报告题目:Deep Learning for WiFi-based IndoorFingerprinting
报告人:Shiwen Mao教授 美国奥本大学
时 间:2023年3月24日星期五上午9:30-11:30
地 点:腾讯会议 505-298-300
3月24日星期五上午,我院将邀请IEEEFellow、美国奥本大学 Shiwen Mao教授作“DeepLearning for WiFi-based Indoor Fingerprinting”专题报告。本次专题报告以促进学术研究为目的,激发校内师生的科研热情,进一步营造校内学术氛围,推动学科探究,促进我校的学术交流。
With theincreasing demand for location-based service, WiFi-based localization hasbecome one of the most popular methods due to the wide deployment of WiFi andits relatively low cost. In this talk, we first present a quick review of deeplearning based indoor fingerprinting, and then will focus on deep Gaussian processbased indoor radio map construction and location estimation system. Receivedsignal strength (RSS) samples, as well earth magnetic field readings, are usedto generate accurate and fine-grained radio maps with confidence intervalsusing deep Gaussian process, while the model parameters are optimized with anoffline Bayesian training method. Utilizing the maps, an LSTM based locationprediction model is pre-trained with the artificial trajectory data and thenfine-tuned with the signal measurements collected by the mobile device to belocalized. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the excellent performance ofthe proposed system.
SHIWENMAO is a professor and Earle C.Williams Eminent Scholar Chair, and Director of the Wireless Engineering Researchand Education Center (WEREC) at Auburn University. His research interestincludes wireless networks, multimedia communications, and smart grid. He is aDistinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Council ofRFID. He is the editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on CognitiveCommunications and Networking, and is/was on the editorial board of severalIEEE and ACM journals and magazines. He is a co-recipient of the 2021 BestPaper Award of Elsevier/KeAi Digital Communications and Networks Journal, the2021 IEEE Communications Society Outstanding Paper Award, the 2021 IEEEInternet of Things Journal Best Paper Award, the IEEE Vehicular TechnologySociety 2020 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, the 2004 IEEE Communications SocietyLeonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems, and severalconference best paper/demo awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.