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发布时间:2014-04-08 作者: 浏览次数:7791




科研简介:先后主持国家重点基础研究(973)计划课题1项,国家自然科学基金5项,国家科技攻关和科技成果转化项目3项,国家发改委优质小麦重大基地项目2项,农业部跨跃计划和科技成果转化等项目5项,山东省科技厅超级小麦育种等重大科研课题10项,参加国家高新技术发展计划(863)项目2项;国家转基因重大专项子课题2项。主持选育国家审定新品种3个(山农202010年;山农192010年;山农优麦2号,2009年);省审定新品种4个(山农12号,山11,山农优麦2号、山农优麦3号)。获国家发明二等奖(高蛋白优质小麦新品种——PH82-2-2)和国家教育科技进步一等奖各1项,农业部和山东省科技厅、教育厅科技进步或发明奖6项。主编或副主编包括国家华夏英才出版基金资助的《谷物品质测试理论与方法》《超级小麦遗传育种研究》、《优质小麦》、《冬小麦亩产1200斤关键技术》和《北方旱田禾本科主要作物节水种植》等科技专著8部。发表学术论文260多篇,其中30篇发表在《Plant Breeding》、《Genetica》、《Cereal Chemistry,》、《Australian Journal of Agricultural Research》等SCI刊物上,100多篇发表在《中国农业科学》、《遗传学报》、《分子植物育种》等国内核心刊物上。指导博士生10多名、硕士生40多名。

主要论文著作:Publications (Part of Main Papers)

Zheng Feifei, Deng Zhiying, Shi Cuilan, Zhang Xinye, Tian Jichun*. QTL mapping for dough mixing characteristics in a recombinant inbred population derived from a waxy×strong gluten wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(5): 101-108. SCI

Xiaoling Jiang, Zhiying Deng, Zhengang Ru, Peng Wu, Jichun Tian*.  Quantitative trait loci controlling amino acid contents in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) . Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2013, 7(6):820-829. SCI

Xinye Zhang , Jiansheng Chen ,Cuilan Shi ,Junnan Chen ,Feifei Zheng , Jichun Tian* , Function of TaGW2-6A and its effect on grain weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Euphytica ,2013,DOI 10.1007/s10681-012-0858SCI

Zhiying Deng, Shuna Hu, Feifei Zheng, Junnan Chen, Xinye Zhang, Jiansheng Chen, Cailing Sun, Yongxiang Zhang, Shouyi Wang, Jichun Tian*. Genetic dissenction reveals effects of interaction between high molecular weight glutenin subunits and waxy alleles on dough-mixing properties in common wheat. Journal of Genetics, 2013, 92: 69-79. SCI

DENG Zhi-ying, ZHAO Liang, LIU Bin, ZHANG Kun-pu, CHEN Jian-sheng, QU Hou-lan, SUN Cai-ling, ZHANG Yong-xiang and TIAN Ji-chun*. Conditional QTL Mapping of Sedimentation Volume on Seven Quality Traits in Common Wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(12): 2125-2133. SCI

Z.Y. DENG, S.N. HU, F. CHEN, J.N. CHEN, X.Y. ZHANG, J.S. CHEN, C.L. SUN, Y.X. ZHANG and J.C. TIAN*. Effects of Allelic Variations in Glutenin and Waxy Proteins on Dough Alveogram Properties and Chinese White Salt Noodle Qualities. Cereal Research Communications, 2013, 41(4): 550-561. SCI

Zhiying Deng, Fang Chen, Shuna Hu, Qingdian Han, Fangyu Xing, Nana Feng, Cailing Sun, Jiansheng Chen, Yongxiang Zhang, Jichun Tian*. Contributions of allelic variations in HMW-GS and waxy proteins to dough alveogram properties of wheat. Res. on Crops, 2013, 14 (2) : 416-421. SCI

Haixia Yu, Zhiying Deng, Changfen Xiang, Jichun Tian* Analysis of Diversity and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping of Agronomic Traits on B-Genome of Wheat [J]. Journal of Genomics, 1:78-88, 2012 SCI

Yuan Q Q, Deng ZY, Peng T, Tian J C*. QTL-based analysis of heterosis for number of grains per spike in wheat using DH and immortalized F2 populations[J]. Euphytica, 188: 387-395, 2012SCI

J.S. Chen, J.C Tian, S.Y.Wang, Z.Y. Deng, X.Y. Zhang, S.L.Feng, H.Q. Yuan. Effects of protein hydrolysis on pasting properties of wheat flour. Starch/Stärke, 64, 524-530 ,2012. SCI

J.S. Chen, J.C Tian, S.Y.Wang, Z.Y. Deng, X.Y. Zhang, S.L.Feng, H.Q. Yuan. Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis of protein on the pasting properties of different types of wheat flour. Food science77(5), 546-5502012 . SCI

CHEN Jian-sheng, TIAN Ji-chunDENG Zhi-ying, ZHANG Ying-xiang, FENG Shou-li, YAN Zuo-chen, ZHANG Xin-ye, YUAN Hui-qing, Effect of Papain Hydrolysis of Protein on the Pasting Properties of Wheat Flour, Journal of integrative Agriculture, 11(12): 101-1082012. SCI

J.S. Chen, M.J. Fei, C.L Shi, J.C Tian, C.L. Sun, H. Zhang, Z. Ma, H.X. Dong. Effect of particle size and addition level of wheat bran on quality of dry white Chinese noodlesJournal of Cereal Science, 53,217-2242011. SCI

Q.Li,J.C.Tian,Differences in Protein Expression and  ltrastructure between Two Wheat Near_Isogenic Lines Affected by Powdery Mildew  Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2011, 58(4): 686695.SCI

Peng Wu, Bin Liu, Jiansheng Chen , Cailing Sun, and Jichun TianQuantitative Trait Loci Analysis for Textural Property Traits of Chinese Northern-Style Steamed Bread. Euphytica. 2011, 179:265–276SCI.

