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发布时间:2023-11-08 作者: 浏览次数:12406


刘风珍,二级教授博士研究生导师。山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家山东省花生产业技术体系岗位专家,中国农技推广协会经济作物技术分会常务理事,《中国油料作物学报》常务编委。获得的主要荣誉有:庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念章,泰安市优秀科技工作者,山东农业大学“最美教师”,山东农业大学巾帼建功先进个人等。获得的主要奖项有:国家科技进步二等奖1,山东省科技进步一等奖2项,山东省科技进步二等奖1项,全国农牧渔业丰收奖三等奖1项,齐鲁农业科技奖(巾帼科技奖)1项。代表性科研成果有:作为主要完成人培育花生新品种34个。丰花1-丰花6号、山花7-山花19号等19个花生新品种通过农业部登记和山东省审定,山花20号、21号、22号等15个新品种通过农业部登记,获植物新品种权8项。成功克隆了花生品质、产量、抗性相关的功能基因25个,并系统研究了栽培种花生NAC4DREBVTE3SAD、γ-TMTGPAT9基因的野生种来源和栽培种间基因序列的多态性。构建遗传作图群体23个,开发重要性状分子标记79个,注册基因33个。第一作者或通讯作者在Plant Biotechnology JournalJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyFrontiers in Plant Science中国农业科学作物学报等重要学术刊物上发表论文60多篇。培养研究生50多人。




1. 高油高产突破性花生新品种2022-2026,山东省农业良种工程项目,470万元;

2. 高产抗逆适宜机械化花生品种选育与配套技术研究(2020-2023),山东省农业良种工程项目,240万元;

3. 山东省现代农业产业技术体系花生遗传育种岗位专家2016-2024),170万元;

4. 花生大果种质D893产量相关荚果性状QTLqPwwt-A08-1定位与候选基因分析(2015-2019),国家自然科学基金面上项目,76万元

5. 花生高油种质创新利用与调控含油量的基因网络解析(2019-2021),山东省重点研发计划,15万元。


1. Yang H., Luo L., Li Y., Li H., Zhang X., Zhang K., Zhu S., Li X., Li Y., Wan Y., Liu F.. Fine mapping of qAHPS07 and functional studies of AhRUVBL2 controlling pod size in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)[J].Plant Biotechnology Journal 2023, (通讯作者,SCIIF13.263).

2. Luo L, Wan Q, Zhang K, Zhang X, Guo R, Wang C, Zheng C, Liu F, Ding Z and Wan Y. AhABI4s negatively regulate salt-stress response in peanut [J].Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021,12:741641.(通讯作者,SCIIF7.255).

3. Wu Z., Luo L., Wan Y., Liu F. Genome-wide characterization of the PP2C gene family in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and the identification of candidate genes involved in salinity-stress response [J].Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023. (通讯作者,SCIIF7.255).

4. Luo, L., Wan, Q., Yu, Z., Zhang, K., Zhang, X., Zhu, S., Wan, Y., Ding, Z., Liu, F. Genome-wide identification of auxin response factors in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and functional analysis in root morphology [J].International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23: 5309. (通讯作者,SCIIF6.628).

5. Xiurong Zhang, Suqing Zhu, Kun Zhang, Yongshan Wan, Fengzhen Liu, Qingfang Sun and Yingjie Li. Establishment and evaluation of a peanut association panel and analysis of key nutritional traits [J]. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2018,60(3):195-215(通讯作者,SCIIF6.048).

6. Chong Zhang, Yuting Chen, Lihui Wang, Lu Liu, Xin Zhong, Panpan Chu, Meijia Gao, Hua Chen, Tiecheng Cai, Faqian Xiong, Xiurong Zhang, Ali Raza, Rong-long Pan, Rajeev K. Varshney, Fengzhen Liu , Weijian Zhuang .Genome-wide identification of papain-like cysteine protease family genes in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and functional characterization of AhRD21B in response to chilling stress. [J].Environmental and Experimental Botany,2023,105272 (通讯作者,SCIIF6.028).

7. Zhu S, Luo L, Zhang X, Zhao M, Wang X, Zhang J, Wan Q, Li X, Wan Y, Zhang K and Liu F. Study on the relationship of root morphology and phosphorus absorption efficiency with phosphorus uptake capacity in 235 peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasms [J]. Frontiers in Environmental Science.2022,10:855815. (通讯作者,SCIIF5.411).

8. Zhang, X., Zhang, K., Luo,L., Lv, Y., Li, Y., Zhu, S., Luo, B., Wan, Y., Liu, F. Identification of peanut Aux/IAA genes and functional prediction during seed development and maturation[J]. Plants 2022, 11, 472. (通讯作者,SCIIF4.658).

9. Yuying LvXiurong Zhang Lu LuoHui YangPinghua LiKun Zhang Fengzhen Liu,Yongshan Wan. Characterization of glycerol3phosphate acyltransferase 9 (AhGPAT9) genes, their allelic polymorphism and association with oil content in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).[J] Scientific Reports. 2020,(10):14648. (通讯作者,SCIIF4.996).

10. Mingli YuFengzhen LiuWeiwei ZhuMeihong SunJiang LiuXinzheng Li. New features of triacylglycerol biosynthetic pathways of peanut seeds in early developmental stages.[J]. Funct Integr Genomics. 2015,15:707-716 (共同第一作者SCIIF3.449).

11. Qiqin Xue, Xiurong Zhang, Hui Yang, Huadong Li, Yuying Lv, Kun Zhang, Yongguang Liu, Fengzhen Liu, Yongshan Wan. Transcriptome and metabolome analysis unveil anthocyanin metabolism in pink and red testa of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) [J]. International Journal of Genomics. 2021, ID 5883901. (通讯作者,SCIIF2.758).

12. Hao Zhang, Xiaobo Zhao, Quanxi Sun, Caixia Yan, Juan Wang, Cuiling Yuan, Chunjuan Li, Shihua Shan, Fengzhen Liu. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals molecular defensive mechanism of Arachis hypogaea in response to salt stress. [J]. International Journal of Genomics. 2020, ID 6524093 (通讯作者,SCIIF2.758).

13. Yingjie Li, Lanzhou Li, Xiurong Zhang, Kun Zhang, Dengchao Ma, Jiaqi Liu, Xiaojun Wang, Fengzhen Liu, Yongshan Wan. QTL mapping and marker analysis of main stem height and the rst lateral branch length in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) [J]. Euphytica, 2017, 213:1-14(通讯作者,SCIIF2.185).

14. 李星,杨会,骆璐,李华东,张昆,张秀荣,李玉颖,于海洋,王天宇,刘佳琪,王瑶,刘风珍,万勇善.栽培种花生单仁重QTL定位分析[J].作物学报, 2023, 49(8): 2160-2170.(通讯作者).

15. 刘风珍,杨会,万勇善,张秀荣,李华东,李玉颖,李英杰.控制花生荚果大小的主效基因AhP07及开发的分子标记与应用 [P].专利号ZL 202110359658.1

16. 刘风珍,薛其勤,万勇善,张秀荣,张昆,杨会,李华东.与花生种皮颜色相关的KASP分子标记及其应用[P].专利号:ZL202110125285.1




