胡兴邦,教授、博导。2002年在浙江大学获理学学士学位,2007年在浙江大学获工学博士学位(导师:李浩然教授),2009年起在南京大学化学化工学院工作,2013-2015年在加州大学圣地亚哥分校Guy Bertrand课题组访学。目前担任中国化工学会离子液体专业委员会青年委员。 研究方向:绿色化工、气体小分子的分离与转化(包括CO2、SO2、H2S、CO、O2等)。就以上研究内容,以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature Catal., AIChE J.,J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Eng. J., J. Catal., Green Chem.等刊物上发表论文70多篇,申请专利22项(授权12项)。曾获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖,2010年国家技术发明二等奖(5/6),2009年教育部科技进步二等奖 (6/10),2008年中国石油与化工协会科技进步一等奖(6/10), 2017年中国石油与化工协会技术发明一等奖(6/10)。 展示全部
2019年1月-至今,南京大学,化学化工学院,教授、博导 2013年3月-2015年3月,加州大学圣地亚哥分校,访问学者 2009年9月-2018年12月,南京大学,化学化工学院,副教授 2007年7月-2009年8月,浙江大学,化学系,博士后 2002年9月-2007年7月,浙江大学,化工系,博士生 1998年9月-2002年7月,浙江大学,化学系,本科生 展示全部
1.绿色化工&清洁生产 2.高效催化 3.气体小分子的分离与转化(包括CO2、SO2、H2S、CO、O2等) 学术成果
获奖: 1. 胡兴邦,绿色空气氧化催化剂的设计、合成及应用,全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖,2009 2. 李浩然; 陈志荣; 胡柏剡; 王从敏; 胡兴邦; 黄国东, 脂溶性维生素及类胡萝卜素的绿色合成新工艺及产业化, 国家技术发明二等奖,2010 3. 李浩然; 陈志荣; 胡柏剡; 王从敏; 王正江; 胡兴邦; 王拥军; 毛建拥; 陈晓阳; 张志香, 维生素E绿色生产工艺的开发及产业化,教育部科技进步二等奖, 2009 4. 张志炳, 周政, 张 锋, 李磊, 孟为民, 胡兴邦, 陈懿, 朱益民, 杨毅融, 杨占平, 微界面传质强化反应-精细分离成套技术研发, 中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖, 2017 5. 李浩然; 陈志荣; 胡兴邦; 王从敏; 胡柏剡, 氧代异佛尔酮的制备方法, 中国专利优秀奖, 2011 6. 李浩然; 陈志荣; 胡柏剡; 王从敏; 王正江; 胡兴邦; 王拥军; 毛建拥; 陈晓阳; 张志香, 维生素E绿色生产工艺的开发及产业化, 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖, 2008 第一或通讯作者论文: 1.Romero, E. A.; Zhao, T. X.; Nakano, R.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.; Jazzar, R.*; Bertrand, G.* “Tandem Copper Hydride-Lewis Pair Catalyzed Reduction of Carbon Dioxide into Formatewith Dihydrogen”, Nature Catal.2018, 1, 743-747. 2.Zhao, T. X.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Hydrogenation of CO2 to Formate with H2: Transition Metal Free Catalyst Based on a Lewis Pair”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2019, 58, 722-726. 3.Hu, X. B.*; Soleihavoup, M.; Melaimi, M.; Chu, J. X.; Bertrand, G.* “Air-Stable (CAAC) CuCl and (CAAC)CuBH4 Complexes as Catalysts for the Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation of BH3NH3”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2015, 54, 6008-6011. 4.Hu, X. B.; Martin, D.; Melaimi, M.; Bertrand, G.* “Gold-catalyzed hydroarylation of alkenes with dialkylanilines”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 13594-13597. 5.Zheng, W. T.; Huang, K.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Protic Ionic Liquid as Excellent Shuttle of MDEA for Fast Capture of CO2”, AIChE J.2018, 64, 209-219. 6.Huang, K.; Zhang, X. M.; Xu, Y.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*“Protic ionic liquids for the selective absorption of H2S from CO2: Thermodynamic Analysis”,AIChE J.2014, 60, 4232-4240. 7.Huang, K.; Cai, D.; Chen, Y. L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Thermodynamic validation of 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium carboxylates as task-specific ionic liquids for H2S absorption”,AIChE J.2013, 59, 2227-2235. 8.Huang, K.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Effect of alkalinity on absorption capacity and selectivity of SO2 and H2S over CO2: Substituted benzoate-based ionic liquids as the study platform”, Chem. Eng. J. 2016, 297, 265-276. 9.Zhang, X. M.; Huang, K.; Xia, S.; Chen, Y. L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*, “Low-viscous fluorine-substituted phenolic ionic liquids with high performance for capture of CO 10.Huang, K.; Chen, Y. L.; Zhang, X. M.; Xia, S.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “SO2 absorption in acid salt ionic liquids/sulfolane binary mixtures: Experimental study and thermodynamic analysis”,Chem. Eng. J. 2014, 237, 478-486. 11.Huang, K.; Lu, J.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Absorption of SO 12.Liu, J.; Yang, G. Q.; Liu, Y.; Wu, D. S.; Hu, X. B.*; Zhang, Z. B.* “Metal-free imidazolium hydrogen carbonate ionic liquids as bifunctional catalyst for the one-pot synthesis of cyclic carbonates from olefins and CO2”,GreenChem. 2019, 21, 3834 - 3838. 13.Yang, G. Q.; Du, H. Y.; Liu, J.; Zhou, Z.; Hu, X. B.*; Zhang, Z. B.