus vulcanus and LHCII of Pisum sativum - A new approach for studying the function of photosynthetic antenna. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry154:160-170.

5.Shunhua Ding, Yi Zhang, Zi Hu, Xiahe Huang, Bohan Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Yingchun Wang, Congming Lu. (2019) mTERF5 acts as a transcriptional pausing factor to positively regulate transcription of chloroplast psbEFLJ. Molecular Plant 12 (9): 1259-1277.

6.Yi Zhang, Congming Lu. (2019) The enigmatic roles of PPR-SMR proteins in plants. Advanced Science 6: 1900361.

7.Lei Wang, Qingwei Li, Aihong Zhang, Wen Zhou, Rui Jiang, Zhipan Yang, Huixia Yang, Xiaochun Qin, Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2017) The phytol phosphorylation pathway is essential for the biosynthesis of phylloquinone, which is required for photosystem I stability in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 10 (1): 183-196.

8.Huixia Yang, Pin Li, Aihong Zhang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2017) Tetratricopeptide repeat protein Pyg7 is essential for photosystem I assembly by interacting with PsaC in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 91 (6): 950-961.

9.Wen Zhou, Qingtao Lu, Qingwei Li, Lei Wang, Shunhua Ding, Aihong Zhang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2017) PPR-SMR protein SOT1 has RNA endonuclease activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114 (8): E1554-E1563.

10.Guochao Xuanyuan, Congming Lu, Ruofang Zhang, Jiming Jiang. (2017) Overexpression of StNF-YB3.1 reduces photosynthetic capacity and tuber production, and promotes ABA-mediated stomatal closure in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Science 261: 50-59.

11.Peiqiang Feng, Hailong Guo, Wei Chi, Xin Chai, Xuwu Sun, Xiumei Xu, Jinfang Ma, Jean-David Rochaix, Dario Leister, Haiyang Wang, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2016) Chloroplast retrograde signal regulates flowering. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113 (38): 10708-10713.

12.Hailong Guo, Peiqiang Feng, Wei Chi, Xuwu Sun, Xiumei Xu, Yuan Li, Dongtao Ren, Congming Lu, Jean David Rochaix, Dario Leister, Lixin Zhang. (2016) Plastid-nucleus communication involves calcium-modulated MAPK signaling. Nature Communications 7: 12173.

13.Xiumei Xu, Wei Chi, Xuwu Sun, Peiqiang Feng, Hailong Guo, Jing Li, Rongcheng Lin, Congming Lu, Haiyang Wang, Dario Leister, Lixin Zhang. (2016) Convergence of light and chloroplast signals for de-etiolation through ABI4-HY5 and COP1. Nature Plants 2 (6): 16066.

14.Shunhua Ding, Liang Wang, Zhipan Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2016) Decreased glutathione reductase2 leads to early leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58 (1): 29-47.

15.Shunhua Ding, Rui Jiang, Qingtao Lu, XiaogangWen, Congming Lu. (2016) Glutathione reductase 2 maintains the function of photosystem II in Arabidopsis under excess light. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1857 (6): 665-677.

16.Huixia Yang, Jun Liu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2015) Molecular mechanism of photosystem I assembly in oxygenic organisms. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1847 (9): 838-848.

17.Zhipan Yang, Zengzhen Shang, Lei Wang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Wei Chi, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2015) Biosynthetic enzyme ATase2 is involved in the regulation of early chloroplast development and chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis. Photosynthesis Research 126 (2-3): 285-300.

18.Congming Lu, Jian-Ren Shen, Lixin Zhang. (2015) Special issue on regulation of the photosynthetic systems in honor of Tingyun Kuang. Photosynthesis Research 126 (2-3):185-188.

19.Liang Wang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2015) Enhanced sucrose loading improves rice yield by increasing grain size. Plant Physiology 169 (12): 2848-2862.

20.Qingtao Lu, Shunhua Ding, Sonja Reiland, Anja Rödiger, Bernd Roschitzki, Peng Xue, Wilhelm Gruissem, Congming Lu, Sacha Baginsky. (2015) Identification and characterization of chloroplast casein kinase II from Oryza sativa (rice). Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (1): 175-187.

21.Jiliang Hu, Xiahe Huang, Lichao Chen, Xuwu Sun, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang, Yingchun Wang, Jianru Zuo. (2015) Site-specific nitrosoproteomic identification of endogenously S-nitrosylated proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 167 (4): 1731-1746.

22.Wei Chi, Baoye He, Nikolay Manavski, Juan Mao, Daili Ji, Congming Lu, Jean David Rochaix, Jörg Meurer, Lixin Zhang. (2014) RHON1 mediates a Rho-like activity for transcription termination in plastids of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 26 (12): 4918-4932.

23.Fan Zhang, Weijiang Tang, Boris Hedtke, Linlin Zhong, Lin Liu, Lianwei Peng, Congming Lu, Bernhard Grimm, Rongcheng Lin. (2014) Tetrapyrrole biosynthetic enzyme protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase 1 is required for plastid RNA editing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111 (5): 2023-2028.

24.Linlin Zhong, Wen Zhou, Haijun Wang, Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Lianwei Peng, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2013) Chloroplast small heat shock protein HSP21 interacts with plastid nucleoid protein pTAC5 and is essential for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis under heat stress. Plant Cell 25 (8): 2925-2943.

25.Boya Chen, Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu, Xiaogang Wen. (2013) Characterization of photosystem I in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings upon exposure to random positioning machine. Photosynthesis Research 116 (1): 93-105.

26.Junfeng Wang, Danxiang Han, Milton R. Sommerfeld, Congming Lu, Qiang Hu. (2013) Effect of initial biomass density on growth and astaxanthin production of Haematococcus pluvialis in an outdoor photobioreactor. Journal of Applied Phycology 25 (1): 253-260.

27.Junfeng Wang, Milton R. Sommerfeld, Congming Lu, Qiang Hu. (2013) Combined effect of initial biomass density and nitrogen concentration on growth and astaxanthin production of Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyta) in outdoor cultivation. Alage 28 (2): 193-202.

28.Wenda Wang, Xiaochun Qin, Min Sang, Dongqin Chen, Kebin Wang, Rongchen Lin, Congming Lu, Jian-Ren Shen, Tingyun Kuang. (2013) Spectral and functional studies on siphonaxanthin-type light-harvesting complex of photosystem II from Bryopsis corticulans. Photosynthesis Research 117 (1): 267-279.

29.Jun Liu, Huixia Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Fan Chen, Lianwei Peng, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2012) PSBP-DOMAIN PROTEIN1, a nuclear-encoded thylakoid lumenal protein, is essential for photosystem I assembly in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24 (12): 4992-5006.

30.Jianwei Xiao, Jing Li, Min Ouyang, Tao Yun, Baoye He, Daili Ji, Jinfang Ma, Wei Chi, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2012) DAC is involved in the accumulation of the cytochrome b6/f complex in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 160 (12): 1911-1922.

31.Chunyan Zhang, Yan Yin, Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Zhen Zhu, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2012) Comparative proteomic study reveals dynamic proteome changes between superhybrid rice LYP9 and its parents at different developmental stages. Journal of Plant Physiology 169 (4): 387-398.

32.Shunhua Ding, Ming Lei, Qingtao Lu, Aihong Zhang, Yan Yin, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2012) Enhanced sensitivity and characterization of photosystem II in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased chloroplast glutathione reductase under chilling stress. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) 1817 (11): 1979-1991.

33.Zhipan Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Fan Chen, Congming Lu. (2012) Functional analysis of the rice rubisco activase promoter in transgenic Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 418 (3): 565-570.

34.Meiqin Chen, Aihongong Zhang, Quan Zhang, Baocai Zhang, Jie Nan, Xia Li, Na Liu, Hong Qu, Congming Lu, Sudmorgen, Yihua Zhou, Zhihong Xu, Shunong Bai. (2012) Arabidopsis NMD3 is required for nuclear export of 60S ribosomal subunits and affects secondary cell wall thickening. PLoS One 7: e35904.

35.Xuwu Sun, Peiqiang Feng, Xiumei Xu, Hailong Guo, Jinfang Ma, Wei Chi, Rongchen Lin, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2011) A chloroplast envelope-bound PHD transcription factor mediates chloroplast signals to the nucleus. Nature Communications 2: 477.

