学术论文 Academic Papers
1. Phase transition and multi stability in Dicke dimer,
Y. Xu, F.-X. Sun, Wei Zhang, Q. He, and H. Pu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 233604 (2024).
2. Anomalous quantum dynamics in a lossy nonlocal system,
L. Qiao, Wei Zhang, and K. Shi, Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 120301 (2024).
3. An efficient method to generate near-ideal hollow beams of different shapes for box potential of quantum gases,
T. Ren, Y. Wang, X. Dai, X. Gao, G. Sun, X. Zhao, K. Gao, Z. Zheng, and Wei Zhang, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 083202 (2024) Editor’s Pick.
4. Floquet topological phases and skin effects in periodically driven non-Hermitian systems,
K. Shi, L. Qiao, Z. Zheng, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 110, 022222 (2024).
5. f-sum rules for dissipative systems,
X.-X. Yang, B.-H. Wu, Y. Che, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 100401 (2024)
6. Tighter upper bounds on the critical temperature of two-dimensional superconductors and superfluids: Approaching the supremum,
T. Shi, Wei Zhang, and C. A. R. Sa de Melo, New J. Phys. 26, 093001 (2024).
7. Quantum phase transition in a quantum Rabi square with next-nearest-neighbor hopping,
Y. Xu, F.-X. Sun, Q. He, H. Pu, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 110, 023702 (2024).
8. Fermi-Bose polaron crossover in one- and two-dimensional interacting Fermi gases,
Y.-R. Shi, R. Liu, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 110, 013324 (2024).
9. Two-dimensional non-Hermitian fermionic superfluidity with spin imbalance,
T. Shi, S. Wang, Z. Zheng, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 109, 063306 (2024).
10. Dissipation-driven superradiant phase transition of a two-dimensional BEC in a double-cavity,
B.-H. Wu, X.-X. Yang, Y. Chen, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 064201 (2024).
11. Stability of vortices of exciton-polariton condensates with spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupling,
X.-X Yang, Wei Zhang, and Z.-X. Niu, New J. Phys. 26, 043205 (2024).
12. Experimentally ruling out joint reality based on operational completeness,
Q. Zhang, Y. Xiang, X. Gao, C. Zhu, Y. Wang, L. Ding, X. Zhang, S. Zhang, S. Cheng, M. J. W. Hall, Q.-Y. He, and Wei Zhang, Quantum Sci. Technol. 9, 025001 (2024). (Data file:
13. Experimentally ruling out joint reality based on locality with device-independent steering,
S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zheng, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 010301 (2024).
14. Transition from flat-band localization to Anderson localization in a one-dimensional Tasaki lattice,
C. Zeng, Y.-R. Shi, Y.-Y. Mao, F.-F. Wu, Y.-J. Xie, T. Yuan, Wei Zhang, H.-N. Dai, Y.-A. Chen, and J.-W. Pan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 063401 (2024).
15. Transition from flat-band localization to Anderson localization: Realization and characterization in a one-dimensional momentum lattice,
Y.-Y. Mao, C. Zeng, Y.-R. Shi, , F.-F. Wu, Y.-J. Xie, T. Yuan, Wei Zhang, H.-N. Dai, Y.-A. Chen, and J.-W. Pan, Phys. Rev. A 109, 023304 (2024).
16. Floquet topological phases with large winding number,
K.-Y. Shi, M. Tian, F.-X. Sun, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013324 (2024).
1. Non-Bloch topological phase in a Hermitian system,
K.-Y. Shi, M. Tian, F.-X. Sun, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. B 107, 205154 (2023).
2. Abelian and non-Abelian quantum spin liquids in a three-component Bose gas on optical Kagome lattices
K.-Y. Shi, Wei Zhang, and Z.-X. Liu, Phys. Rev. A 108, 033308 (2023).
3. BCS-BEC crossover in a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi superfluid
J. Zhou, T. Shi, X.-J. Liu, H. Hu, and Wei Zhang, New J. Phys. 25, 083001 (2023).
4. Dimensional crossover of Fermi polaron in quasi-low-dimensional traps
Y.-R. Shi, Y.-R. Wang, K.-Y. Gao, and Wei Zhang, Europhys. Lett. 142, 25001 (2023).
5. Gaussian variational method to attractive Hubbard model in one and two dimensions,
Y.-R. Shi, Y.-Y. He, R. Liu, and Wei Zhang, New J. Phys. 25, 093049 (2023).
6. Fast quantum state transfer and entanglement preparation in strongly coupled bosonic systems
Y. Xu, D. Zhu, F.-X. Sun, Q. Y. He, and Wei Zhang, New J. Phys. 25, 113015 (2023).
7. Second virial coefficients for a Fermi gas trapped in an anisotropic harmonic potential
T. Shi, Q. Ji, Z. Zheng, and Wei Zhang, Eur. Phys. J. D 77, 133 (2023).
8. Nonreciprocal amplification transition in a topological photonic network
M. Tian, F. Sun, K. Shi, H. Xu, Q. Y. He, and Wei Zhang, Photon. Res. 11, 852 (2023).
9. Tuning anomalous Floquet topological bands with ultra-cold atoms,
J.-Y. Zhang, C.-R. Yi, L. Zhang, R.-H. Jiao, K.-Y. Shi, H. Yuan, Wei Zhang, X.-J. Liu, S. Chen, and J.-W. Pan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 043201 (2023).