* “Oxidation of olefins using molecular oxygen catalyzed by a part per million level of recyclable copper catalyst under mild conditions”, GreenChem., 2017, 19, 675-681. 14.Huang, K.; Feng, X.; Zhang, X.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*“The ionic liquid-mediated Claus reaction: a highly efficient capture and conversion of hydrogen sulfide”, GreenChem., 2016, 18, 1859-1863. 15.Xu, Y.; Hu, X. B.*; Shao, J.; Yang, G. Q.; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Hydration of alkynes at room temperature catalyzed by gold(I) isocyanide compounds”, GreenChem., 2015, 17, 532-537. 16.Hu, X. B.; Li, Y. X.; Huang, K.; Ma, S.; Yu, H.; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Impact of α-D-glucose pentaacetate on the selective separation of CO2 and SO 17.Tu, Z. H.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Self-enhancement of CO reversible absorption accompanied by phase transition in protic chlorocuprate ionic liquids for effective CO separation from N2”,Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 3390-3393. 18.Yang, L.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.* “The Influence of Axial Ligands on the Catalytic Activity and Enantioselectivity of Salen-Mn Complexes in the Asymmetric Epoxidation”,J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2019, 32, e3972. 19.Zhang, X. M.; Xiong, W. J.; Tu, Z. H.; Peng, L. L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Supported ionic liquid membranes with dual-site interaction mechanism for efficient separation of CO2”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 10792-10799. 20.Zhao, T. X.; Liang, J.; Zhang, Y. T.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*Unexpectedly efficient SO2 capture and conversion to sulfur in novel imidazole-based deep eutectic solvents, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 8964-8967. 21.Zhao, T. X.; Li, Y. F.; Zhang, Y. T.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* Efficient SO2 Capture and Fixation to Cyclic Sulfites by Dual Ether-Functionalized Protic Ionic Liquids without Any Additives, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 10886-10895. 22.Zhao, T. X.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Liang, J.; Li, P.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.* Multisite activation of epoxides by recyclable CaI2/N-methyldiethanolamine catalyst for CO2 fixation: A facile access to cyclic carbonates under mild conditions, Mole. Catal. 2018, 450, 87-94. 23.Zheng, W. T.; Wu, D. S.; Feng, X.; Hu, J. L.; Zhang, F.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* Low viscous Protic ionic liquids functionalized with multiple Lewis Base for highly efficient capture of H2S, J. Mole. Liq.2018, 263, 209-217. 24.Zhao, T. X.; Li, P.; Feng, X.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.* Study on absorption and spectral properties of H2S in carboxylate protic ionic liquids with low viscosity, J. Mole. Liq.2018, 266, 806-813. 25.Zhao, T. X.; Zhang, X. M.; Tu, Z. H.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.*Low-viscous diamino protic ionic liquids with fluorine-substituted phenolic anions for improving CO2 reversible capture, J. Mole. Liq.2018, 268, 617-624. 26.Wu, H. Z.; Zhao, T. X.; Hu, X. B.* Friedel-Crafts Reaction of N,N-Dimethylaniline with Alkenes Catalyzed by Cyclic Diaminocarbene-Gold(I) Complex, Sci. Rep.2018, 8, 11449. 27.Zhao, T. X.; Zhai, G. W.; Liang, J.; Li, P.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.* “Catalyst-free N-formylation of amines using BH3NH3 and CO2 under mild conditions”, Chem. Commun.2017, 53, 8046-8049. 28.Zhao, T. X.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, D. S.; Li, R.; Yang, G. Q.; Wu, Y. T.* “Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CO2 and methanol at room temperature using imidazolium hydrogen carbonate ionic liquid as recyclable catalyst and dehydrant”, ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 2046-2052. 29.Zhang, X. M.; Tu, Z. H.; Li, H.; Huang, K.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T. *; MacFarlane, D. R.* “Selective separation of H2S and CO2 from CH4 by supported ionic liquid membranes”, J. Membrane Sci.2017, 543, 282-287. 