36.Min Ouyang, Xiaoyi Li, Jinfang Ma, Wei Chi, Jianwei Xiao, Meijuan Zou, Fan Chen, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2011) LTD is a protein required for sorting light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding proteins to the chloroplast SRP pathway Nature Communications 2:227.

37.Yan Zhang, Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2011) Characterization of photosystem II in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased iron superoxide dismutase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) 1807 (4): 391-403.

38.Xiaoying Chen, Wei Li, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Hongwei Li, Tingyun Kuang, Zhensheng Li, Congming Lu. (2011) The xanthophyll cycle and antioxidative defense system are enhanced in the wheat hybrid subjected to high light stress. Journal of Plant Physiology. 168 (15): 1828-1836.

39.Wei Li, Chunyan Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2011) The combined effect of salt stress and heat shock on proteome profiling in Suaeda salsa. Journal of Plant Physiology. 168 (15): 1743-1752.

40.Yan Yin, Shumei Li, Weiqin Liao, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2010) Photosystem II photochemistry, photoinhibition, and the xanthophyll cycle in heat-stressed rice leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology 167 (12): 959-966.

41.Bin Cai, Aihong Zhang, Zhipan Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2010) Characterization of photosystem II photochemistry in transgenic tobacco plants with lowered Rubisco activase content. Journal of Plant Physiology 167 (17)1457-1465.

42.Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Yan Yin, Shunhua Ding, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2010) Comparative proteomic analysis provides new insights into the regulation of carbon metabolism during leaf senescence of rice grown under field conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology 167 (16): 1380-1389.

43.Tao Zhang, Hongmei Gong, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2010) Salt stress induces a decrease in excitation energy transfer from phycobilisomes to photosystem II but an increase to photosystem I in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Journal of Plant Physiology 167 (12): 951-958.

44.Gui-Sheng Song, Hong-Li Zhai, Yong-Gang Peng, Lei Zhang, Gang Wei, Xiao-Ying Chen, Yu-Guo Xiao, Li-Li Wang, Yue-Jun Chen, Bin Wu, Bin Chen, Yu Zhang, Hua Chen, Xiu-Jing Feng, Wan-Kui Gong, Yao Liu, Zhi-Jie Yin, Feng Wang, Guo-Zhen Liu, Hong-Lin Xu, Xiao-Li Wei, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Pieter B.F. Ouwerkerk, Thomas Hankemeier, Theo Reijmers, Rob van der Heijden, Congming Lu, Mei Wang, Jan van der Greef, Zhen Zhu. (2010) Comparative transcriptional profiling and preliminary study on heterosis mechanism of super-hybrid rice. Molecular Plant 3: 1012-1025.

45.Min Ouyang, Jinfang Ma, Meijuan Zou, Jinkui Guo, Liyuan Wang, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2010) The photosensitive phs1 mutant is impaired in the riboflavin biogenesis pathway. Journal of Plant Physiology 167: 1466-1476.

46.Hongwei Li, Yiping Tong, Bin Li, Ruilian Jing, Congming Lu, Zhensheng Li. (2010) Genetic analysis of tolerance to photo-oxidative stress induced by high light in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Genetics and Genomics 37 (6): 399-412.

47.Lili Wei, Jinkui Guo, Min Ouyang, Xuwu Sun, Jinfang Ma, Wei Chi, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2010) LPA19, a Psb27 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana, facilitates D1 protein precursor processing during PSII biogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (28): 21391-8.

48.Wei Chi, Juan Mao, Qiannan Li, Daili Ji, Meijuan Zou, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2010) Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons. The Plant Journal 64: 14-25.

49.Liyuan Wang, Min Ouyan, Qiannan Li, Meijuan Zou, Jinkui Guo, Jinfang Ma, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2010) The Arabidopsis chloroplast ribosome recycling factor is essential for embryogenesis and chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Molecular Biology 74:47-59.

50.Xuwu Sun, Min Ouyang, Jinkui Guo, Jinfang Ma, Congming Lu, Zach Adam, Lixin Zhang. (2010) The thylakoid protease Deg1 is involved in photosystem-II assembly in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 62: 240-249.

