近二十来主要从事生物芯片技术及适配体筛选与应用的研究。主持课题包括国家科技部973课题“基于核酸适配体的蛋白质分离与富集新技术的研究”、国家自然科学基金委科学仪器项目“适配体筛选微分析系统的研制”及多个国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目、江苏省科技厅社会发展项目等,已发表相关论文100余篇,参加编著国内外相关著作8本,获国家专利10余件。建立的可视化生物芯片检测产品已经应用于食品农产品中农兽药残留检测中。任英国BMC Biotechnology 杂志副主编,《中国测试》杂志编委,国家生物技术协会生物芯片专业委员会委员,国家医学检验工程学会委员,中国仪器仪表协会快检技术与仪器专业委员会委员等。
(1)Yaju Zhao, Minmin Tang, Qiaobo Liao, Zhoumin Li, Hui Li,* Kai Xi, Li Tan, Mei Zhang, Danke Xu,* Hong-Yuan Chen,Disposable MoS2-arrayed MALDI MS chip for high-throughput and rapid quantification of sulfonamides in multiple real samples. ACS Sens., 2018, 3, 806-814.
(2)Wenchao Jia, Hui Li, Thomas Wilkop, Xiaohui Liu, Xiaodong Yu, Quan Cheng, Danke Xu* and Hong-Yuan Chen, Silver Decahedral Nanoparticles Empowered SPR Imaging-SELEX for High Throughput Screening of Aptamers with Real-Time Assessment. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 109,206-213.
(3)Zhu Chen, Hui Li*, Wenchao Jia, Xiaohui Liu, Zhoumin Li, Fang Wen, Nan Zheng, Jindou Jiang, Danke Xu*. Bivalent Aptasensor Based on Silver-Enhanced Fluorescence Polarization for Rapid Detection of Lactoferrin in Milk. Analytical Chemistry, 2017. 89(11), 5900-5908.
(4)Hui Li,Yaju Zhao, Zhu Chen, Danke Xu*,Silver enhanced ratiometric nanosensor based on two adjustable Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer modes for quantitative protein sensing.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 87, 428-432.
(5)Xiaohui Liu, Hui Li, Wenchao Jia, Zhu Chen, Danke Xu*. Selection of aptamers based on a protein microarray integrated with a microfluidic chip.Lab on a chip, 2017, 17, 178-185.
(6)Zhoumin Li ,Zhonghui Li,Dingyi Zhao,Fang Wen,Jindou Jiang,Danke Xu*,Smartphone-based visualized microarray detection for multiplexed harmful substances in milk.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 87, 874-880.
(7)Hui Li, Hongting Hu, Danke Xu*, Silver Decahedral Nanoparticles-Enhanced Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Sensor for Specic Cell Imaging.Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87, 3826-3833.
(8)Hui Li, Hongting Hu, Yaju Zhao, Xiang Chen, Wei Li, Weibing Qiang, Danke Xu*, Multifunctional Aptamer−Silver Conjugates as Theragnostic Agents for Specic Cancer Cell Therapy and Fluorescence-Enhanced Cell. Analytical Chemistry ,2015, 87, 3736-3745.
(9)Weibing Qiang, Hongting Hu, Liang Sun, Hui Li, Danke Xu*, Aptamer/Polydopamine Nanospheres Nanocomplex for in Situ Molecular Sensing in Living Cells.Analytical chemistry, 2015,87, 12190-12196.
(10)Weibing Qiang, Wei Li, Xiaoqing Li, Xiang Chen, Danke Xu*, Bioinspired polydopamine nanospheres: a superquencher for fluorescence sensing of biomolecules, Chemical Science, 2014,5, 3018-3024.