1. High-order exceptional point in an interacting quantum system of two qubits,
T. Shi, L.-D. Zhang, S.-N. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Acta Phys. Sin. 71, 130303 (2022).
2. Experimental Test of Contextuality based on State Discrimination with a Single Qubit,
Q. Zhang, C. Zhu, Y. Wang, L. Ding, T. Shi, X. Zhang, S. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 39,080301 (2022).
3. Topological invariants of Floquet topological phases under periodical driving,
K.-Y. Shi, R.-Q. Chen, S. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 106, 053301 (2022).
4. Crossovers and quantum phase transitions in two-band superfluids: The evolution from BCS to Bose pairing by tuning interactions and band offset,
Y.-R. Shi, Wei Zhang, and C. A. R. Sa de Melo, Europhys. Lett. 139, 36004 (2022).
5. Density induced BCS-Bose evolution in gated two-dimensional superconductors: The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition as a function of carrier density,
T. Shi, Wei Zhang, and C. A. R. Sa de Melo, Europhys. Lett. 139, 36003 (2022).
6. Non-universal Fermi polaron in quasi two-dimensional quantum gases
Y.-R. Shi, J.-G. Chen, K.-Y. Gao, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. B. 31,080305 (2022).
7. Information retrieval and eigenstates coalescence in a non-Hermitian quantum system with anti-PT symmetry,
L. Ding, K. Shi, Y. Wang, Q. Zhang, C. Zhu, L. Zhang, J. Yi, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 105, L010204 (2022).
1. Spontaneous formations of dynamical steady states in polariton condensates,
Z.-X Niu and Wei Zhang, Front. in Phys. 9, 696278 (2021).
2. Nature of the polaron-molecule transition in the Fermi polaron problem,
C. Peng, R. Liu, Wei Zhang, and X. Cui, Phys. Rev. A 103, 063312 (2021).
3. Embracing the era of quantum technology: The status quo and prospect of quantum computing,
Wei Zhang, Acad. Front. 215, 64 (2021).
4. Fermi polaron in dissipative bath with spin-orbit coupling,
J. Zhou and Wei Zhang, Europhys. Lett. 134, 30004 (2021).
5. Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states in equally populated Fermi gases in a two-dimensional moving optical lattice,
J.-G. Chen, Y.-R. Shi, R. Zhang, K.-Y. Gao, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. B 30, 100305 (2021).
6. Precision measurement with trapped ions,
L.-Y. Ding, Q.-X. Zhang, C.-H. Zhu, Y.-X. Wang, X. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 51, 074206 (2021).
7. Experimental determination of PT-symmetric exceptional points in a single trapped ion,
L-Y. Ding, K.-Y. Shi, Q.-X. Zhang, D.-N. Shen, X. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 083604 (2021).
1. Universal and Efimov trimers in alkaline-earth and alkali mixture gas with spin-orbit coupling,
Q. Ji, R. Zhang, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 102, 063313 (2020).
2. Precision measurements with cold atoms and trapped ions,
Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, C. Zhu, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, K. Gao, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. B 29, 093203 (2020).
3. Towards quantum simulation of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model,
Y. Cao, Y.-N. Zhou, T.-T. Shi, and Wei Zhang, Sci. Bull. 65, 1170 (2020).
4. Bose-Einstein condensates in an eightfold symmetric optical lattice,
Z.-X. Niu, Y.-H. Tai, J.-S. Shi, and Wei Zhang, Chin. Phys. B 29, 056103 (2020).
5. High-performance frequency stabilization of ultraviolet diode lasers by using dichroic atomic vapor spectroscopy and transfer cavity,
D. Shen, L. Ding, Q. Zhang, C. Zhu, Y. Wang, Wei Zhang, and X. Zhang, Chin. Phys. B 29, 074210 (2020).
6. Non-Gaussian variational approach to Fermi polarons in one- and two-dimensional lattices,
R. Liu, Y.-R. Shi, and Wei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033305 (2020).
7. Many-body localization in generalized Kondo lattice with disorder,
Y. Cao and Wei Zhang, Europhys. Lett. 129, 20001 (2020).
8. Some recent progresses on the study of ultracold quantum gases with spin-orbit coupling,
T.-T. Shi, L.-J. Wang, J.-K. Wang, and Wei Zhang, Acta Phys. Sin. 69, 016701 (2020).
以往发表论文列表 Previous Papers
出版教材、专著、图书 Books
1. Synthetic Spin-orbit Coupling in Cold Atoms,
Edited by Wei Zhang, W. Yi, and C.A.R. Sa de Melo, World Scientific, 2018
2. Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, 《开始写吧!——科幻、奇幻、惊悚小说创作》
translated by Q. Tang and Wei Zhang, edited by Laurie Lamson, Renmin University Press, 2016
3. Physics of Ultracold Quantum Gases,
Y. Han, W. Yi, and Wei Zhang, Peking University Press, 2014.
4. Quasi-one-dimensional Organic Superconductors,
Wei Zhang and C.A.R. Sa de Melo, Peking University Press, 2014; World Scientific, 2018
5. Einstein’s Telescope, 《爱因斯坦的望远镜》
translated by Wei Zhang, written by Evelyn Gates, Renmin University Press, 2011
· Top 50 Best Sellers 大众喜爱的50本图书(新闻出版总署,2011)
· Selected Readings by China National Library 文津图书奖推荐数目(国家图书馆,2011)