刘东,教授,博士生导师。于2011年获德国马克斯-德尔布吕克分子医学中心(Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine)/柏林自由大学(FreieUniversit?t Berlin),自然科学博士学位。从2012年起先后任神经再生重点实验室讲师、副教授、教授。中国解剖学会再生医学专业委员会委员,中国生物物理学会听觉分会委员,青年委员会常务委员,江苏省发育与细胞学会理事,江苏省神经科学会理事,江苏省发育生物学会听觉科学专业委员会副主任委员,江苏省神经科学会青年委员会委员。主讲本科生《分子生物学》和研究生《高级分子生物学》等课程。
2019-2022: 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:血管新生的遗传调控
2016-2019: 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:血管新生的遗传调控
2013-2015: 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:血管新生的遗传调控
2018-2021: 江苏省自然科学基金-杰出青年基金项目
2012-2015: 江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金项目
2017-2020: 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目-重大项目:血管新生
2016-2019: 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养对象:血管新生
2014-2016: 江苏省“双创计划”博士计划,境外世界名校创新类计划
2012-2014: 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目-面上项目
1.Bao L, You B, Shi S,Shan Y, Zhang Q, Yue H, Zhang J, Zhang W, Shi Y, Liu Y, Wang X, Liu D and You Y. Metastasis-associatedmiR-23a from nasopharyngeal carcinoma-derived exosomes mediates angiogenesis byrepressing a novel target gene TSGA10. Oncogene. 2018; 37:2873–2889 (通讯作者)
2.Yan W, Liu W, Qi J,Fang Q, Fan Z, Sun G, Han Y, Zhang D, Xu L, Wang M, Li J, Chen F, Liu D, Chai Rand Wang H. A Three-Dimensional Culture System with Matrigel Promotes PurifiedSpiral Ganglion Neuron Survival and Function In Vitro. Molecular neurobiology.2018;55:2070-2084.(通讯作者)
3.Shan Y, You B, Shi S,Shi W, Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Gu M, Chen J, Bao L, Liu D and You Y. Hypoxia-InducedMatrix Metalloproteinase-13 Expression in Exosomes from NasopharyngealCarcinoma Enhances Metastases. Cell Death Dis. 2018;9:382. (通讯作者)
4.Zhang J, Qi J, Wu S, Peng L, Shi Y,Yang J, Yin Z, Gao Y, Wang C, Gong J, Zhang H, Zhang J, Liu D. Fatty Acid Binding Protein 11a Is Required for Brain VesselIntegrity in Zebrafish. Frontiers inphysiology 2017;8:214. (通讯作者)
5.Xie Y, Wang D, Lan F, Wei G, Ni T, Chai R, Liu D, Hu S, Li M, Li D, Wang H, WangY. An episomal vector-based CRISPR/Cas9 system for highly efficient geneknockout in human pluripotent stem cells. Scientificreports 2017;7:2320.
6.Wang F, Liu D,Zhang RR, Yu LW, Zhao JY, Yang XY, Jiang SS, Ma D, Qiao B, Zhang F, Jin L, GuiYH, Wang HY. A TBX5 3'UTR variant increases the risk of congenital heartdisease in the Han Chinese population. Celldiscovery 2017;3:17026.(共同一作)
7.Mu Z, Zhang S, He C, Hou H, Liu D, Hu N, Xu H. Expression of SoxC Transcription Factors duringZebrafish Retinal and Optic Nerve Regeneration. Neuroscience bulletin 2017;33:53-61.
8.Lv F, Zhu C, Yan X, Wang X, Liu D. Generation of a mef2aa:EGFP transgenic zebrafish line thatexpresses EGFP in muscle cells. Fishphysiology and biochemistry 2017;43:287-294. (通讯作者)
9.Jin D, Zhu D, Fang Y, Chen Y, Yu G, Pan W, Liu D, Li F, Zhong TP. Vegfa signalingregulates diverse artery/vein formation in vertebrate vasculatures. Journal of genetics and genomics 2017.