51.Xuwu Sun, Tingjiao Fu, Ning Chen, Jinkui Guo, Jinfang Ma, Meijuan Zou, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2010) The stromal chloroplast Deg7 protease participates in the repair of photosystem II after photoinhibition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 152: 1263-1273.

52.Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Yan Zhang, Zhipan Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2009) Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased glutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state. Plant Molecular Biology 69: 577-592.

53.Wenhe Cai, Daili Ji, Lianwei Peng, Jinkui Guo, Jinfang Ma, Meijuan Zou, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2009) LPA66 is required for editing psbF chloroplast transcripts in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 150: 1260-1271.

54.Xinghong Yang, Zheng Liang, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2008) Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine leads to increased tolerance of photosynthesis to salt stress in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Molecular Biology 66: 73-86.

55.Jun Fang, Chenglin Chai, Qian Qian, Chunlai Li, Jiuyou Tang, Lei Sun, Zejun Huang, Xiaoli Guo, Changhui Sun, Min Liu, Yan Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Yiqin Wang, Congming Lu, Bin Han, Fan Chen, Zhukuan Cheng, Chengcai Chu. (2008) Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. The Plant Journal 54: 177-189.

56.Binbin Zhao, Jia Wang, Hongmei Gong, Xiaogang Wen, Haiyun Ren, Congming Lu. (2008). Effects of heat stress on PSII photochemistry in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Plant Science 175: 556-564.

57.Hongmei Gong, Yunlai Tang, Jia Wang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu. (2008) Characterization of photosystem II in salt-stressed cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) 1777: 488-495.

58.Wei Chi, Jinfang Ma, Dongyuan Zhang, Jinkui Guo, Fan Chen, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2008) The pentratricopeptide repeat protein DELAYED GREENING1 is involved in the regulation of early chloroplast development and chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 147: 573-584.

59.Yunlai Tang, Xiaogang Wen, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Zhukuan Cheng, Congming Lu. (2007) Heat stress induces an aggregation of the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II in spinach plants. Plant Physiology 143: 629-638.

60.Xinghong Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Hongmei Gong, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Yunlai Tang, Zheng Liang, Congming Lu. (2007) Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine enhances thermotolerance of photosystem II in tobacco plants. Planta 225: 719-733.

61.Xinghong Yang, Xiaoying Chen, Qiaoying Ge, Bin Li, Yiping Tong, Zhensheng Li, Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu. (2007) Characterization of photosynthesis of flag leaves in a wheat hybrid and its parents grown under field conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology 164: 318-326.

62.Xuwu Sun, Lianwei Peng, Jinkui Guo, Wei Chi, Jinfang Ma, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2007) Formation of DEG5 and DEG8 complexes and their involvement in the degradation of photodamaged photosystem II reaction center D1 protein in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19: 1347-1361.

63.Haili Dong, Yan Deng, Jinye Mu, Qingtao Lu, Yiqin Wang, Yunyuan Xu, Chengcai Chu, Kang Chong, Congming Lu, Jianru Zuo. (2007) The Arabidopsis Spontaneous Cell Death1 gene, encoding a z-carotene desaturase essential for carotenoid biosynthesis, is involved in chloroplast development, photoprotection and retrograde signaling. Cell Research 17: 458-470.

64.Xinghong Yang, Congming Lu. (2006) Effects of exogenous glycinebetaine on growth, CO2 assimilation and photosystem II photochemistry of maize plants. Physiologia Plantarum 127: 593-602.

65.Xinghong Yang, Xiaoying Chen, Qiaoying Ge, Bin Li, Yiping Tong, Aimin Zhang, Zhensheng Li, Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu. (2006) Tolerance of photosynthesis to photoinhibition, high temperature and drought stress in flag leaves of wheat: a comparison between a hybridization line and its parents grown under field conditions. Plant Science 171: 389-397.

66.Qiang Wang, Qide Zhang, Dayong Fan, Congming Lu. (2006) Photosynthetic light and CO2 utilization and C4 traits of two novel super-rice hybrids. Journal of Plant Physiology 163: 529-537.