30.Zheng, W. T.; Zhang, F.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Concentrated aqueous solutions of protic ionic liquids as effective CO2 absorbents with high absorption capacities”, J. Mole. Liq.2017, 243, 169-177. 31.Zhang, X. M.; Tu, Z. H.; Li, H.; Li, L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B. “Supported protic-ionic-liquid membranes with facilitated transport mechanism for the selective separation of CO2”, J. Membrane Sci.2017, 527, 60-67. 32.Huang, K.; Zhang, J.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.*, “Absorption of H2S and CO2 in Aqueous Solutions of Tertiary-Amine Functionalized Protic Ionic Liquids”, Energy Fuels, 2017, 31, 14060-14069. 33.Xu, Y.; Hu, X. B.*; Zhang, S. F.; Xi, X. X.; Wu, Y. T. * “Room-Temperature Hydration of Alkynes Catalyzed by Different Carbene Gold Complexes and their Precursors”, ChemCatChem2016, 8, 262-267. 34.Zhang, X. M.; Feng, X.; Li, H.; Peng, J.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Cyano-Containing Protic Ionic Liquids for Highly Selective Absorption of SO2 from CO2: Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2016, 55, 11012-11021. 35.Huang, K.; Zhang, X. M.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.* “Hydrophobic protic ionic liquids tethered with tertiary amine group for highly efficient and selective absorption of H2S from CO2”, AIChE J.2016, 62, 4480-4490. 36.Hu, X. B.; Martin, D.*; Bertrand, G.* “Room temperature hydroamination of alkynes with anilines catalyzed by anti-Bredt di(amino) carbene gold(I) complexes”, New J. Chem.2016, 40, 5993-5996. 37.Xi, X. X.; Shao, J.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.* “Structure and asymmetric epoxidation reactivity of chiral Mn(III) salen catalysts modified by different axial anions”, RSC Adv.2015, 5, 80772-80778. 38.Yuan, L. H.; Xu, Y.; Hu, X. B.*; Yang, G. Q.; Wu, Y. T.* “A water-soluble palladium-salen catalyst modified by pyridinium salt showing higher reactivity and recoverability for Heck coupling reaction”, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2015, 396, 55-60. 39.Huang, K.; Zhang, X. M.; Li, Y. X.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Facilitated separation of CO2 and SO2 through supported liquid membranes using carboxylate-based ionic liquids”,J. Membrane Sci.2014, 471, 227-236. 40.Shao, J.; Yuan, L. H.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “The effect of nano confinement on the C–H activation and its corresponding structure-activity relationship”Sci. Rep.2014, 4, 7225. 41.Huang, K.; Chen, Y. L.; Zhang, X. M.; Ma, S. L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Experimental study and thermodynamical modelling of the solubilities of SO2, H2S and CO 42.Huang, K.; Xia, S.; Zhang, X. M.; Chen, Y. L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Comparative Study of the Solubilities of SO 43.Huang, K.; Cai, D. N.; Chen, Y. L.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Dual Lewis Base Functionalization of Ionic Liquids for Highly Efficient and Selective Capture of H2S”,ChemPlusChem2014, 79, 241-249. 44.Yang, G. Q.; Lin, Q. X.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.; Zhang, Z. B. “Improvement the Activity and Selectivity of Fenton System in the Oxidation of Alcohols”, Journal of Catalysts, 2014, 823054. 45.Huang, K.; Wang, G. N.; Dai, Y.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B.* “Dicarboxylic acid salts as task-specific ionic liquids for reversible absorption of SO2 with a low enthalpy change”, RSC Adv.2013, 3, 16264-16269. 46.刘超英,胡兴邦*,吴有庭,”离子液体支载金属催化剂的研究进展”,现代化工,2013, 33, 41-45. 47.Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “CO oxidation on metal-free nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes and the related structure–reactivity relationships”, J. Mater. Chem.2012, 22, 15198-15205. 48.Yang, G. Q.; Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.; Liu, C. Y.; Zhang, Z. B. “Phenol oxidation catalyzed by a simple water-soluble copper catalyst with an imidazole salt tag”, Catal. Commun. 2012, 26, 132-135. 49.Hu, X. B.