Influence of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Subsitution on Rheological Behaviour and Bread Baking Quality of Near-Isogenic Lines Developed from Chinese Wheats. Z.Y.DengJ.C.Tian. Plant Breeding2005124428-431

◆ The accumulation of high molecular weight gluteinin subunits (HMW-GS) and their relation to dough rheological quality in Chinese winter wheat.Zhiying Deng, J.C.Tian.,Ruibo Hu. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 200657:41-46

◆ A Genetic Map Constructed using a Doubled Haploid Population Derived from Two Elite Chinese Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Varieties. Kunpu Zhang J.C.Tian.Joumal of Integrative plant Biology 2008,50(8);1-10

◆ Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL×environment interactions for plant height using a doubled haploid population in cultivated wheat   .Kunpu ZhangJ.C.Tian.J.Genet.Genomics    2008,(35)2:119-127      

 Detection of quantitative trait loci for heading data based on the doubled haploid progeny of two elite Chinese Wheat Cultivars .Kunpu Zhang J.C.Tian. Genetica DOI 10.1007/S10709-008-9274-6

◆ Variation in Amino Acid and Protein Contents of Wheat during Milling and Northern Steamed Bread Making .Xiaoling Jiang, J.C.Tian. . Cereal Chemistry, 2008,85:502-506 .

 High Temperature Induced Changes in High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits of Chinese Winter Wheat and Its Influences on the Texture of Chinese Noodles.

   Z. DengJ. Tian. J.Agronomy&Crop Science 2008,194:262-269

◆ Molecular genetic analysis of flour color using a doubled haploid population in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Kun-Pu Zhang , Ji-Chun Tian. Euphytica. DOI 10.1007/s10681-008-9756-8

Effects of Genotype and Environment on HMW-GS Expression and its Relationship with Steamed Bun and Bread-Baking Quality. Z. DengJ. Tian.Agricultural Journal 6):702-7082007

◆ The Variation and Stability Analysis of Wheat Dough Stability Time.   TIAN Ji-chun HU Rui-boDENG Zhi-yingWANG Yan-xun. Agricultural Sciences in China2007,(62143149

◆ Yield Components of Super Wheat Cultivars with Different Types and the Path Coefficient Analysis on Grain Yield.TIAN Ji-Chun; DENG Zhi-Ying; Acta Agronomica Sinica,2006(11)1699-1705

 Influence of Wheat Protein Contents and Fractions on Rough Rheological Properties as Determined by Uaing a Reconstitution Method .LI Yong-qiang ,TIAN Ji-chun .  Agricultural Sciences in China   2008,(7)4:395-404     

◆ RVA and Farinograph Properties Study on Blends of Starch and Wheat Flour .FU lei TIAN Ji-chunAgricultural Sciences in China      2008,7(7):812-822

◆ Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Grains of Wheat-Related Species . 

JIANG Xiao-ling TIAN Ji-chun .Agricultural Sciences in China   2008,(7)3:272-279

 The Color Advantage of Chinese Wheat with High Whiteness and Analysis of Affecting Factors for Color Formation .ZHANG Xiao, TIAN Ji-chun .Agricultural Sciences in China 2008412):347-353

◆ Genetic Diversity and SSR Fingerprints of ‘Ai meng niu’ and Its Pedigrees .Wang Shan-Shan ,Tian Ji-Chun .Molecular Plant Breeding      200704485490

◆ Development of Wheat Mutants Carrying Different Null Wx Alleles and Their Starch Properties. Hongmei Zhai, Jichun Tian. Acta Agronomica Sinica20077:10591066

 A Study of Effects of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits (HMW-GS) on Quality Traits ,Using a Recombinant Inbred Lines-5 (RIL-6) Population. ZHANG Hua-wen1,2, TIAN Ji-chun. Agricultural Sciences in China 2007,(40)3:464471      

Effect of Protein and Starch Contents on Wheat Dough Rheological Properties. LI Yong-Qiang; TIAN Ji-Chun. Acta Agronomica Sinica941 2007(6):937

 Analyses of Fe,Zn,Cu,and Mn Contents in Grains and Grouping Based on the Contents for Main Kindred Germplasm of Common Wheat(Triticum aestivum) . HAO Zhi; TIAN Ji-Chun.Acta Agronomica Sinica200711:1834-1839

QTL Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew, Lodging Resistance and Internode Length below Spike in Wheat. ZHANG Kun-Pu, TIAN Ji-Chun.

Acta agronomica Sinica .2008, 34(8): 13501357      

◆ Review of Genome B in T. aestivum L. Yu Haixia ,Tian Jichun. Molecular Plant Breeding 2008(7)4:724-732



Quality Wheat Jichun Tian, Shandong Science and Technology Publishing House;1995

Testing Theory and Methods of Cereal QualityJichun Tian, J.S Chen , et al. Science Publishing House, 2005