67.Lianwei Peng, Jinfang Ma, Wei Chi, Jinkui Guo, Shuyong Zhu, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2006) LOW PSII ACCUMULATION1 is involved in efficient assembly of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 18: 955-969.

68.Hua Chen, Dongyuan Zhang, Jinkui Guo, Hao Wu, Meifang Jin, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang. (2006) A Psb27 homologue in Arabidopsis thaliana is required for efficient repair of photodamaged photosystem II. Plant Molecular Biology 61: 567-575.

69.Xinghong Yang, Zheng Liang, Congming Lu. (2005) Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine enhances photosynthesis against high temperature stress in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Physiology 138: 2299-2309.

70.Xinghong Yang, Congming Lu. (2005) Photosynthesis is improved by exogenous glycinebetaine in salt-stressed maize plants. Physiologia Plantarum 124: 343-352.

71.Xiaogang Wen, Hongmei Gong, Congming Lu. (2005) Heat stress induces a reversible inhibition of electron transport at the acceptor side of photosystem II in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Plant Science 168: 1471-1476.

72.Xiaogang Wen, Hongmei Gong, Congming Lu. (2005) Heat stress induces an inhibition of excitation energy transfer from phycobilisomes to photosystem II but not to photosystem I in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43: 389-395.

73.Yunlai Tang, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu. (2005) Differential changes in degradation of chlorophyll-protein complexes of photosystem I and photosystem II during flag leaf senescence of rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43: 193-201.

74.Xiaogang Wen, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu. (2005) Enhanced thermotolerance of photosystem II in salt-adapted halophyte Artemisia anethifolia plants. Planta 220: 486-497.

75.Qiufang Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Caihong Pang, Congming Lu, Baoshan Wang. (2005) NaCl enhances thylakoid-bound SOD activity in the leaves of C3 halophyte Suaeda salsa L. Plant Science 168: 423-430.

76.Ning Han, Qun Shao, Congming Lu, Baoshan Wang. (2005) The leaf tonoplast V-H+-ATPase activity of a C3 halophyte Suaeda salsa is enhanced by salt stress in a Ca-dependent mode. Journal of Plant Physiology 162: 267-274.

77.Qiang Wang, Congming Lu, Qide Zhang. (2005) Middy photoinhibition of two newly developed super-rice hybrids. Photosynthetica 43: 277-281.

78.Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu. (2004) Photosynthetic pigment composition and photosystem II photochemistry of wheat ears. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42: 395-402.

79.Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu. (2003) Photosynthesis, photosystem II efficiency and the xanthophyll cycle in the salt-adapted halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica plants. The New Phytologist 159: 479-486.

80.Congming Lu, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu. (2003) Photoinhibition and the xanthophyll cycle are not enhanced in the salt-adapted halophyte Artimisia anethifolia plants. Physiologia Plantarum 118: 532-537.

81.Nianwei Qiu, Congming Lu. (2003) Enhanced tolerance of photosynthesis against high temperature damage in salt-adapted halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 26: 1137-1145.

82.Congming Lu, Nianwei Qiu, Baoshan Wang, Jianhua Zhang. (2003) Salinity treatment shows no effects on photosystem II photochemistry but increases the resistance of photosystem II to heat stress in halophyte Suaeda salsa. Journal of Experimental Botany 54: 851-860.

83.Congming Lu, Gaoming Jiang, Baoshan Wang, Tingyun Kuang. (2003) Photosystem II photochemistry and photosynthetic pigment composition in salt-adapted halophyte Artimisia anethifolia grown under outdoor conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology 160: 403-408.

84.Congming Lu, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Baoshan Wang, Tingyun Kuang. (2003) PSII photochemistry, thermal energy dissipation, and the xanthophyll cycle in Kalanchoë daigremontiana exposed to a combination of water stress and high light. Physiologia Plantarum 118: 173-182.

85.Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu, Qide Zhang, Tingyun Kuang. (2003) Photosynthesis, photoinhibition and the xanthophyll cycle in senescent leaves of field-grown wheat plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 41: 749-754.

86.Husen Jia, Congming Lu. (2003) Effect of abscisic acid on photoinhibition in maize (Zea mays L.) under high irradiation. Plant science 165: 1403-1410.

