


高丽(Li Gao, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications),现任南京邮电大学有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室教授,理学院副院长,博士研究生导师(光学工程、物理学光学),硕士(光学工程学硕、材料科学与工程学硕、电子信息专硕)



本科毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院,博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校材料科学与工程学院(导师为John A. Rogers院士)。2015年起担任南京理工大学青年教授,2019年以“高层次人才”加入南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院。主要围绕光学微纳结构的设计方法、制备技术与传感器件开展研究,以第一或通讯作者发表Nat. Commun.Adv. Mater.ACS Nano等近40余篇论文,SCI他引1500余次,H-index 16。应邀撰写综述论文4篇,获批中美专利8项,曾获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金和江苏省双创博士。近五年主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目和江苏省自然科学基金项目共6项、承担国家重点研发计划和江苏省市联合基金子课题。担任美国光学学会Optical Materials Express副主编,Photonics Research客座编辑。任南京邮电大学第五届学术委员会委员、民革南京邮电大学支部副主委、民革江苏省青年工作委员会委员、南京市栖霞区人大代表、人大常委、妇联执委。








Ø片上集成可调谐光源关键材料与器件基础 2024-2026 子课题负责人在研

Ø  高迁移率超薄半导体材料与高性能器件集成 2022-2027 课题骨干在研

Ø  连续体束缚态电介质超表面的高效设计和计算传感方法研究 2024-2027主持在研

Ø  柔性微纳结构与传感器件 2021-2023 主持结题

Ø  柔性等离激元彩色显示的高效逆向设计和制备 2020-2023主持结题

Ø  面向柔性彩色显示的镁等离激元器件研究 2019-2022 主持结题

Ø  柔性等离激元对二维层状半导体光电性能的调控研究 2017-2019 主持结题

Ø  可延展石墨烯的结构设计与器件制备基础研究 2016-2018 主持结题



1.     Haomin Zhang, Quan Li, Huijuan Zhao,* Bowen Wang, Jiaxing Gong, Li Gao,* Snapshot computational spectroscopy enabled by deep learning Nanophotonics, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2024-0328

2.     Huijuan Zhao, Xiaohan Guo, Yufan Wang, Weiqi Wang, Shuhan Li, Qiyuan Zhou, Tianyi Zhou, Yannan Xie, Yufang Yu, Fengyuan Xuan,* Zhenhua Ni,* Li Gao,* High speed photodetector based on 2D organic/inorganic hybrid van der Waals heterostructure devices. Laser & Photonics Review 2024, 2400192.

3.     Huijuan Zhao, Yufan Wang, Senyao Tang, Yamin Cheng, Shuhan Li, Jiaxuan Wang, Xiaohan Guo, Weiqi Wang, Qiyuan Zhou, Fengyuan Xuan,* Yuanfang Yu,* Li Gao,* Fast and high-responsivity MoS2/MoSe2 heterostructure photodetectors enabled by van der Waals contact interfaces. Applied Physics Letter 2024, 125 (3), 033102.

4.     Yuanfang Yu, Jialin Zhang, Lianhui Wang, Zhenhua Ni,* Junpeng Lu,* Li Gao* Hot-carrier engineering for two-dimensional integrated infrared optoelectronics.InfoMat. 2024, e12556.

5.     Yanling Hu, Fangfang Wang, Hui Ye, Jingai Jiang, Shengke Li, Baoying Dai, Jiahui Li, Jun Yang, Xuejiao Song, Junjie Zhang, Yannan Xie,* Li Gao* & Dongliang Yang.* MXene-based flexible electronic materials for wound infection detection and treatment. NPJ Flexible Electronics 8, 30 (2024).

6.     Huijuan Zhao, Jingxuan Ma, Shuhan Li, Yang Yang, Zhangxia Wang, Zhongzhong Luo, Xiaohan Guo, Bing Luo, Li Zhu,* Lianhui Wang,* Li Gao*. Controllable memory window in two-dimensional hybrid van der Waals heterostructured devices. Applied Physics Letter 124 (17), 173103, 2024.

7.     Lanfei Wang, Qiao Dong, Tianyi Zhou, Huijuan Zhao, Lianhui Wang, and Li Gao*, Multi-mode resonance of bound states in the continuum in dielectric metasurfaces. Optics Express 32(8), 14276, 2024.

8.     Jiahui Wang, Weikui Jin, Shengyu Huang, Wenqi Wang, Siyu Wang, Zhen Yu, Li Gao, Yu Gao*, Hao Han*, Lianhui Wang*, Microbubble Biointerfacing by Regulation of the Platelet Membrane Surfactant Activity at the Gas-Liquid Interface for Acute Thrombosis Targeting. Angewante Chemie International Edition 63, e202314583, 2024.

9.     Lanfei Wang, Wenqi Wang, Qiao Dong, Lianhui Wang, and Li Gao*, Deep learning enabled inverse design of bound states in the continuum with ultrahigh Q factor. Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41, A146-A151, 2024.

10.  Yibo Xiao, Xinyi Cao, Qiao Dong and Li Gao,* All dissolvable and transient plasmonic device enabled by nanoimprint lithography. Nanotechnology 34(29), 295301, 2023.

11.  Zhixiao Zhang and Li Gao*, 2-bit coding metasurface with a double layer random flip structure for wide band diffuse reflection and reciprocity protected transmission. Optics Express 31(20), 32253-32262, 2023.

12.  Zhongzhong Luo*, XiangXiang Song, Xiaolong Liu, Xiangqian lu, Junpeng Zeng, Yating Li, Daowei He, Huijuan Zhao, Li Gao, Zhihao Yu, Wei Niu, Huabing Sun, Yong Xu, Shujuan Liu, Wei Qin*, and Qiang Zhao*, Revealing the key role of molecular packing on interface spin polarization at two-dimensional limit in spintronic devices. Science Advances 9, eade9126, 2023.

13.  Wenqi Wang, Qiao Dong, Zhixiao Zhang, Hao Cao, Jin Xiang* and Li Gao*, Inverse Design of Photonic Crystal Filters with Arbitrary Correlation and Size for Accurate Spectrum Reconstruction. Applied Optics 62(8), 1907-1914, 2023.

14.  Huijuan Zhao, Xinyi Cao, Qiao Dong, Chunyuan Song, Lianhui Wang* and Li Gao*, Large-area silicon photonic crystal supporting bound states in the continuum and optical sensing formed by nanoimprint lithography. Nanoscale Advances 5, 1291-1298, 2023.

15.  Qiao Dong, Wenqi Wang, Xinyi Cao, Yibo Xiao, Xiaohan Guo, Jingxuan Ma, Lianhui Wang* and Li Gao*, Plasmonic nanostructure characterized by deep neural network assisted spectroscopy (invited). Chinese Optics Letter 21(1), 010004, 2023.

16.  Xinyi Cao, Yibo Xiao, Qiao Dong, Shaobo Zhang, Junzhuan Wang, Lianhui Wang* and Li Gao*, Tuning metasurface dimensions by soft nanoimprint lithography and reactive ion etching. Advanced Photonics Research 2200127, 2022.

17.  Li Gao*, Yurui Qu, Lianhui Wang* and Zongfu Yu*, Computational spectrometers enabled by nanophotonics and deep learning. Nanophotonics 11(11), 2507-2929, 2022.

18.  Li Gao, Yang Chai, Darko Zibar, and Zongfu Yu, Deep learning in photonics: introduction. Photonics Research 9, DLP1-DLP3, 2021.

19.  Qingxin Wu, Xiaozhong Li, Wenqi Wang, Qiao Dong, Yibo Xiao, Xinyi Cao, Lianhui Wang*, and Li Gao*. Comparison of different neural network architectures for plasmonic inverse design. ACS Omega 6(36), 23076-23082, 2021.

20.  Qingxin Wu, Xiaozhong Li, Li Jiang, Xiao Xu, Dong Fang, Jingjing Zhang, Chunyuan Song, Zongfu Yu, Lianhui Wang, and Li Gao*, Deep neural network for designing near- and far-field properties in plasmonic antennas. Optical Materials Express 11(7), 1907-1917, 2021.

21.  Jinran Qie, Erfan Khoram, Dianjing Liu, Ming Zhou, and Li Gao*, Real-time deep learning design tool for far-field radiation profile. Photonics Research 9(4) B104-B108, 2021.

22.  Li Jiang, Xiaozhong Li, Qingxin Wu, Lianhui Wang, and Li Gao*, Neural network enabled metasurface design for phase manipulation. Optics Express 29(2) 2521-2528, 2021.

23.  Xing Sheng, Li Gao, Young Min Song, Hu Tao, and Seok-Hyun Yun, Bio-inspired and bio-integrated photonic materials and devices: feature issue introduction, Optical Materials Express 10(1), 155-156, 2020.

