张奕婧,华南农业大学经济管理学院副教授,硕士生导师。本科毕业于北京林业大学统计学专业,硕士及博士毕业于芬兰赫尔辛基大学林产品市场学专业。主要研究领域为林业经济、林农行为决策、林产工业发展战略、林产品贸易等。近年来主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目、广东省社会科学基金项目、欧洲森林研究所(EFI)项目等科研课题,在林业经济领域学术期刊上发表SCI & SSCI等期刊论文近20篇。获得华南农业大学“青年教师教学比赛”一等奖,华南农业大学课堂教学“十佳教师”,华南农业大学 “三育人”优秀个人等奖励。任世界资源模型协会(World Resource Modeling Association)亚洲区域负责人,欧盟Erasmus + 项目(林业高等教育能力建设方向)外部评审专家,中国林业经济学会技术经济专业委员会、中国技术经济学会林业技术经济专业委员会委员。教育背景:
(1) Zhang, Y., Zhang, D., Shen, J., & Duan, W. (2025). Spatial effects of ecological cognition on firewood collection by households in protected areas: An analysis based on the giant panda nature reserves. Forest Policy and Economics, 170, 103360.
(2) Zhou, W., Chen, J., Zhang, Z. Q., & Zhang, Y. (2024). The effects of internet use on the cultivation of non-timber forest products. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 207, 123620.
(3) Duan, W., Zhang, P., Zhu, R., Li, B., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Impact of Nature Reserves on the Rural Household's Livelihood Vulnerability In Surrounding Communities: 17 Giant Panda Nature Reserves in China As Examples. Small-scale Forestry, 1-20.
(4) Zhang, Y., Shen, J., Song, Z., Duan, W., & Zhou, W. (2022). Exploring local adaptation to small hydropower closure scenarios: evidence from a giant panda nature reserve in Sichuan, China. Environmental Research Communications, 4(9), 095010.
(5) Shen, J., Duan, W., Wang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Household livelihood vulnerability to climate change in West China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 551.
(6) Shen, J., Zhang, Y., Zhou, W., Song, Z., & Duan, W. (2022). Dynamics and determinants of household's non-timber forest products collection in the giant panda nature reserves of China. Forest Policy and Economics, 137, 102705.
(7) Zhang, Y., Wang, H., & Duan, W. (2021). Household Willingness to Pay for Forest Ecological Restoration in Giant Panda Habitats: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Forests, 12(12), 1735.
(8) Zhang, Y., Hogarth, N. J., & Duan, W. (2021). Impact of Gender and Risk Preference on Forest Management Decisions of Rural Households in China: Evidence from Giant Panda Nature Reserves. Journal of Forest Economics, 36(1-2), 141-160.
(9) Zhou, W., Yang, Z. Y., & Zhang, Y. J. (2021). Determinants of Household Fuelwood Consumption in Giant Panda Nature Reserves. Journal of Forest Economics, 36(1-2), 125-140.
(10) Shen, J., Song, Z., Duan, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Exploring local challenges and adaptation strategies in the establishment of National Parks in giant panda habitats. Global Ecology and Conservation, 30, e01764.
(11) Duan, W., Hogarth, N. J., Shen, J., Zhang, Y., & Chen, Q. (2021). Effects of rural-urban labour migration on household forest management in the context of rural reform and development in China. Small-scale Forestry, 20, 543-568.
(12) Zhang, Y., Luo, W., Duan, X., & Gao, L. (2019). The impact of environmental regulations on forest product trade in China. Natural Resource Modeling, 32(3).
(13) Wan, M., Zhang, Y., & Ye, W. (2018). Consumer willingness-to-pay a price premium for eco-friendly children's furniture in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China. Forest Products Journal, 68(3), 317-327.
(14) Korhonen, J., Zhang, Y., & Toppinen, A. (2016). Examining timberland ownership and control strategies in the global forest sector. Forest Policy and Economics, 70, 39-46.
(15) Zhang, Y., Luo, W., & Toppinen, A. (2015). Determinants of equity-based entry mode choice in the forest sector: The case of China. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 30(1), 3-12.
(16) Zhang, Y., Toppinen, A., & Uusivuori, J. (2014). Internationalization of the forest products industry: A synthesis of literature and implications for future research. Forest Policy and Economics, 38, 8-16.
(17) Zhang, Y., & Toppinen, A. (2011). Internationalization and financial performance in the global forest industry. International Forestry Review, 13(1), 96-105.
广东省自然科学基金项目,2017A030313424,广东省林纸企业碳减排驱动力、战略选择与绩效研究,2017/05 -- 2020/05, 10万元,在研,主持。主讲课程: