

        磁学与磁性材料专家。南京大学教授。1936年11月生于浙江杭州。1957年毕业于南京大学物理系。现任中国物理学会磁学专业委员会副主任,中国颗粒学会超微颗粒专业委员会副主任、中国仪表材料学会副理事长等职。2005年当选为中国科学院院士。 曾任南京大学纳米科学技术研究中心主任。国家95攀登预选计划“纳米材料科学”首席科学家等职。 长期从事磁学和磁性材料的教学和研究工作,开展了磁性、磁输运性质的研究, 培养的研究生中有二名获全国优秀博士论文奖。他与科研组的师生共发表SCI论文800余篇,被SCI论文引用逾万次,获国家发明专利22项,编著(含合编)书十本。获国家自然科学二等奖、江苏省科技一等奖各一项,省部级科技进步二等奖4项等,均为第一获奖人。获2007年度何梁-何利科学技术进步奖。积极参与科技成果转化,为中国磁性材料发展做出一份奉献。        







5.《高科技知识辞典》(1998),江苏省科学技术出版社,吴锡军主编, 都有为等参加。



8.(2002),Tsinghua University Press.Editors in Chief:Guokui, Zhonglin Wang. 都有为等参加。

9. W.Zhong,W.P.Ding,N.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al 《Effect of Coording Agent on Magnetic Properties of Fine BaFe12(下标)O19(下标) Particles》 化学工业出版社 1996

10. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,W.Zhong,Y.W.Du et al 《Intrinsic Cmr and Granular Gmr in Manganese Perovskites La-R-Mn-O (R=Sr,Ca,Ba,Pb)》 化学工业出版社 1996

11. W.Zhong,W.P.Ding,N.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al 《Effect of Coording Agent on Magnetic Properties of Fine BaFe12(下标)O19(下标) Particles》 化学工业出版社 1996

12.《铁氧体》 江苏科学技术出版社 1996


1. 铁氧体新工艺国外情况介绍 磁性材料与器件 No.3 1977

2. 铁氧体新工艺 电子科学技术 No.12 1978

3. 都有为 王殿祥,潘绍余 干法磁场成型制备永磁铁氧体 电子科学技术 1978

4. 都有为 郑宗瑜 永磁铁氧体概况(一) 电子技术会议录(铁氧体永磁专 1979

5. 都有为 张毓昌,焦洪震,陆怀先,李正宇,顾本喜 δ-FeOOH的结构与相变过程的研究 物理学报 Vol.28 1979

6. 都有为 永磁铁氧体概况(二) 磁性材料与器件永磁会议专辑 1979

7. 李瑞胜,贾亚得,徐红兰,磁学七.二一小组(都有为等) 应力取向成型法制备永磁铁氧体 南京大学学报(自然科学版) No.1 1979

8. 都有为 李正宇,陆怀先,顾本喜,王桂琴 FeOOH生成条件的研究(Ⅰ) 物理学报 Vol.28 1979

9. 永磁铁氧体现状与展望 仪表材料 1979

10. 都有为 张毓昌,陆怀先,焦洪震 α-FeOOH穆斯堡尔谱线形状的对称性 物理学报 Vol.29 1980

11. 都有为 陆怀先,杜德安,廖秉良 电子显微镜研究FeOOH的结晶状态 南京大学学报 No.2 1980

12. 都有为 陆怀先,张毓昌,焦洪震,范德培 FeOOH生成条件的研究(Ⅱ) 物理学报 Vol.29 1980

13. 都有为 张毓昌,陆怀先 超细Fe4O3的氧化过程 物理学报 Vol.30 1981

14. 磁性材料的近展 江苏电子简讯 Vol.66 1981

15. 都有为 陆怀先 草酸盐共沉淀工艺制备LaXZnXBa(1-X)Fe(12-X)O19铁氧体 南京大学学报 No.3 1981

16. 都有为 胡乃雄,陆怀先,张毓昌,顾秀石 辐射损伤对α-Fe2O3穆斯堡尔谱线形状的影响 物理学报 Vol.30 1981

17. 都有为 陆怀先 LaxZnxBa(12-x)Fe(12-x)O19 磁铅石铁氧体 仪表材料 Vol.12 1981

18. 都有为,王挺祥 LaxZnxBa(1-x)Fe(12-x)O19铁氧体高温相组成 物理学报 Vol.31 1982

19. 磁性液体 磁性材料及器件 Vol.13 1982

20. 张恽文,都有为,陆怀先 一种新的多晶型-四方FeC2O4-2H2O 科学通报 Vol.18 1982

21. 都有为 陆怀先,王挺祥,王亚旗 界面活性剂对Fe3O4磁性与穆斯堡尔谱的影响 物理学报 Vol.31 1982

22. 都有为 陆怀先,张毓昌,惠立人,王挺祥 LaxBa(1-x)Fe(12-x)ZnxO19铁氧体磁性与穆斯堡尔谱的研究 物理学报 Vol.32 1982

23. 张恽文,都有为,陆怀先 A new Polymorph-tetragonal FeC2O4.2H2 科学通报 Vol.2 1982

24. 陆怀先,都有为 钆取代M型钡铁氧体的研究 南京大学学报 No.1 1983

25. 永磁铁氧体近展 无线电通讯 No.4 1983

26. Kui Jisheng,Lu Huaixian,Du Youwei W-TYPE HEXAGONAL FERRITES RxBa(1-x)Fe18O27 J.Magn.Magn.Mat. Vol.31 1983

27. Gu Ben-xi,Lu Huai-xian,Du You-wei Magnetic Properties and Mossbauer Spectra of X TypeHexagonal Ferrites J.Magn.Magn.Mat. Vol.31 1983

28. W型永磁铁氧体的研究 磁性材料与器件 No.2 1983

29. You-wei Du,Huai-xian Lu,Yu-cheng Zhang等 Magnetic Properties and High Temperature Compositionof the LaxBa(1-x)Fe(12-x)ZnxO19 Ferrites J.Magn.Magn.Mat. Vol.31 1983

30. 都有为 陆怀先,张毓昌,惠立人,王挺祥 LaxBa(1-x)Fe(12-x)ZnxO19铁氧体磁性与穆斯堡尔谱的研究 物理学报 Vol.32 1983

31. You-wei Du,Huai-xian Lu,Ya-qi Wang,Ting-xiang Wang The Effect of Surfactant on the Magnetic Propertiesand Mossbauer Spectra of Magnetite J.Magn.Magn.Mat. Vol.31 1983

32. Lu Yun-jin,Zhang Yun-wei,Du You-wei,Lu Huai-xian A new Polymorph-tetragonal Fe C2O4.2H2O Ke Xue Tong Bao No.2 1983

33. 永磁铁氧体近况 电子材料 No.2 1983

34. 陆怀先,都有为 (Gd,Ba,Fe)多元四方晶系草酸盐的生成过程和热分解 南京大学学报 Vol.4 1984

35. 都有为 陆怀先,蒋亚净,王挺祥 水热法生成Fe12O19铁氧体的相变过程 物理学报 Vol.33 1984

36. 陆怀先,都有为 轻稀土Ce,La取代六角铁氧体的制备和磁性 南京大学学报 No.3 1984

37. 都有为 陆怀先,赵福建,唐元冀,王挺祥,胡洪铨,薛荣华,吴坚等 M型(CaxSr(1-x)Fe18O27)六角铁氧体的研究 南京大学学报 Vol.4 1984

38. 都有为 陆怀先,顾新运 Fe3O4生成过程的研究 应用科学学报 Vol.3 1985

39. 都有为 陆怀先,蒉纪圣,顾本喜,王挺祥 六角晶系铁氧体中的稀土离子置换 应用科学学报 Vol.3 1985

40. Du You-wei,Lu Huai-xian,Wang Ting-xiang Magnetic Properties of Substitutid BaMe2Fe16O27 American Ceramics ICF No.4 1985

41. Lu Huai-Xian,Du You-Wei,Wang Ting-Xiang A Study of the (ZnxFe(1-x)2w)2W Ferrites 1985 42. 陆怀先,都有为,陈益梅,张惠良,陈懿 氧化铬为助剂的中温水煤气变换催化剂的穆斯堡尔谱与磁性研究 催化学报 No.6 1985

43. 都有为,王挺祥,张毓昌 有机物包裹的Fe3O4颗粒表面自旋钉扎效应研究 物理学报 Vol.34 1985

44. Lu Huai-xian,Du You-wei,Wang Ting-xiang A Study of the(ZnFe)БWferrites American Ceramics ICF No.4 1985

45. 张惠良,张毓昌,陆怀先,都有为,陈益梅 氧化铬为助剂的中温水煤气变换催化剂研究—氢氧化铝的添加效应 催化学报 No.9 1985

46. 焦洪震,张毓昌,陆怀先,都有为,王挺祥 M,W,X型六角钡铁氧体MOSSBAUER谱研究 物理学报 Vol.34 1985

47. 都有为 陆怀先,王挺祥,薛荣华,陈亮,胡洪铨 γ-FeO4中的氢含量 物理学报 Vol.35 1986

48. 都有为 陆怀先,王挺祥,薛荣华,陈亮,胡洪铨 包钴铁氧体矫顽力增大机制的探讨 物理学报 Vol.35 1986

49. Gang Xiao,F-H Streitz,A.Gavrin,Y-W Du,C-L Chien Effect of Trnsition-metal Elements on theSuperconductivity of Y-Ba-Cu-O Phys.Rev.B. Vol.35 1987

50. Huan Tang,Youwei Du,Ziqiang Qiu,J.C.Walker A Study of the Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Ferr-Ferrite-coated Zinc Ferrite Particles J.Appl.Phys. Vol.61 1987

51. 施清和,陆怀先,都有为,王挺祥,惠立人,王琦 兔胃磁性的造影 中华生物学 No.2 1987

52. Youwei Du,Huaixian Lu,Ronghua Xue,Tiangxiang Wang Effect of Cobalt-ferrite Epitaxial Layer on theCoercivity of Zn-Fe-Ferrite Particles J.Appl.Phys.Vol.61 1987

53. H.Tang Z-Q Qiu,Y-W Du,Gang Xiao,C-L Chen,J.C.Walker Magnetic Ordering in GdBa2(Cu0.94Fe0.06)3O9-8 Belowthe Superconduction Transition Temperature Phys.Rev.B. Vol.36 1987

54. Youwei Du,Jian Wu,Huaixian Lu,Tingxiang Wang等 Magnetic Properties of Fine Iron Particles J.Appl.Phys. Vol.61 1987

55. Z-Q Qiu Y-W Du,H.Tang,J.C.Walker The Consistence of Magnetic Ordering and Supercon-ductivity in YBa2(Cu0.94Fe0.06)3O9-δ J.Magn.Magn.Mat.Vol.69 1987

56. T-J Kistenmacher,K.Moorjanl,Y.W.Du et al. Stabilization of the Tetragonal Phase and Superco-nduction Behavior in RBa2(Cu1-XFEX)3OY(R=Y,Gd;0≤X≤0.15) Phys.Rev.B. Vol.36 1987

57. Z-Q Qiu Y-W Du,H.Tang,J.C.Walker,J-S Morgan,W-A Bryden Magnetic Ordering and Superconduction in Fe-Doped1-2-3 Compounds J.Appl.Phys.Vol.64 1988

58. H.Tang Y-W Du,Z-Q Qiu,J.C.Walker Mossbauer Investigation of Zinc Ferrite Particles J.Appl.Phys.Vol.63 1988

59. J-S Morgan,Y-W Du Study of the Isotope Effect in YBa2Cu3Oy Bull.of the Am.Phys.Soc. Vol.33 1988

60. 陆怀先,都有为,高学奎,王挺祥 超细Fe微粒表面氧化层的磁性研究 物理学报 Vol.37 1988

61. H.Tang Z-Q Qiu,Y-W Du,G-P Stern,J.C.Walker Effects of Magnetic Surface Anisotropy Near the(110)Fe/MnF2 Interface J.Appl.Phys. Vol.63 1988

62. H-X Lu X-Y Mao,Y-W Du,W.Yu,T-X Wang Co Ferrite Coating Effect on Fine Iron Particles J.de.Phys.L9 C8 P.1839 1988

63. H.Tang Z-Q Qiu,Y-W Du,J.C.Walker Structure and Magnetic Ordering of SuperconductingGdBa2(Cu0.94Fe0.06)3O7 BY Mossbauer Spectroscopy Hyperfine Interactions Vol.42 1988

64. H.Tang Y-W Du,Z-Q Qiu,J.C.Walker,J-S Morgan,W-A Bryden Antiferromagnetic Ordering in 2-1-4 Copper Oxides J.Appl.Phys. Vol.64 1988

65. Z-Q Qiu Y-W Du,H.Tang,J.C.Walker A Mossbaure Study of Fine Iron Particles J.Appl.Phys. Vol.63 1988

66. Y.W.Du J-S Morgan,J-J Kistenmacher,W-A Bryden,K Moorjan等 Superconductivity and the Tetragonal Phase in Fe-Doped YBa2Cu3Oy Bull.of the Am.Phys.Soc. Vol.33 1988

67. H.Tang Q-Z Qiu,Y-W Du,J.C.Walker Mossbauer Studies on Fe-Substituted 1-2-3 and 2-1-4 Higher Temperature Superconducting Systems Bulletin of the American Physeal Society 33 1988

68. H-X Lu J.Wu,Y-W Du,X-K Gao,T-X Wang A Study of Spin Pinning for Fine Iron Particles J.de.Phys.L9 C8 P.1837 1988

69. K.Moorjani,J.Bohandy,B-F Kim,F-J Adrian,Y-W Du等 Superconductivity and Spin-glass Ordering in RBa2(Cu1-xFex)3Oδ:R=Y Gd; O≤X≤O.12 J.Appl.Phys. Vol.63 1988

70. 吴坚,都有为,高学奎,王挺祥 N2气氛中蒸发法制备超细Fe微粒 南京大学学报 Vol.24 1988

71. Z-Q Qiu Y-W Du,H.Tang,J.C.Walker Mossbauer Study of Magnetic Ordering andSuperconductivity in YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O Hyperfine Interactions Vol.42 1988

72. Z-Q Qiu H.Tang,Y-W Du,G-P Stern,J.C.Walker Magnetic Proximity Effects for Fe Films Across aThin Ag Barrier J.Appl.Phys. Vol.63 1988

73. 无稀土元素的高温超导材料 电子材料 Vol.11 1989

74. 都有为,王挺祥 (MeZn)W铁氧体的研究 全国磁学会议文集(桂林) 1989

75. 离子代换对Tc氧化物超导材料的影响 物理 Vol.18 1989

76. 施清和,都有为,陆怀先,王挺祥,惠立人,王琦,钱永康 胃肠道磁性造影家兔颈部食道造影的研究 中华物理医学杂志 Vol.11 1989

77. 高温超导材料的进展 全国磁学会议文集(桂林) 1989

78. Jian Wu Weiyi Cao,Huaixian Lu,Youwei Du,Xuekui Gao等 The Effects of Surface Layer on Fine Iron Particles The Proceeding of International 1989

79. Z-Q QIU Y-W Du,H.Tang,J.C.Walker The Antiferromagnetism in YBa2Cu3O6+8 Studied BYMossbauer Spectroscopy J.Magn.Magn.Mat.Vol.78 1989

80. H.Tang Y-W Du,Z-Q Qiu,J.C.Walker,P.Heaney,D.Veblen Effect of Cu/Sr Concentrations on the SuperconductingProperty of BiБSr⒐CaCuБO⑺ Bull.of the Am.Phys.Soc. 1989

81. Z-Q Oiu H.Tang,Y-W Du,J.C.Walker The Magnetic Structure of the Fe-Doped 1-2-3 Compounds Bull.of the Am.Phys.Soc. 1989

82. 都有为 钟伟,陆怀先,王挺祥,高学奎 磁性液体及其应用 ibid 1990

83. 纳米尺度微颗粒的磁性 全国首届纳米材料会议论文集 1990

84. 胡济通,都有为,钟伟,吴坚,陆怀先,史莹冰,苗永智 磁性液体复合体的磁光效应 ibid 1990

85. 都有为 唐焕,邱志强,J.C.Walker 界面层对磁性的影响 第七届全国磁学会议论文集 1990

86. 都有为 邱志强,唐焕,J.C.Walker 用穆斯堡尔效应研究 YBa2Cu3Oy中磁有序 物理学报 Vol.39 1990

87. H.Tang Z-Q Qiu,Y-W Du,J.C.Walker Effect of Magnetic Surface Anisotropy Near the(110)Fe/MnF2 and(110)Fe/(110)Ag/MnF2 Interfaces (Abstract) J.Appl.Phys. Vol.67 1990

88. 吴坚,陆怀先,都有为,史莹冰,刘智慧 金属超细微粒的蒸发法制备研究 ibid 1990

89. 超细微粒的特性与应用 江苏省新型功能材料学术会议论文 1990

90. 吴坚,都有为,蒉纪圣,史莹冰,陆怀先,薛荣华 温度对超细Ni微粒磁性的影响 娄底第七届全国磁学会议论文集 1-4 1990

91. 都有为,张世远 用精矿粉生产Y⑽永磁铁氧体 第七届全国磁学会议论文集 2-37 1990

92. 徐明祥,都有为,蒉纪圣,史莹冰,陆怀先,薛荣华 温度对超细Ni微粒磁性的影响 ibid 1990

93. 都有为,蒉纪圣,吴坚,史莹冰,滕敏康,沈德勋,余武 铁纳米晶材料的矫顽力和正电子淹没谱 第七届全国磁学会议论文集 1-15 1990

94. 蒉纪圣,都有为,钟伟,吴坚,陆怀先,史莹冰,苗永智 磁性液体复合体的双折射效应与二向色性 第七届全国磁学会议论文集 1-12 1990

95. 磁性材料的进展趋向 LSI制造与测试 Vol.11 1990

96. 施清和,都有为,陆怀先,王挺祥,钱永康,惠立人,王琦 胃肠道磁性造影-离体猪的磁性造影与硫酸钡造影的比较 第七届全国磁学会议论文集 娄底 1990

97. 都有为 邱志强,唐焕,J.C.Walker 高温超导材料中的反铁磁有序 第七届全国磁学会议论文集 娄底市 1990

98. 超细微粒研究动态 电子材料 Vol.4 1990

99. 都有为,吴坚,高学奎,蒉纪圣,史莹冰,王挺祥 超细微粒的磁性研究 ibid 1990

100. Z-Q Qiu Y-W Du,H.Tang,J.C.Walker The Effect of Fe in Fe-Doped YBa2Cu3O7 Superconductors J.Appl.Phys.Vol.67 1990

101. H.Tang Z-Q Qiu,Y-W Du,J.C.Walker A Study of Fe-Doped Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Superconductors Hyperfine Interactions Vol.62 1990

102. 超细微粒的磁性 磁性材料及器件 Vol.21 1990

103. H.Tang Z-Q Qiu,Y-W Du,J.C.Walker Structural and Superconducting Properties of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Superconductors Studied BY Fe Doping J.Appl.Phys.Vol.67 1990

104. 超细微粒的特性与应用 仪表材料 1990

105. 磁性液体及其应用 电世界 Vol.32 1991

106. Youwei Du, Mingxiang Xu, Jian Wu, Yingbing Shi an Magnetic properties of ultrafine nickel particles J.Appl.Phys. Vol.70 1991

107. J.S.Kui Y.W.Du,J.T.Hu,W.Zhong,H.X.Lu,X.K.Gao,Y.B.Shi等 In the Composite ferrofluid 1991

108. 超微颗粒的物理特性 全国第二届超微颗粒及表面科学学术讨论会邀报告(武汉) 1991

109. 超细微粒的特性与应用 仪表材料 No.4 1991

110. 磁性液体的磁光效应及其应用 功能材料 Vol.22 1991

111. Y.W.Du,W.N.Wang,W.C.Zang,H.X.Lu,J.Wu,M.X.Xu,G.Gu Magnetic behaviors of ultrafine Fe,Ni partidco Proceeding of the 2-nd International Symposim on 1992

112. Z.Y.Pan,Q.H.Shi,Y.W.Du,H.X.Lu,T.X.Wang Magnetic agent used for dgnamic observation of stomach in dogs tadiography Obid 834 1992

113. 都有为 徐明祥,吴坚,史莹冰,陆怀先 镍微超细颗粒的磁性 物理学报 Vol.41 1992

114. 纳米微粒与纳米固体 物理实验 12 168 1992

115. 臧文成,顾刚,都有为 镍超微颗粒的表面磁性 物理学报 41 1537 1992

116. 超微颗粒的物理特性 材料导报 5 3 1992

117. 磁性液体进展 磁性材料及器件 23 30 1992

118. Y.W.Du M.X.Xu,J.Wu,Y.B.Shi,H.X.Lu,J.T.Hu The Magnetic Properties of Fine Ni Particles J.Appl.Phys Vol.70 1992

119. 都有为 C60原子团簇与C60团簇固体 物理 21 133 1992

120. G.X.Cheng,W.C.Zang,P.Yang,W.N.Wang,Y.W.Du et al. Decomposition of Go and C60 under Laser Irradiation Monitored by RamanSpectroscopy Chinese Phys.Lett 9 621 1992

121. 都有为 童兴武,钟伟,王挺祥,干昌明,章肖融 超声波在磁性液体中的传播特性 物理学报 Vol.41 1992

122. 纳米级磁性材料的进展与展望 物理 22 133 1993

123. G.Gu,W.C.Zhang,H.Zen,Y.W.Du et al. Large non-liner absorption in C60 thin films J.Phys.B. 26 L451 1993

124. 基础研究是科技工业的基础 第一届应用磁性材料技术会议文集 415 1993

125. J.S.Kui Y.W.Du,J.T.Hu,W.Zhong,H.X.Lu,X.K.Gao,Y.B.Shi等 Magneto-Optic Effects in the Composite Ferrofluid 光学学报 13 500 1993

126. 超微颗粒磁性 物理学进展 13 255 1993

127. 都有为 磁性液体复合体在外磁场中的赝双折射效应和二向色性 光学学报 13 500 1993

128. W.N.Wang,Y.W.Du The approaching to saturation of ultrafine nickelparticles 第一届应用磁性材料技术会议文集 415 1993

129. Y.N.Han,Y.W.Du Nearly resonant two-Photon abserption of C60 thin film at 633nm Appl.Phys.Lett. 63 447 1993

130. 都有为 超微颗粒的应用 化工进展 67 4 21 1993

131. 第六届国际铁氧体会议掠影 磁性材料及器件 24 19 1993

132. Y.N.Han,Y.W.Du Experimental observation of electric field induced C60 redistribation in Benzenesolution China.Phys.Lett. 10 664 1993

133. Z.S.Jiang,X.Ge,J.T.Ji,Y.W.Du et al. Study on Magnetooptical Phenomena in Fe-SiO2 Granular Films ibid 187 1994

134. H.Sang,Z.S.Jiang,Y.W.Du et al. Giant-Magnetoresistance in CoAg nano-granular films Proceedings of the First Magneto-Electronics 1994

135. 叶英,都有为 BaFe12-2xCr2xO19的穆斯堡尔谱学研究 核技术 17 737 1994

136. G.Gu,G.Chen,W.C.Zang,Y.W.Du,D.Feng Low energy excited states of Solid C60 photoacoustic spectroscopy study ibid 192 1994

137. S.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Du Room temperature (RT) Giane Magnetoresistance in the Co-Cu-Ag alloys granularfilms ibid 373 1994

138. G.Gu,W.C.Zang,H.Zeng,G.Chen,Y.W.Du Photoacoustic Spectrosxopy Measurement of C60 Thin Film Chin.Phys.Lett. 11 102 1994

139. G.Gu,W.C.Zang,H.Zeng,Y.W.Du et al. Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Measurement of C60 Thin Film Chin.Phys.Lett. 11 102 1994

140. 永磁软磁铁氧体的历史进程 磁性材料及器件 25 23 1994

141. W.N.Wang,Y.W.Du,G.X.Cheng Magnetism of the interface between Ni and NiO in Ni/NiO ultrafine particles andMultilayer film ibid 451 1994

142. Z.S.Jiang,X.Ge,J.T.Ji,Y.W.Du et al. Magnetic properties of FeSi-SiO2 granular films J.Appl.Phys. 76 6490 1994

143. G.X.Cheng,G.Gu,W.C.Zang,Y.W.Du The transfermation from fullerite to amporphous Carbon ibid 196 1994

144. Hsiang Ge,Zheng Sheng Jiang,Hai Sang,You Wei Du Preparation and magnetic properties of FeSi-SiO2 Granular films Chinese Jourual of materials Research 378 1994

145. 都有为 叶英等 铁氧体磁卡效应的研究 物理学报 43 322 1994

146. 颗粒膜的研究 科技导报 10 22 1994

147. W.N.Wang,Z.S.Jiang,Y.W.Du Ferromangnetic resonance study on Fe-SiO2 granrlar films J.Appl.Phys. 78 (10) 1995

148. G.Gu,W.C.Zang,Y.W.Du Photoacoustic spectroscopy study on solid C60 in different crystalline states Solid state Communications Vol.95 775-779 1995

149. 程光煦,都有为 C60固体的光学性质 物理学进展 Vol.15 No.3 P.319 1995

150. W.N.Wang,G.X.Cheng,Y.W.Du The interface magnetization of ultrafine Ni articles coated by NiO and Ni/NiOmultilayers J.MMM 10516 1995

151. Z.S.Jiang,G.J.Jin,J.T.Ji,H.Sang,Y.W.Du Magnetooptical kerr effect in Fe-SiO2 granular films J.Appl.Phys. 78 (1) 1995

152. H.Sang,Z.S.Jiang,G.Guo,Y.W.Du et al. Study on GMR in Co-Ag thin granrlar films J.MMM 140-144 589-590 1995

153. 都有为 顾刚,臧文成 全碳分子及其衍生物的结构与制备 物理学进展 Vol.15 No.3 P.233 1995

154. H.Sang,S.Y.Zhang,H.Chen,Y.W.Du et al. Dynamic behavior of cobalt granules oith annealing treament in ion-beamcosputtered Co22Ag78 granular film Appl.Phys.Lett. 67 (14) 2017 1995

155. Z.S.Jiang,J.T.Ji,G.J.Jin,Y.W.Du et al. On the Frarday rotation in Fe-SiO2 granular films J.MMM 140-144 469-470 1995

156. 丁维平,程光煦,章建荣,王敦辉,都有为 束缚于13X分子筛的C60光致发光研究 功能材料 26 151 1995

157. G.Gu,W.P.Ding,G.X.Cheng,W.C.Zang,Y.W.Du et al. Enhance photoluminescence form C60 trapped in NaY molecular sieve Morden Physic Letters.B. 9 1327 1995

158. 郭载兵,钟伟,章建荣,都有为 盐熔法生成锶铁氧体的相变过程及磁性 磁性材料及器件 Vol.26 No.1 1995

159. 张杏奎,顾刚,都有为 全碳分子及其掺杂体结构的喇曼研究 物理学进展 286 1995

160. 磁性颗粒膜研究概况 金属功能材料 2 122 1995

161. G.Gu,W.P.Ding,G.X.Cheng,Y.W.Du er al. Very intensive red light emission from C60 trapped in 13X molecular sieve Appl.Phys.Lett. (3) 17 3261 1995

162. W.L.Gao,Y.W.Du et al. Isothermal crystallization dinetics of ball-millied amorphous Al-Ni-Zr alloy ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 1995

163. J.H.Du,Q.Li,L.C.Wang,Y.W.Du et al. Microstructural investigation of as-deposited Co-Ag nano-granular films J.Phys.:Condecs Matter 7 9425-9432 1995

164. 陈允鸿,鹿牧,都有为 88Ni-Fe合金超细微粒的制备、磁性以及热分析 物理学报 44 1291 1995

165. 颗粒膜巨磁电阻效应 功能材料 26 40 1995

166. 倪刚,徐宁,陈浩,张世远,章建荣,都有为 Co22Ag78颗粒膜巨磁电阻及微结构 金属功能材料 2 130 1995

167. N Zhang,Y.W.Du Giant uniaxial piezoresistance in GMR perovskite La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 Phys.Lett.A 219 319-323 1996

168. Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du Lattice effect in Pr doped La-Sr-Mn-O perovskite Solid State Comm. 100 769 1996

169. J.F.Xu,G.X.Cheng,W.Yang,Y.W.Du Raman scattering from surface phonons in fine Zn Particles coated with ZnO J.Phys.B:At.Mot.Opt.Phys. 29 6227 1996

170. 都有为 高频感应加热法制备Zn超细颗粒及分析 粉体技术 2 18 1996

171. 章建荣,都有为 Zn超微粒子ZnO表面层的表面声子吸收 科学通报 41 2037 1996

172. X.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du The characterization of nanostructured materials Zn and Ag by laser ultrasonicmethod Progress in Natural Science 6 398 1996

173. J.F.Xu,T.J.Zhou,Y.W.Du et al. Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation in nano-structured Zn materials Mater.Lett. 29 131-134 1996

174. 高文莉,章建荣,都有为 Fe-M机械合金化的Mossbauer谱研究 材料研究学报 10 401 1996

175. T.J.Zhou,Y.W.Du Preparation of nanocrystalline Fe-Si alloys and their magnetic properties J.M.M.M. 164 219-224 1996

176. G.Gu,Y.W.Du Enhanced photoluminescence from C60 trapped in NaY molecular sieve Morden Phys.Lett.B 20 1327-1332 1996

177. W.N.Wang,G.X.Cheng,Y.W.Du The interface magnetization of ultrafine Ni particles coated by NiO and Ni/NiOmultilayers J.M.M.M. 153 11-16 1996

178. H.Sang,Y.W.Du Giant magnetoresistance and microstructures in CoAg granular films fabricatedusing ion-beam coosputtering technique Phys.Review.B 53 22 1996

179. J.F.Xu,T.J.Zhou,Y.W.Du Investigation of Zinc ultrafine particles Phys.Stat.Sol. 153 313 1996

180. W.P.Ding,G.Gu,W.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al. Enhanced photoluminescence of C60 incorporated into interlayers of hydrotalcite Chemical Physics Letters 262 259-262 1996

181. Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du Lattice effect in Pr doped La-Sr-Mn-O perovskite Solid State Communications 100 769-771 1996

182. J.F.Xu,G.X.Cheng,Y.W.Du Observation of the surface phonon mode in coated Zn nanoparticles Chin.Jour.of Phys. 34 138 1996

183. Z.Q.Yu,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du Magnetic properties and perparation of Fe3(下标)N compound J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 159 L8 1996

184. Z.Q.YU,J.R.Zhang,R.Zhang,Y.W.Du Magnetic properties and preparation of Fe3N compound J.M.M.M. 159 8-10 1996

185. J.F.Xu,Y.W.Du Optical properties of Zn fine particles coated with ZnO and/or ZnS Solid State Comm. 99 987 1996

186. 巨磁电阻效应 自然杂志 18 73 1996

187. Z.Q.YU,J.R.Zhang,R.Zhang,Y.W.Du The interface magnetization of ultrafine Ni particles coated by NiO and Ni/NiOmultilayers J.M.M.M. 159 8-10 1996

188. J.F.Xu,Y.W.Du Surface phonon mode absorption in Zn fime particles Phys.Lett.A 215 215-217 1996

189. Z.Q.Yu,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du Magnetic properties and perparation of Fe3(下标)N compound J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 159 L8 1996

190. J.F.Xu,G.X.Cheng,W.Yang,Y.W.Du Raman scattering from surface phonons in fine Zn Particles coated with ZnO J.Phys.B:At.Mot.Opt.Phys. 29 6227 1996

