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地球物理学报 2020:2019年3月江苏响水化工厂爆炸当量的估计

作者:江文彬1, 陈颙1,2, 彭菲2

单位:1. 南京大学地球科学与工程学院, 南京 210023;2. 中国地震局地震预测研究所, 北京 100036



摘要 2019年3月21日江苏盐城响水化工厂发生爆炸,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失.人们很关心这次爆炸的规模以及它相当于多大当量的炸药爆炸.随着观测资料的增多与地震学方法的发展,利用地震学方法估算爆炸当量成为可能.本文收集了广岛核爆事件、美国化学爆炸试验、长白山人工震源勘探、朝鲜六次核试爆资料和前人研究成果,讨论了爆炸当量与爆炸所产生地震震级的关系,计算了爆炸能量转换地震波能量的比例.当某次爆炸发生时,如果其产生的地震事件被台站记录到,我们可以估算地震波的能量.进而根据地震波能量在爆炸总能量中的比例,估算爆炸事件释放的能量.本研究估计江苏响水爆炸事故所释放炸药量约为2.8~8.5 t TNT炸药.

关键词 : 响水化工厂爆炸,  当量估计,  地震波能量,  地震震级   


Abstract:A chemical plant explosion occurred at Xiangshui County, Jiangsu Province, China on 21 March 2019, causing massive casualties and property losses. The magnitude of explosion is a highly concerned issue. With the increase of observational data and the development of seismology, it is possible to estimate the explosive equivalent using seismic methods. We collected data from the nuclear explosion of Hiroshima, chemical explosion tests in the United States, active source exploration in the Changbai Mountains, and six North Korea underground nuclear tests to explore the relationship between the explosion equivalent and the magnitude of earthquakes. Furthermore, we calculated the energy conversion ratio between the explosion and seismic waves. The energy of the seismic waves thus can be estimated if the seismograms generated from an explosion are recorded. Then, the energy released by the explosion can be estimated based on the proportion of the seismic energy in the total energy of the explosion. Based on this method, the explosive equivalent was estimated as between 2.8 tons and 8.5 tons of TNT.

Key words: Xiangshui chemical plant explosion    Yield estimation    Seismic energy    Earthquake magnitude  


江文彬, 陈颙, 彭菲 .2020.2019年3月江苏响水化工厂爆炸当量的估计.  地球物理学报,63(2): 541-550,doi: 10.6038/cjg2020N0314

JIANG WenBin, CHEN Yong, PENG Fei .2020.The yield estimation of the explosion at the Xiangshui, Jiangsu chemical plant in March 2019 Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese),63(2): 541-550,doi: 10.6038/cjg2020N0314