1. 基本信息
李明军,男,甘肃泾川人,1981年 3月生。博士,教授,博士生导师。2004年在西北农林科技大学园艺学院本科毕业,2009年西北农林科技大学博士毕业,2010年 3 月至 2012年 3月在美国康奈尔大学进行博士后研究工作。2012年5月至今在西北农林科技大学园艺学院从事教学科研工作。
2. 研究方向
3. 开设课程
本科生“果树栽培学总论”、“落叶果树栽培学”课程以及 “果树冬季修剪”、“园艺生产实习与调研”等实践实习的教学,研究生“果树生理与栽培学”“果树生理生态学”等课程的教学。
2011年入选全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖和陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖; 2012年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”;2013年入选陕西省青年科技新星;2015年荣获陕西省青年科技奖,入选陕西省青年科技标兵;2019年入选西北农林科技大学青年卓越人才支持计划;2020年获批陕西省杰出青年科学基金;2020年入选教育部人才计划。
在国内外期刊及会议发表科技论文70余篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者发表SCI索引论文30余篇。近五年,在PNAS, Plant Biotech J, Horticulture Research、 J EXP BOT等期刊发表论文多篇。主要论文如下:
Lingcheng Zhu , Baiyun Li, Limin Wu, Huixia Li, Zhengyang Wang, Xiaoyu Wei, Baiquan Ma, Yanfeng Zhang, Fengwang Ma*, Yong-Ling Ruan*, Mingjun Li*. MdERDL6-mediated glucose efflux to the cytosol promotes sugar accumulation in the vacuole through upregulating TSTs in apple and tomato. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020,
Xiaocheng Tian, Lingcheng Zhu, Nanxiang Yang, Jianyu Song, Haiyan Zhao,Jing Zhang, Fengwang Ma, Mingjun Li*. Proteomics and metabolomics reveal the regulatory pathways of ripening and quality in post-harvest kiwifruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020 Accepted
Zhengyang Wang, Xiaoyu Wei, Jingjing Yang, Huixia Li, Baiquan Ma, Kaikai Zhang, Yanfeng Zhang, Lailiang Cheng, Fengwang Ma*, Mingjun Li*. Heterologous expression of the apple hexose transporter MdHT2.2 altered sugar concentration with increasing cell wall invertase activity in tomato fruit. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020,18: 2: 540-552
Zhengyang Wang, Yonghui Liang, Yuru Jin, Xiaolei Tong, Xiaoyu Wei, Fengwang Ma, Baiquan Ma1, Mingjun Li1*. Ectopic expression of apple hexose transporter MdHT2.2 reduced the salt tolerance of tomato seedlings with decreased ROS-scavenging ability. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 156: 504-513,
Haiyan Zhao, Simin Sun, Lihua Zhang, Jingjing Yang, Zhengyang Wang, Fengwang Ma*, Mingjun Li*..Carbohydrate metabolism and transport in apple roots under nitrogen deficiency. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 15: 455-463
Jingjing Yang,Ruiling Zhan, Yuru Jin, Dongxia Li, Zhengyang Wang, Guiyang An, Mingjun Li*. Functional analysis of the promoter of the MdFRK2 gene encoding a high affinity fructokinase in apple (malus x domestica) . SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, 2020, 265: 109088
Jingjing Yang, Jing Zhang, Chuang Li, Zhao Zhang, Fengwang Ma, Mingjun Li *. Response of sugar metabolism in apple leaves subjected to short-term drought stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 141:164-171
JingjIng Yang #, Chuanxia Zhang#,Zhengyang Wang , Simin Sun, Ruilin Zhan, Yuyue Zhao, Baiquan Ma , Fengwang Ma,Mingjun Li * Melatonin-mediated sugar accumulation and growth inhibition in apple plants involves down-regulation of fructokinase 2 expression and activity. Front. Plant Sci. 2019, 10:150.
Jingjing Yang, Lingcheng Zhu, Weifang Cui, Chen Zhang, Dongxia Li, Baiquan Ma, Lailiang Cheng, Yong-Ling Ruan, Fengwang Ma, Mingjun Li *. Increasing activity of MdFRK2, a high affinity fructokinase, leads to upregulation of sorbitol metabolism and downregulation of sucrose metabolism in apple leaves. Hortic Res 5:62 2018
Mingjun Li, Pengmin Li, Fengwang Ma, Lailiang Cheng *. Sugar metabolism and accumulation in the fruit of transgenic apple trees with decreased sorbitol synthesis. Hortic Res 5:60. 2018
Chunxia Zhang*, Sen Meng, Mingjun Li*, Zhong Zhao. Transcriptomic insight into nitrogen uptake and metabolism of Populus simonii in response to drought and low nitrogen stresses. Tree Physiology. tpy085, https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpy085 2018
Xiao-Lei Tong #, Zheng-Yang Wang #, Bai-quan Ma, Chun-xia Zhang, Lingcheng Zhu, Fengwang Ma, Ming-Jun Li *. Structure and expression analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in apple. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16(0): 60345-7, 2018
Ai-di Zhang, Wen-qiu Wang, Yang Tong, Ming-jun Li, Donald Grierson, Ian B. Ferguson, Kun-song Chen, and Xue-ren Yin*. Transcriptome analysis identifies a zinc finger protein regulating starch degradation in kiwifruit. Plant Physiology: 18004271-4272018. 2018
Duan Naibin, Bai YAng, Sun H, Wang N, Ma Y, Li Mingjun, ……., Cheng L, Fei Z*, Chen X*. Genome re-sequencing reveals the history of apple and supports a two-stage model for fruit enlargement. Nature Communications, 8(1):249. 2017
Cheng Chen, Yulin Yuan, Chen Zhang, Huixia Li, Fengwang Ma, Mingjun Li,*. Sucrose phloem unloading follows an apoplastic pathway with high sucrose synthase in actinidia fruit. Plant Science, 2 , 40-0, 2017
Mingjun Li *, D. Li, F. Feng, S. Zhang, Fengwang Ma and Lailiang Cheng *. Proteomic analysis reveals dynamic regulation of fruit development and sugar and acid accumulation in apple. Journal of Experimental Botany , 67: 14–17 2016
5. 联系方式
E-mail: limingjun@nwsuaf.edu.cn