

报告题目: Internet of VideoThings and Applications

报告人:Professor Chang Wen Chen/The HongKong Polytechnic University

时 间:2022年4月15日下午14:30-15:30

地 点:腾讯会议649-813-345           

  为进一步加强学术交流,推进学科发展,提升研究生的学术水平、开阔研究生的学术视野,受通信与信息工程学院邀请,欧洲科学院院士、香港理工大学陈长汶教授将于4月15日下午14:30-15:30在腾讯线上会议室为通信与信息工程学院师生作“Internet of Video Thingsand Applications”专题报告。本次报告是我院为加强校内师生与国内外知名学者学术交流与合作举办的重点学术活动,也是积极响应我校建校“80周年”庆祝活动的号召,为弘扬和传承“信达天下”的南邮精神,立足新起点。




Chang Wen Chen is currently Chair Professor of Visual Computing at TheHong Kong Polytechnic University. Before his current position, he has served asDean of the School of Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of HongKong, Shenzhen from 2017 to 2020, and concurrently as Deputy Director at PengCheng Laboratory from 2018 to 2021. He has served as an Editor-in-Chief forT-MM (2014-2016) and T-CSVT (2006-2009) and have received many professionalachievement awards, including the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Award in2010, SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and CreativeActivities in 2016, and UIUC ECE Distinguished Alumni Award in 2019. He is anIEEE Fellow, a SPIE Fellow, and a member of the Academia Europaea.


The worldwide flourishing of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the pastdecade has enabled numerous new applications through the internetworking of awide variety of devices and sensors. In recent years, visual sensors have seentheir considerable booming in IoT systems because they are capable of providingricher and more versatile information. Internetworking of large-scale visualsensors has been named Internet of Video Things (IoVT). IoVT has its own uniquecharacteristics in terms of sensing, transmission, storage, and analysis, whichare fundamentally different from the conventional IoT. These newcharacteristics of IoVT are expected to impose significant challenges onexisting technical infrastructures. In this talk, an overview of recentadvances in various fronts of IoVT will be introduced and a broad range oftechnological and system challenges will be addressed. Several emerging IoVTapplications will be discussed to illustrate the potentials of IoVT in a broadrange of practical scenarios.