24.  Xiaoqing Chen, Khurram Shehzad, Li Gao*, Mingsheng Long, Hui Guo, Shuchao Qin, Xiaomu Wang, Fengqiu Wang, Yi Shi, Weida Hu, Yang Xu*, and Xinran Wang*, Graphene hybrid structures for integrated and flexible optoelectronics. Advanced Materials 32(27) 1902039, 2020.

25.  Li Gao*, Xiaozhong Li, Dianjing Liu, Lianhui Wang, and Zongfu Yu, A Bidirectional deep neural network for accurate silicon color design, Advanced Materials 31(51) 1905467, 2019.

26.  Xiaozhong Li, Jing Shu, Wenhua Gu, and Li Gao*, Deep neural network for plasmonic sensor modeling. Optical Materials Express 9(9), 3857-3862, 2019.

27.  Hyunseok Shim, Kyoseung Sim, Faheem Ershad, Pinyi Yang, Anish Thukral, Zhoulyu Rao, Hae-Jin Kim, Yanghui Liu, Xu Wang, Guoying Gu, Li Gao, Xinran Wang, Yang Chai, Cunjiang Yu*. Stretchable elastic synaptic transistors for neurologically integrated soft engineering systems. Science Advances, eaax4961, 2019.


28.  Ruomu Li, Suxia Xie, Labao Zhang, Liqiang Li, Deying Kong, Q. Wang, Run Xin, Xing Sheng, Lan Yin, C. Yu, Zongfu Yu, Xinran Wang* and Li Gao*. Soft and Transient Magnesium Plasmonics for Environmental and Biomedical Sensing. Nano Research 11(8), 4390–4400, 2018.

29.  Li Gao*. Flexible Device Applications of 2D Semiconductors. Small 13(35)16039942017.

30.  Li Gao, Yihui Zhang, Hui Zhang, Sage Doshay, Xu Xie, Hongying Luo, Deesha Shah, Yan Shi, Siyi Xu, Hui Fang, Jonathan A. Fan, Peter Nordlander, Yonggang Huang* and John A. Rogers*. Optics and Nonlinear Buckling Mechanics in Large-Area, Highly Stretchable Arrays of Plasmonic Nanostructures. ACS Nano 9 (6), 5968–5975, 2015.

31.  Yan Shi, Hongyin Luo, Li Gao, Cunfa Gao, John A. Rogers, Yonggang Huang, Yihui Zhang*. Analyses of Postbuckling in Stretchable Arrays of Nanostructures for Wide-band Tunable Plasmonics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 471(2183), 20150632, 2015.

32.  Li Gao, Yihui Zhang, Victor Malyarchuk, Lin Jia, Kyung-In Jang, R.Chad Webb, Haoran Fu, Yan Shi, Guoyan Zhou, Luke Shi, Deesha Shah, Xian Huang, Baoxing Xu, Cunjiang Yu, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers*, Epidermal Photonic Devices for Quantitative Imaging of Temperature and Thermal Transport Characteristics of the Skin. Nature Communications 5, 4938, 2014.

33.  Li Gao, Kazuki Shigeta, Abraham Vazquez-Guardado, Chirstopher J. Progler, Gregory R. Bogart, John A. Rogers* and Debashis Chanda*. Nanoimprinting Techniques for Large-Area Three-Dimensional Negative Index Metamaterials with Operation in the Visible and Telecom Bands. ACS Nano 8(6), 5535-5542, 2014.

34.  Li Gao, Youngmin Kim, Abraham Vazquez-Guardado, Kazuki Shigeta, Steven Hartanto, Daniel Franklin , Christopher J. Progler, Gregory R. Bogart, John A. Rogers* and Debashis Chanda*. Materials Selections and Growth Conditions for Large-Area, Multilayered, Visible Negative Index Metamaterials Formed by Nanotransfer Printing. Advanced Optical Materials 2(3), 256-261, 2014.

35.  Cunjiang Yu, Yuhang Li, Xun Zhang, Xian Huang, Viktor Malyarchuk, Shuodao Wang, Yab Shi, Li Gao, Yewang Su, Yihui Zhang, Hangxun Xu, Roger T. Hanlon, Yonggang Huang and John A. Rogers*. Adaptive Optoelectronic Camouflage Systems with Designs Inspired by Cephalopod Skins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111(36), 12998-13003, 2014.

36.  Ki Jun J. Yu, Li Gao, Jae Suk Park, Yu Ri. Lee, Christopher J. Corcoran, Ralph G. Nuzzo, Debashis Chanda* and John A. Rogers*. Light Trapping in Ultrathin Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 3(11), 1401-1406, 2013.