191. 章建荣,王敦辉,都有为 Fe-N系磁性材料的研究现状及展望 磁性材料及器件 27 44 1996

192. H.Sang,Y.W.Du Dependence of giant magnetoresistance on microstructures in ion-beam co-sputtered CoxAf1-x granular films Journal of Materials Science 31 5385-5389 1996

193. H.Sang,Y.W.Du Preparation and microstructures of CoAg granular films with giantmagnetoresistance Appl.Phys.A. 63 167-170 1996

194. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du et al Large Piezoresistance and Pressure-Induced Change in Electric Properties in Perovskite-likeLa0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标) Chin.Phys.Lett. 13 870 1996

195. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du et al Large Piezoresistance and Pressure-Induced Change in Electric Properties in Perovskite-likeLa0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标) Chin.Phys.Lett. 13 870 1996

196. J.F.Xu,G.X.Cheng,Y.W.Du Raman scattering from fine Zn particles coated with ZnO Chin.Phys.Lett. 13 765 1996

197. 都有为 Ni/NiO界面的高场磁化研究 物理学报 45 140 1996

198. Y.H.Chen,Y.W.Du Pressure effect of Fe-29 wt% Ni alloy ultrafine particles J.Appl.Phys. 38 1729-1731 1996

199. W.N.Wang,Z.S.Jiang,G.X.Cheng,Y.W.Du Phonon and spin wave spectra study on “in stiu Oxixizing sputtered“ Ni/NiOmultilayers Chin.Phys.Lett. 13 73 1996

200. 章建荣,都有为 Zn超微粒子ZnO表面层的表面声子吸收 科学通报 41 2037 1996

201. 纳米微粒系统中的巨磁电阻效应 物理 26 627 1997

202. 丁维平,李钢,钟伟,杨渭,都有为 单轴压力诱导CMR钙钛矿晶格及磁输运变化 中国科学(A辑) 27 1038 1997

203. J.F.Xu,H.T.Mao,Y.Sun,Y.W.Du Surface vibrational mode of ZnS nanopartcles J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B 15 1465 1997

204. S.L.Tang,B.W.Wang,C.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Synthesis and magnetic properties of PrFe11(下标)V(1-x)(下标)Tix(下标) and their nitrides Appl.Phys.Lett. 71 3421 1997

205. H.Huang,,Z.B.Guo,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du Large Magnetic Entropy Change in Perovskite La(0.67-x)(下标)Gdx(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) Chin.Phys.Lett. 14 786 1997

206. Y.W.Du,H.Sang,Z.S.Jiang,J.T.Ji et al The Magnetic properties of granular films on Frontier of Physics:looking to the 21th Centry 1997

207. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,G.Li,Y.W.Du et al Mpa uniaxial pressure-induced giant lattice compression and change of electric and magneticproperties in perovskite La0.83(下标)Sr0.17(下标)MnO3(下标) Science in China (Series A) 40 1311 1997

208. 都有为 磁性材料工业的新进展 深圳 86-95 1997

209. W.P.Ding,W.Zhong,N.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Field induced antiferromagnetic ordering in NiS cluster confined in zeolite Y J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B 15 1347 1997

210. Z.B.Guo,N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du Lattice effect in Pr doped La-Sr-Mn-O perovskite Solid State Commun 100 769 1997

211. W.Zhong,W.P.Ding,Y.M.Jiang,Y.W.Du et al Preparation and magnetic properties of Barium Hexaferrite Nanoparticles Produced by the CitrateProcess J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 80 3258 1997

212. J.H.Du,Y.W.Du,D.Feng Growth model of CoAg granular films inrestigated by high resolution electronmicroscopy J.Mater.Science.Lett. 16 939 1997

213. 纳米微粒系统中的巨磁电阻效应 物理 26 627 1997

214. G.Gu,Y.W.Du,T.Yu Room temperature photoluminescence from erbium-doped silica thin films prepared by cosputtering Thin Solid Films 10379 1997

215. Z.B.Guo,N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Electronic and Magnetic properties of La(0.7-x)(下标)Prx(下标)Sr0.3(下标)MnO3(下标) J.Nanjing University (Natural Sciences) 33 300 1997

216. 王敦辉,章建荣,都有为等 机械合金化Fe-Si合金的微结构与磁性 物理学报 46 2250 1997

217. H.Huang,,Z.B.Guo,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du Large Magnetic Entropy Change in Perovskite La(0.67-x)(下标)Gdx(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) Chin.Phys.Lett. 14 786 1997

218. 吕丽亚,章建荣,金志强,张世远,都有为 快淬Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Zr,)17(下标)C1.5(下标)合金的磁性 磁性材料及器件 Vol.28 No.4 1997

219. W.Yang,Z.S.Jiang,W.N.Wang,Y.W.Du Magnetoresistance of Fe-SiO2(下标) granular films Solid State Commun 104 479 1997

220. J.F.Xu,H.T.Mao,Y.Sun,Y.W.Du Surface vibrational mode of ZnS nanopartcles J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B 15 1465 1997

221. 都有为 磁性材料工业的新进展 深圳 86-95 1997

222. H.Sang,G.Ni,J.Lu,Y.W.Du et al Preparation and structural characterization of nanostructured CoAg granular films J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B 15 1456 1997

223. Z.B.Guo,W.P.Ding,W.Zhong,Y.W.Du Preparation and magnetic properties of SrFe12(下标)O19(下标) particles prepared by the saltmeltmethod J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 175 333 1997

224. Z.B.Guo,N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Electronic and Magnetic properties of La(0.7-x)(下标)Prx(下标)Sr0.3(下标)MnO3(下标) J.Nanjing University (Natural Sciences) 33 300 1997

225. Z.B.Guo,H.Huang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du Ferromagnetic state with spin canting in La0.52(下标)Gd0.15(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) Phys.Rev.B 56 10789 1997

226. H.Sang,G.Ni,S.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al GMR and Characterization of Microstructures in Ion-Beam Cosputtered CoAg Granular Films IEICE Trans.Electron. E80-C 1161 1997

227. H.Sang,G.Ni,S.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al GMR and Characterization of Microstructures in Ion-Beam Cosputtered CoAg Granular Films IEICE Trans.Electron. E80-C 1161 1997

228. H.Huang,Z.B.Guo,D.H.Wang,Y.W.Du Large magnetic entropy change in La(0.67-x)(下标)Gdx(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 173 320 1997

229. G.Gu,Y.W.Du,T.Yu Room temperature photoluminescence from erbium-doped silica thin films prepared by cosputtering Thin Solid Films 10379 1997

230. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,G.Li,Y.W.Du et al Mpa uniaxial pressure-induced giant lattice compression and change of electric and magneticproperties in perovskite La0.83(下标)Sr0.17(下标)MnO3(下标) Science in China (Series A) 40 1311 1997

231. Y.W.Du,H.Sang,Z.S.Jiang,J.T.Ji et al The Magnetic properties of granular films on Frontier of Physics:looking to the 21th Centry 1997

232. H.Huang,Z.B.Guo,D.H.Wang,Y.W.Du Large magnetic entropy change in La(0.67-x)(下标)Gdx(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 173 320 1997

233. G.Gu,Y.W.Du Photo luminescence studies on C60 trapped in NiY Zaolite Chemical Phys.Lett. 270 135 1997

234. N.Zhang,Y.W.Du Giant Magnetoresistance in granular Perocskite La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Chin.Phys.Lett. 14 229 1997

235. W.Zhong,W.P.Ding,Y.M.Jiang,Y.W.Du et al Preparation and magnetic properties of Barium Hexaferrite Nanoparticles Produced by the CitrateProcess J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 80 3258 1997

236. 纳米材料中的巨磁电阻效应 物理学进展 17 180 1997

237. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Structural and magnetic evolution of rapidly quenched Sm-Fe-Si-C alloys Appl.Phys. 82 5054 1997