87.Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Tingyun Kuang. (2002) Photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence during flag leaf senescence of wheat plants grown in the field. Journal of Plant Physiology159: 1173-1178.

88.Congming Lu, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Baoshan Wang, Tingyun Kuang. (2002) Does salt stress lead to increased susceptibility of photosystem II to photoinhibition and changes in photosynthetic pigment composition in halophyte Suaeda salsa grown outdoors? Plant Science 163: 1063-1068.

89.Congming Lu, F.G. Acien Fernandez, E. Cañizares Guerrero, D.O. Hall, E. Molina Grima. (2002) Overall assessment of Monodus subterraneous production in outdoor helical and bubble column reactors. Journal of Applied Phycology 14: 331-342.

90.Congming Lu, Avigad Vonshak. (2002) Effects of salinity stress on photosystem II function in cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis cells. Physiologia Plantarum 114: 405-413.

91.Congming Lu, Qingtao Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Tingyun Kuang. (2001) Characterization of photosynthetic pigment composition, photosystem II photochemistry and thermal energy dissipation during leaf senescence of wheat plants grown in the field. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 1805-1810.

92.Congming Lu, Qingtao Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Tingyun Kuang. (2001) Xanthophyll cycle, light energy dissipation and photosystem II down-regulation in senescent leaves of wheat plants grown in the field. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 28: 1023-1030.

93.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Qide Zhang, Liangbi Li, Tingyun Kuang. (2001) Modification of photoystem II photochemistry in nitrogen deficient maize and wheat plants. Journal of Plant Physiology 158: 1423-1430.

94.Congming Lu, Krishna Rao, David Hall, Avigad Vonshak. (2001) Production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in Monodus subterraneus grown in a helical tubular photobioreactor as affected by cell density and light intensity. Journal of Applied Phycology 13: 517-522.

95.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (2000) Heat-induced multiple effects on PSII in wheat plants. Journal of Plant Physiology 156: 259-265.

96.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (2000) Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence and photoinhibition as affected by nitrogen deficiency in maize plants. Plant Science 151 (2): 135-143.

97.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (2000) Acute toxicity of excess mercury on the photosynthetic performance of cyanobacterium, Spirulina platensis-Assessment by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. Chemosphere 41 (1-2): 191-196.

98.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (2000) Role of light in the response of PSII photochemistry in the cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis to salt stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 911-917.

99.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (2000) Photosystem II photochemistry and its sensitivity to heat stress in maize plants as affected by nitrogen deficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology 157: 124-130.

100.Congming Lu, Avigad Vonshak. (1999) Characterization of PSII photochemistry in salt-adapted cells of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. The New Phytologist 141: 231-239.

101.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1999) Copper-induced inhibition of PSII photochemistry in cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis is stimulated by light. Journal of Plant Physiology 154: 173-178.

102.Congming Lu, Torzillo Giuseppe, Avigad Vonshak. (1999) Kinetic response of photosystem II photochemistry in cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis to high salinity is characterized by two distinct phases. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 26: 283-292.

103.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1999) Effects of water stress on photosystem II photochemistry and its thermostability in wheat plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 50: 1199-1206.

104.Congming Lu, Avigad Vonshak. (1999) Photoinhibition in outdoor Spirulina platensis cultures assessed by polyphasic chlorophyll fluorescence transients. Journal of Applied Phycology 11: 355-359.

105.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1999) Effects of salt stress on PSII function and photoinhibition in cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Journal of Plant Physiology 155: 740-745.

106.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1998) Thermostability of photosystem II is increased in salt-stressed sorghum. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 25: 317-324.

107.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Avigad Vonshak. (1998) Inhibition of quantum yield of PSII electron transport in Spirulina platensis by osmotic stress may be explained mainly by an increase in the proportion of the QB-non-reducing PSII reaction centers. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 25: 689-694.

108.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1998) Effects of water stress on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and photoinhibition in wheat plants. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 25: 883-892.

109.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1998) Modifications in photosystem II photochemistry in senescent leaves of maize plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 49: 1671-1679.

110.Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang. (1998) Changes in Photosystem II function during senescence of wheat leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 104: 239-247.
