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20241122: Cost-efficient designs for OofA experiments



报告主题:Cost-efficient designs for OofA experiments


An order-of-addition (OofA) experiment aims at investigating how the order of factor inputs affects the experimental response, which is of great interest in clinical trials and industrial processes. Recent studies on the OofA designs focused on their properties of algebraic optimality rather than cost-efficiency. In this talk, we propose a systematic construction on the cost-efficient designs of the OofA experiments, which each pair of level settings from two different factors appears exactly once. Furthermore, unlike recent studies on OofA experiments, our designs can handle experimental factors with more than one levels. Notice that the use of placebo or the choice of different does reveal the practicality of our designs in clinical trails for example.


潘建兴,现为台湾中研院统计科学所研究员,并为台湾大学、台湾交通大学、台湾中央大学合聘教授。博士毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校统计系,导师为Hongquan Xu教授。主要研究方向包括实验设计和分析、网络数据和结构分析、最佳化方法、科学计量学、大数据分析和人工智能、环境和交通时序分析等。曾获颁吴大猷先生纪念奖(2014)、杰出研究奖(2017)、年轻学者创新奖(2020)等多项研究奖项。主持前瞻计划(2014-2018)、台英合作计划(2016-2018)、智慧农业计划(2018-2021)、大型网络研究计划(2020-2022)、深耕计划(2023-2027)等个人和跨领域大型研究计划,另三度获选主持优秀年轻学者研究计划。现已发表88篇期刊和专书论文,包括在Annals of Statistics、Technometrics、Statistica Sinica、Statistics and Computing等统计重要期刊,以及Physica A、Scientometrics、Scientific Reports等相关领域重要期刊发表多篇SCI学术论文。曾受邀于国际会议发表超过170场演讲,以及于国内外大学和研究机构的访问和座谈会发表超过110场专题演讲。