10. He Z, Guo L, Shu Y, Fang Q, Zhou H, Liu Y, Liu D, Lu L, Zhang X, Ding X, Liu D,Tang M, Kong W, Sha S, Li H, Gao X, Chai R. Autophagy protects auditory haircells against neomycin-induced damage. Autophagy2017:1-21.
11.He Y, Lu X, Qian F, LiuD, Chai R, Li H. Insm1a Is Required for Zebrafish Posterior Lateral LineDevelopment. Frontiers in molecularneuroscience 2017;10:241.
12.Gong J, Wang X, Zhu C, Dong X, Zhang Q, Wang X, Duan X, QianF, Shi Y, Gao Y, Zhao Q, Chai R, Liu D.Insm1a Regulates Motor Neuron Development in Zebrafish. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 2017;10:274. (通讯作者)
13.Zhang S, Mu Z, He C, Zhou M, Liu D, Zhao XF, Goldman D, Xu H. Antiviral Drug Ganciclovir Is aPotent Inhibitor of the Proliferation of Muller Glia-Derived Progenitors DuringZebrafish Retinal Regeneration. Investigativeophthalmology & visual science 2016;57:1991-2000.
14.Wang X, Yuan W, Wang X, Qi J, Qin Y, Shi Y, Zhang J, Gong J,Dong Z, Liu X, Sun C, Chai R, Le Noble F, LiuD. The somite-secreted factor Maeg promotes zebrafish embryonicangiogenesis. Oncotarget 2016;7:77749-77763. (通讯作者)
15.Wang X, Ling CC, Li L, Qin Y, Qi J, Liu X, You B, Shi Y, ZhangJ, Jiang Q, Xu H, Sun C, You Y, Chai R, LiuD. MicroRNA-10a/10b represses a novel target gene mib1 to regulateangiogenesis. Cardiovascular research 2016;110:140-150. (通讯作者)
16.Shi YW, Yuan W, Wang X, Gong J, Zhu SX, Chai LL, Qi JL, Qin YY,Gao Y, Zhou YL, Fan XL, Ji CY, Wu JY, Wang ZW, Liu D. Combretastatin A-4 efficiently inhibits angiogenesis andinduces neuronal apoptosis in zebrafish. Scientificreports 2016;6:30189. (通讯作者)
17.Qi J, Dong Z, Shi Y, Wang X, Qin Y, Wang Y, Liu D. NgAgo-based fabp11a geneknockdown causes eye developmental defects in zebrafish. Cell research 2016;26:1349-1352. (通讯作者)
18.He Z, Zhang S, Song Q, Li W, Liu D, Li H, Tang M, Chai R. The structural development of primarycultured hippocampal neurons on a graphene substrate. Colloids and surfaces B, Biointerfaces 2016;146:442-451.
19.Wang X, Wang X, Yuan W, Chai R, Liu D. Egfl6 is involved in zebrafish notochord development. Fish physiology and biochemistry 2015;41:961-969.(通讯作者)
20.Wang X, Chong M, Wang X, Wang H, Zhang J, Xu H, Zhang J, Liu D. Block the function of nonmusclemyosin II by blebbistatin induces zebrafish embryo cardia bifida. In vitro cellular & developmentalbiology Animal 2015;51:211-217. (通讯作者)
21.Xu M, Liu D, DongZ, Wang X, Wang X, Liu Y, Baas PW, Liu M. Kinesin-12 influences axonal growthduring zebrafish neural development. Cytoskeleton2014;71:555-563. (通讯作者)
22.Wang X, Li L, Liu D.Expression analysis of integrin beta1 isoforms during zebrafish embryonic development.Gene expression patterns : GEP 2014;16:86-92. (通讯作者)
23.Sang Q, Zhang J, Feng R, Wang X, Li Q, Zhao X, Xing Q, Chen W,Du J, Sun S, Chai R, Liu D, Jin L,He L, Li H, Wang L. Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development,migration of the posterior lateral line primordium and hearing ability inzebrafish: implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42. Human molecular genetics 2014;23:6201-6211.
24.Li S, Liu Q, Wang Y, Gu Y, Liu D, Wang C, Ding G, Chen J, Liu J, Gu X. Differential geneexpression profiling and biological process analysis in proximal nerve segmentsafter sciatic nerve transection. PLoS One2013;8:e57000.
25.Jiang Q, Lagos-Quintana M, Liu D, Shi Y, Helker C, Herzog W, le Noble F. miR-30a regulatesendothelial tip cell formation and arteriolar branching. Hypertension 2013;62:592-598. (通讯作者)
26.Huang Y, Wang X, Xu M, Liu M, Liu D. Nonmuscle myosin II-B (myh10) expression analysis duringzebrafish embryonic development. Geneexpression patterns : GEP 2013;13:265-270. (通讯作者)
27.高煜,刘家辉,王新,刘东,斑马鱼遗传操作进展,生物工程学报,2017, 33(10): 1674?1692 (通讯作者)
28.张晶晶,王新,刘东,C型利钠肽基因调控斑马鱼胚胎血管发育,生理学报,2017, 69(1): 11–16 (通讯作者)
29.吕峰,石运伟,王新,刘东,严兴洪,microRNA-10a/b通过抑制Mib1调节 斑马鱼神经元的发育,中国细胞生物学学报,2017, 39(2): 191–196 (通讯作者)
30.王鸿奎,王学谦,王新,袁玮,刘东,非肌性肌球蛋白II-B调节斑马鱼咽弓的发育, 解剖学报,2016, 47(1):113-116 (通讯作者)
31.袁玮,浦超,Rupesh Puri,石运伟,王 新,李石营,刘东,Non-muscle Myosin II-A调节斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中肠内分泌细胞的极化,中国细胞生物学报,2015, 37(3): 328–334 (通讯作者)
32.王新,张素珍,王学谦,李丽萍,张晶晶,刘东,流式细胞仪分选转基因斑马鱼胚胎荧光标记细胞的一种快速方法,中国细胞生物学报,2014, 36(3): 356–360 (通讯作者)
1.Liu D, Krueger J,Le Noble F. The role of blood flow and microRNAs in blood vessel development. Int J Dev Biol 2011;55:419-429.
2.Krueger J, Liu D,Scholz K, Zimmer A, Shi Y, Klein C, Siekmann A, Schulte-Merker S, Cudmore M,Ahmed A, le Noble F. Flt1 acts as a negative regulator of tip cell formationand branching morphogenesis in the zebrafish embryo. Development 2011;138:2111-2120.
3.Klein C, Mikutta J, Krueger J, Scholz K, Brinkmann J, Liu D, Veerkamp J, Siegel D,Abdelilah-Seyfried S, le Noble F. Neuron navigator 3a regulates liverorganogenesis during zebrafish embryogenesis. Development 2011;138:1935-1945.
4.Jiang Q, Liu D,Gong Y, Wang Y, Sun S, Gui Y, Song H. yap is required for the development ofbrain, eyes, and neural crest in zebrafish. BiochemBiophys Res Commun 2009;384:114-119.
5.Liu D, Wang YX,Hu JY, Sun SN, Song HY. The effects of connexin43 down regulation on thedevelopment of the embryonic heart and vasculature in zebrafish. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 2008;35:766-771.
6.Wang YX, Qian LX, LiuD, Yao LL, Jiang Q, Yu Z, Gui YH, Zhong TP, Song HY. Bone morphogeneticprotein-2 acts upstream of myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2a to controlembryonic cardiac contractility. Cardiovascularresearch 2007;74:290-303.
7.Sun SN, Gui YH, Wang YX, Qian LX, Jiang Q, Liu D, Song HY. Effect of dihydrofolatereductase gene knock-down on the expression of heart and neural crestderivatives expressed transcript 2 in zebrafish cardiac development. Chin Med J (Engl) 2007;120:1166-1171.