报告时间:2021年6月16日 上午9:00-10:00
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:986 514 870)
报告主题:Inverse Probability Weighting-based Mediation Analysis for Microbiome Data
Mediation analysis is an important tool to study casual associations in biomedical and other scientific areas, and has recently gained attention in microbiome studies. With a microbiome study of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients, we investigate whether the effect of induction chemotherapy intensity levels on the infection status is mediated by the microbial taxa abundance. The unique characteristics of the microbial mediators---high-dimensionality, zero-inflation and dependence---calls for new methodological developments in mediation analysis.
The presence of an exposure-induced mediator-outcome confounder, antibiotics usage, further requires a delicate treatment in the analysis. To address these unique challenges brought by our motivating microbiome study, we propose a novel nonparametric identification formula for the interventional indirect effect (IIE), a measure recently developed for studying mediation effects. We develop the corresponding estimation algorithm, and test the presence of mediation effects via constructing the nonparametric bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap confidence intervals. Simulation studies show that the proposed method has good finite-sample performance in terms of the IIE estimation, type-I error rate and power of the corresponding test. The promise of the development is demonstrated with our motivating AML microbiome study.
张月霞,现为多伦多大学博士后。于2019年在复旦大学管理学院获得概率论与数理统计专业博士学位。研究方向包括因果推断、缺失数据、稳健估计、变量选择后推断、纵向数据分析、测量误差等。研究成果发表于Biometrika,Journal of Multivariate Analysis,Computational Statistics & Data Analysis等杂志。担任过Journal of the American Statistical Association, Annals of Statistics,Biometrika, Journal of Machine Learning Research等杂志和UAI会议的审稿人。