238. 丁维平,李钢,钟伟,杨渭,都有为 单轴压力诱导CMR钙钛矿晶格及磁输运变化 中国科学(A辑) 27 1038 1997

239. 唐卫,章建荣,林浩,都有为 机械合金化制备各向同性SrFe12(下标)O19(下标)磁性的研究 材料科学与工艺 Vol.5 No.4 P.21 1997

240. Z.B.Guo,J.R.Zhang,N.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Electrical properties of La(0.7-x)(下标)Prx(下标)Sr0.3(下标)MnO3(下标) Perovskite Appl.Phys.Lett. 70 1897 1997

241. 吕丽亚,章建荣,金志强,张世远,都有为 快淬Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Zr,)17(下标)C1.5(下标)合金的磁性 磁性材料及器件 Vol.28 No.4 1997

242. 纳米材料中的巨磁电阻效应 物理学进展 17 180 1997

243. H.Sang,G.Ni,J.Lu,Y.W.Du et al Preparation and structural characterization of nanostructured CoAg granular films J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B 15 1456 1997

244. Z.B.Guo,J.R.Zhang,N.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Electrical properties of La(0.7-x)(下标)Prx(下标)Sr0.3(下标)MnO3(下标) Perovskite Appl.Phys.Lett. 70 1897 1997

245. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Microstructure and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Zr,)17(下标)C1.5(下标)ribbons with Zr additions J.Appl.Phys. 82 6351 1997

246. W.P.Ding,W.Zhong,N.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Field induced antiferromagnetic ordering in NiS cluster confined in zeolite Y J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B 15 1347 1997

247. Z.B.Guo,N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du Lattice effect in Pr doped La-Sr-Mn-O perovskite Solid State Commun 100 769 1997

248. Z.B.Guo,H.Huang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du Ferromagnetic state with spin canting in La0.52(下标)Gd0.15(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) Phys.Rev.B 56 10789 1997

249. Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du Electrouic and Magnetic Properties of La0.7-xPrxSr0.3MnO3 J.Nanjing University (Natural Sciences) 33 300 1997

250. N.Zhang,Y.W.Du Tunnel-Type giant magnetoresistance in the granular Perovskite La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 Phys.Rev.B.56 1 1997

251. Z.B.Guo,W.P.Ding,W.Zhong,Y.W.Du Preparation and magnetic properties of SrFe12(下标)O19(下标) particles prepared by the saltmeltmethod J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 175 333 1997

252. 磁性材料最近发展动态 LSI制造与测试 18 4 1997

253. N.Zhang,Y.W.Du Large lattice Compression Coefficient and Uniaxial Piegoresistance in CMRPerocskite La1-xSrxMnO3(0.15<=x<=0.25) Z.Phys.B. 102 461 1997

254. Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du et al Large Magnetic entropy Change in Perovskite type Manganese Oxides Phys.Rev.Lett. 78 1142 1997

255. Z.B.Guo,Y.W.Du Lange magnetic entropy change in La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 Appl.Phys.Lett. 70 904 1997

256. N.Zhang,Y.W.Du Giant Magnetoresistance in granular Perocskite La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 J.Phys.Condens Matter 9 4281 1997

257. 王敦辉,章建荣,都有为等 机械合金化Fe-Si合金的微结构与磁性 物理学报 46 2250 1997

258. w.zhong,Y.W.Du Key step in synthesis of ultrafine BaFe12O19 by sol-gel technique J.MMM 168 196 1997

259. 唐卫,章建荣,林浩,都有为 机械合金化制备各向同性SrFe12(下标)O19(下标)磁性的研究 材料科学与工艺 Vol.5 No.4 P.21 1997

260. J.F.Xu,Y.W.Du Optical properties of Zn fine partecles coated with ZnO and Ior Zns Solid State Comm. 101 467 1997

261. W.Yang,Z.S.Jiang,W.N.Wang,Y.W.Du Magnetoresistance of Fe-SiO2(下标) granular films Solid State Commun 104 479 1997

262. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Structural and magnetic evolution of rapidly quenched Sm-Fe-Si-C alloys Appl.Phys. 82 5054 1997

263. N.Zhang,Y.W.Du A.structure-dependent change of magnetien in the magnetic oxide La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 J.Phys.Condens Matter 9 4281 1997

264. G.Gu,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du C60 induced photoluminescence of a silica molecular sieve Appl.Phys.Lett. 70 2619 1997

265. 高温磁致冷工质的新进展 物理 26 385 1997

266. S.L.Tang,B.W.Wang,C.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Synthesis and magnetic properties of PrFe11(下标)V(1-x)(下标)Tix(下标) and their nitrides Appl.Phys.Lett. 71 3421 1997

267. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Microstructure and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Zr,)17(下标)C1.5(下标)ribbons with Zr additions J.Appl.Phys. 82 6351 1997

268. J.Z.Jiang,Y.W.Du Magnetic Properties of Fe20Ag80 granular films Nanostruetured Materials 9 543 1997

269. S.L.Tang,etc. 4th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials Stockholm, Sweden 1998

270. 蒋正生,赖鸣远,章建荣,都有为 Co-Ag 颗粒膜的磁光克尔效应 金属功能材料 Vol.5 No.3 131-133 1998

271. 钟伟,都有为 新型复合Fe3(下标)O4(下标)-SrFe12(下标)O19(下标)纳米微粒 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 1214-1215 1998

272. 都有为 倪刚 磁性纳米材料的新进展 物理 Vol.27 No.9 524-529 1998

273. 钟伟,侯登录,都有为 类钙钛矿锰氧化物磁卡效应的研究 河北师范大学学报 (自然科学版) Vol.22 No.2 188-190 1998

274. 陈伟,丁维平,张宁,都有为等 钙钛矿锰氧化物巨磁熵变效应 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 348-349 1998

275. 都有为 多晶Fe3(下标)O4(下标)的巨磁电阻效应 论文集 杭州 1998

276. 陈伟,丁维平,张宁,都有为等 La-Na-Mn-O纳米微粒磁卡效应的研究 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 350-351 1998

277. G.Gu,J.H.Cai,W.Yang,Y.W.Du Magnetotransport and magnetocaloric properties of La0.55(下标)Er0.55(下标)Ca0.4(下标)MnO3(下标) J.Appl.Phys. 84 3798-3801 1998

278. N.Zhang,S.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Interfacial tunneling and Magnetoresistance in granular perovskite La0.82(下标)Sr0.18(下标)MnOz(下标 Solid State Commun 107 417-422 1998

279. S.L.Tang,etc. Large megnetostriction effect in bulk (La1-x(下标)Smx(下标))2/3(下标)Sr1/3(下标)MnO3(下标) Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

280. W.Zhong,W.Chen,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Structure,composition and magnetocaloric properties in polycrystallineLa(1-x)(下标)Ax(下标)MnO(3+δ)(下标)(A=Na,K) Eur.Phys.J.B 3 169-174 1998

281. Huang He,Guo Zaibing,Wang Dunhui,Du Youwei Large magnetic entropy change in La0.67x(下标)Gdx(下标)CaMnO3(下标) (Natoure Sciences) 34 499-501 1998

282. 钟伟,陈伟,张宁,都有为等 La0.8(下标)K0.2MnO(3+6)(下标)钙钛矿磁熵变与颗粒尺寸的关系 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 352-353 1998

283. Wei Zhong,Yumei Jiang,etc. Very thin barium ferrite plate-like paticles prepared by a novel method Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

284. 王肪,丁维平,钟伟,都有为 纳米颗粒锰钙钛矿中La0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标)晶格畸变诱导的磁性变化 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 336-338 1998

285. 钟伟,丁维平,都有为 一种制备超薄片状钡铁氧体纳米微粒的新方法 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 293-294 1998

286. 杨渭,章建荣,都有为 Fe-Co-Si合金中晶态转变引起的磁光克尔效应增强 论文集 杭州 1998

287. 都有为 倪刚 磁性纳米材料的新进展 物理 Vol.27 No.9 524-529 1998

288. 都有为 磁性超微颗粒的应用与展望 北京 1998

289. W.Tang,L.Y.Lu,Z.Q.Jin,Y.W.Du et al Formation,structure and magnetic harding of Zr added Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Zr)17(下标)C1.5(下标) compounds J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 184 209-214 1998

290. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Effect of composition on crystalline texture and magnetic properties of Nd2(下标)Fe14(下标)B thinfilms J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 185 241-245 1998

291. 蒋正生,蔡金华,顾刚,赖鸣远,章建荣,都有为 溅射Co-Ag颗粒膜的磁光克尔效应 论文集 杭州 1998

292. S.L.Tang,X.M.Jin,B.W.Wang,Z.Q.Jin,D.Y.W.Du et al. Phase transfomation and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed NdFe12-x(下标)Mox(下标)Ny(下标) J.Alloys.Comp. 279 229-232 1998

293. Gang Gu,Youwei Du and Tsing Yu Room temperature photoluminescence from erbium-doped silica thin films prepared by cosputtering Thin Solid Films. 315 263-265 1998

294. T.J.Zhou,W.Yang,Z.Yu,Y.W.Du et al The larger polar Kerr rotation of Fe-Si alloy films and their magnetic properties Appl.Phys.Lett. 72 1383-1384 1998

295. W.Zhong,W.Chen,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Magnetocaloric properties of Na-substituted provskite-type manganese oxides Solid State Commun 106 55-58 1998

296. W.Zhong,W.Chen,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Magnetocaloric properties of Na-substituted provskite-type manganese oxides Solid State Commun 106 55-58 1998

297. 蒋正生,蔡金华,顾刚,赖鸣远,章建荣,都有为 溅射Co-Ag颗粒膜的磁光克尔效应 论文集 杭州 1998

298. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Effect of composition on crystalline texture and magnetic properties of Nd2(下标)Fe14(下标)B thinfilms J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 185 241-245 1998

299. 周铁军,蒋正生,蔡金华,王敏辉,都有为,任兰亭 溅溅 Fe-Si 合金薄膜的磁性和磁光效应 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 339-341 1998

300. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Effective magnetic anisotropy of nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Ti-N hard magnetic alloys Eur.Phys.J.B 3 41-44 1998

301. 陈伟,丁维平,张宁,都有为等 钙钛矿锰氧化物巨磁熵变效应 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 348-349 1998

302. Zhiqiang Jin,Wei Tang,D.Y.W.Du et al Magnetic properties of isotropic SrFe12(下标)O19(下标) fine particles prepared by mecharical alloying J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 182 231-237 1998

303. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.H.Yin,Y.W.Du et al Influence of Mo addition on the microstructure and magneitc properties ofSm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Mo)17(下标)C1.5(下标) alloys J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 186 115-120 1998

304. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,H.X.Qin,Y.W.Du et al Evaluation of exchange interactions in [Gdx(下标)Y(1-x)(下标)]3(下标)Co11(下标)B4(下标) J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 177-181 1115-1116 1998

305. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,Y.W.Du et al Effective magnetic anisotropy of nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Ti-N hard magnetic alloys Eur.Phys.J.B 3 41-44 1998

306. W.Tang,L.Y.Lu,Z.Q.Jin,Y.W.Du et al Formation,structure and magnetic harding of Zr added Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Zr)17(下标)C1.5(下标) compounds J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 184 209-214 1998

307. 章建荣,唐卫,吕丽亚,都有为 HDDR 对纳米晶PrF10(下标)VNoNy(下标)的确结构和磁性的影响 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 270-272 1998

308. 都有为 倪刚 纳米材料进展 Vol.10 13-17 1998

309. Gang Gu,Youwei Du and Tsing Yu Room temperature photoluminescence from erbium-doped silica thin films prepared by cosputtering Thin Solid Films. 315 263-265 1998

310. Yang Ewi,Jiang Zhensheng Guo Zaibing,Du Youwei Preparation and magneto-optical effects of Co-Ag granular films Chin.Phys.Lett. 15 750-752 1998

311. Zhang Ning,Ding Wwiping,Du Youwei et al. Simultaneous observation of tunnel-type GMR and intrinsic CMR in nanometer perovskite Science in China A 41 967-973 1998

312. 蒋正生,赖鸣远,章建荣,都有为 Co-Ag 颗粒膜的磁光克尔效应 金属功能材料 Vol.5 No.3 131-133 1998

313. S.L.Tang,J.H,Yin,etc. Structure and magnetic properties of PrFe10(下标)V2-x(下标)Mox(下标) Compounds and their nitrides Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

314. Z,Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,S.L.Tang,L.Y.Lu,Du Youwei 4th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials Stockholm Sweden 1998

315. W.Yang,Z.S.Jiang,J.H.Cai,Y.W.Du et al Magneto-optical Kerr effect in Co-Ag granular films J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 177-181 1289-1290 1998

316. S.L.Tang,X.M.Jin,B.W.Wang,Z.Q.Jin,D.Y.W.Du et al. Phase transfomation and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed NdFe12-x(下标)Mox(下标)Ny(下标) J.Alloys.Comp. 279 229-232 1998

317. S.L.Tang,C.P.Yang,B.W.Wang,Y.W.Du et al Structure and magnetic properities of PrFe11.5-x(下标)VTi0.5 compounds and their nitrides J.Magn.Mater. 189 341-345 1998

318. 钟伟,丁维平,都有为 一种制备超薄片状钡铁氧体纳米微粒的新方法 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 293-294 1998

319. Huang He,Guo Zaibing,Wang Dunhui,Du Youwei Large magnetic entropy change in La0.67x(下标)Gdx(下标)CaMnO3(下标) (Natoure Sciences) 34 499-501 1998

320. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.H.Yin,Y.W.Du et al Influence of Mo addition on the microstructure and magneitc properties ofSm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Mo)17(下标)C1.5(下标) alloys J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 186 115-120 1998

321. 章建荣,唐卫,唐少龙,都有为 HDDR合成各向同性Pr(Fe,Mo)12(下标)Ny(下标)化合物 论文集 杭州 1998

322. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.H.Yin,Y.W.Du et al High-coercivity Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Mo)17(下标)C1.5(下标) ribbons with addition of Mo J.Appl.Phys. 83 5585-5587 1998

323. W.Zhong,W.Chen,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Structure,composition and magnetocaloric properties in polycrystallineLa(1-x)(下标)Ax(下标)MnO(3+δ)(下标)(A=Na,K) Eur.Phys.J.B 3 169-174 1998

324. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,D.Y.W.Du Giant magnetoresistansce in mechanicla alloyed La0.7(下标)Sr0.06(下标)Ca0.24(下标)MnO3(下标) perovskite J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 187 237-241 1998

325. 都有为 倪刚 纳米材料进展 Vol.10 13-17 1998

326. 都有为 磁性超微颗粒的应用与展望 北京 1998

327. 杨渭,章建荣,都有为 Fe-Co-Si合金中晶态转变引起的磁光克尔效应增强 论文集 杭州 1998

328. S.L.Tang,etc. Large megnetostriction effect in bulk (La1-x(下标)Smx(下标))2/3(下标)Sr1/3(下标)MnO3(下标) Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

329. Wei Zhong,Yumei Jiang,etc. Very thin barium ferrite plate-like paticles prepared by a novel method Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

330. W.Zhong,W.P.Ding,Y.M.Zhou,Y.W.Du et al Thermal hysteresis in magnetization and conductivity for polycrystallineLa0.55(下标)Dy0.12(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) Solid State Commun 107 55-58 1998

331. H.Chen,Q.Y.Xu,G.Ni,etc. Microstructure investigation of Fe/Al2(下标)O3(下标)/Fe tunnling junction Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

332. 章建荣,唐卫,唐少龙,都有为 HDDR合成各向同性Pr(Fe,Mo)12(下标)Ny(下标)化合物 论文集 杭州 1998

333. Z,Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,S.L.Tang,L.Y.Lu,Du Youwei 4th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials Stockholm Sweden 1998

334. 钟伟,都有为 新型复合Fe3(下标)O4(下标)-SrFe12(下标)O19(下标)纳米微粒 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 1214-1215 1998

335. 周铁军,蒋正生,蔡金华,王敏辉,都有为,任兰亭 溅溅 Fe-Si 合金薄膜的磁性和磁光效应 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 339-341 1998

336. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,H.X.Qin,Y.W.Du et al Evaluation of exchange interactions in [Gdx(下标)Y(1-x)(下标)]3(下标)Co11(下标)B4(下标) J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 177-181 1115-1116 1998

337. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,L.Y.Lu,D.Y.W.Du et al Nitriding behavior of nanocrystalline NdFe10.5(下标)VTi0.5(下标) compounds J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 185 71-76 1998

338. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,D.Y.W.Du Giant magnetoresistansce in mechanicla alloyed La0.7(下标)Sr0.06(下标)Ca0.24(下标)MnO3(下标) perovskite J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 187 237-241 1998

339. S.L.Tang,C.P.Yang,B.W.Wang,Y.W.Du et al Structure and magnetic properities of PrFe11.5-x(下标)VTi0.5 compounds and their nitrides J.Magn.Mater. 189 341-345 1998

340. 章建荣,唐卫,吕丽亚,都有为 HDDR 对纳米晶PrF10(下标)VNoNy(下标)的确结构和磁性的影响 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 270-272 1998

341. G.Gu,J.H.Cai,W.Yang,Y.W.Du Magnetotransport and magnetocaloric properties of La0.55(下标)Er0.55(下标)Ca0.4(下标)MnO3(下标) J.Appl.Phys. 84 3798-3801 1998

342. Zhiqiang Jin,Wei Tang,D.Y.W.Du et al Magnetic properties of isotropic SrFe12(下标)O19(下标) fine particles prepared by mecharical alloying J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 182 231-237 1998

343. W.Tang,Z.Q.Jin,J.H.Yin,Y.W.Du et al High-coercivity Sm2(下标)(Fe,Al,Mo)17(下标)C1.5(下标) ribbons with addition of Mo J.Appl.Phys. 83 5585-5587 1998

344. T.J.Zhou,W.Yang,Z.Yu,Y.W.Du et al The larger polar Kerr rotation of Fe-Si alloy films and their magnetic properties Appl.Phys.Lett. 72 1383-1384 1998

345. S.L.Tang,etc. 4th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials Stockholm, Sweden 1998

346. W.Yang,Z.S.Jiang,J.H.Cai,Y.W.Du et al Magneto-optical Kerr effect in Co-Ag granular films J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 177-181 1289-1290 1998

347. Yang Ewi,Jiang Zhensheng Guo Zaibing,Du Youwei Preparation and magneto-optical effects of Co-Ag granular films Chin.Phys.Lett. 15 750-752 1998

348. Zhang Ning,Ding Wwiping,Du Youwei et al. Simultaneous observation of tunnel-type GMR and intrinsic CMR in nanometer perovskite Science in China A 41 967-973 1998

349. 陈伟,丁维平,张宁,都有为等 La-Na-Mn-O纳米微粒磁卡效应的研究 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 350-351 1998

350. N.Zhang,S.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Y.W.Du et al Interfacial tunneling and Magnetoresistance in granular perovskite La0.82(下标)Sr0.18(下标)MnOz(下标 Solid State Commun 107 417-422 1998

351. S.L.Tang,J.H,Yin,etc. Structure and magnetic properties of PrFe10(下标)V2-x(下标)Mox(下标) Compounds and their nitrides Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

352. W.Zhong,W.P.Ding,Y.M.Zhou,Y.W.Du et al Thermal hysteresis in magnetization and conductivity for polycrystallineLa0.55(下标)Dy0.12(下标)Ca0.33(下标)MnO3(下标) Solid State Commun 107 55-58 1998

353. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,L.Y.Lu,D.Y.W.Du et al. Structural and magnetic properties of PrFe10(下标)Mo2(下标)Ny(下标) prepared by hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination and nitrogenation processes J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 187 231-236 1998

354. 钟伟,侯登录,都有为 类钙钛矿锰氧化物磁卡效应的研究 河北师范大学学报 (自然科学版) Vol.22 No.2 188-190 1998

355. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,L.Y.Lu,D.Y.W.Du et al. Structural and magnetic properties of PrFe10(下标)Mo2(下标)Ny(下标) prepared by hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination and nitrogenation processes J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 187 231-236 1998

356. 都有为 多晶Fe3(下标)O4(下标)的巨磁电阻效应 论文集 杭州 1998

357. Z.B.Guo,W.Yang,Y.T.Shen,Y.W.Du Magnetic entropy change in La0.75(下标)Ca(0.25-x)(下标)Srx(下标)MnO3(下标) perovskites Solid State Commun 105 89-92 1998

358. 钟伟,陈伟,张宁,都有为等 La0.8(下标)K0.2MnO(3+6)(下标)钙钛矿磁熵变与颗粒尺寸的关系 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 352-353 1998

359. Z.B.Guo,W.Yang,Y.T.Shen,Y.W.Du Magnetic entropy change in La0.75(下标)Ca(0.25-x)(下标)Srx(下标)MnO3(下标) perovskites Solid State Commun 105 89-92 1998

360. 王肪,丁维平,钟伟,都有为 纳米颗粒锰钙钛矿中La0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标)晶格畸变诱导的磁性变化 功能材料增刊 Vol.10 336-338 1998

361. Z.Q.Jin,W.Tang,J.R.Zhang,L.Y.Lu,D.Y.W.Du et al Nitriding behavior of nanocrystalline NdFe10.5(下标)VTi0.5(下标) compounds J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 185 71-76 1998

362. H.Chen,Q.Y.Xu,G.Ni,etc. Microstructure investigation of Fe/Al2(下标)O3(下标)/Fe tunnling junction Magnetic Mateials, Miami,Florida 1998

363. Large magnetic entropy change in perovskite type manganese oxides. Z.B.Guo, Y.W.Du, J.S.Zhu, H.Huang, W.P.Ding and D.Feng. Phys.Rev.Lett. 78(1997) 1142-1144.

364. Large magnetic entropy change in La0.75Ca0.25MnO3. Z.B.Guo, J.R.Zang, H.Hang, W.P.Ding, and Y.W.Du. Appl. Phys. Lett. 70.(1997) 904-905.

365. C60 induced photoluminescence of a silica molecular sieve. Gang Gu, Weiping Ding, and Youwei Du. Appl.Phys. Lett.70 (1997) 2619-2621.

366. Tunnel type giant magnetoresistance in granular perovskite La0.85Sr0.15MnO3. Ning Zhang, Weiping Ding, Wei Zhong, Dingyu Xing, and Youwei Du. Phys. Rev. B. 56,(1997) 8138-8142.

367. Electrical properties of La0.7-xPrxSr0.3MnO3 perovskite. Zaibing Guo, Jianrong Zhang, Ning Zhang, Weiping Ding, He Hang, and Youwei Du.Appl. Phys. Lett, 70 (1997) 1897-1899.

368. The larger polar rotation of Fe-Si alloy films and their magnetic properties. Tiejun Zhou, W.Yang, Z.Yu, H.H.Zhang, J.C.Shen , and Y.W.Du. Appl. Phys. Lett. 72 (1998)1383-1384.

369. Magneto-optical Kerr effect and optical properties of amorphous CoSi (0.59

370. Very large magnetoresistance in Ni1-xFexS near room temperature P.Chen and Y.W.Du Appl. Phys. Lett. 79(2001)96

371. Giant tunneling magnetoresistance in polycrystalline Zn0.41Fe2.59O4 with grain boundaries coated by a -Fe2O3。P.Chen, D.Y.Xing, Y.W.Du, J.M.Zhu, D.FengPhys.Rev.Lett. 87(2001) 1107202-1-4

372. Positive magnetoresistance from quantum interfere effect in pervskite-type mangnites P.Chen, D.Y . Xing, and Y.W.Du Phys. Rev. B. 64 (2001) 104402

















汤怒江教授、都有为院士团队在《Advanced Materials》发表窄化原子级二维氮化碳带隙的研究进展











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《Advanced Materials》发表汤怒江教授/都有为院士团队在三维石墨烯网络的氮元素超掺杂方面的研究成果

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