*; Liu, C. Y.; Wu, Y. T.; Zhang, Z. B. Structure-reactivity relationships of metalloporphyrin modified by ionic liquid and its analogue, J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 23913-23921. 50.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.*; Wu, T. Approaching and bond breaking energies in the C-H activation and their application in catalyst design, J. Phys. Chem. A2011, 115, 904-910. 51.Hu, X. B.*; Zhou, Z.; Lin, Q. X.; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. High reactivity of metal-free nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube for the C-H activation, Chem. Phys. Lett.2011, 503, 287-291. 52.Hu, X. B.*; Lin, Q. X.; Gao, J. Y.; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Anion–cation and ion-solvent interaction of some typical ionic liquids in solvents with different dielectric constant”, Chem. Phys. Lett.2011, 516, 35-39. 53.Hu, X. B.*; Liu, C. Y.; Wu, Y. T.*; Zhang, Z. B. “Density functional theory study on nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with and without oxygen adsorption: the influence of length and diameter”, New J. Chem.2011, 35, 2601-2606. 54.Hu, X. B.; Sun, Y.; Mao, J. Y.; Li, H. R.* Theoretical study on the structure–reactivity relationships of acetylacetone–Fe catalyst modified by ionic compound in C–H activation reaction, J. Catal.2010, 272, 320-332. 55.Hu, X. B.*; Wu, Y. T.; Li, H. R.*; Zhang, Z. B. Adsorption and activation of O2 on nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes, J. Phys. Chem. C2010, 114, 9603-9607. 56.Hu, X. B.; Mao, J. Y.; Sun, Y.; Chen, H.; Li, H. R. Acetylacetone-Fe catalyst modified by imidazole ionic compound and its application in aerobic oxidation of beta-isophorone, Catal. Commun.2009, 10, 1908-1912. 57.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R. “Theoretic Research on the Activation and Oxidation of Hydrocarbons”, Prog. Chem.2009, 21, 577-587. 58.Hu, X. B.; Wang, C. M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, H.; Li, H. R. Two unexpected roles of water: Assisting and preventing functions in the oxidation of methane and methanol catalyzed by porphyrin-Fe and porphyrin-SH-Fe, J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 10684-10688. 59.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Zhang, L.; Han, S. J. Tautomerism of uracil and 5-bromouracil in a microcosmic environment with water and metal ions. What roles do metal ions play, J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 9347-9354. 60.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 8352-8356. 61.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Wang, C. M. The reactivity of all-metal aromatic complexes: A theoretical investigation on the methane activation reaction, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 14046-14049. 62.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C.; Han, S. J. Explore water's protective and assistant role for uracil: A changing role of water at different temperature, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2006, 417, 320-325. 63.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Wang, C. M.; Han, S. J. How O2 is activated on all-metal aromatic complex (Al4Ca) surface, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2006, 426, 39-42. 64.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C.; Han, S. J. Reaction mechanism of uracil bromination by HBrO: A new way to generate the enol-keto form of 5-bromouracil, J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 11188-11193. 65.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C.; Han, S. J. Exploring a new kind of aromatic hydrogen bond: Hydrogen bonding to all-metal aromatic species, New J. Chem. 2005, 29, 1295-1301. 66.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C.; Han, S. J. Systematic study of the tautomerism of uracil induced by proton transfer. Exploration of water stabilization and mutagenicity, J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 5935-5944. 67.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C. ; Han, S. J. “Explore the effect induced by water in the proton transfer process of 5-fluorouracil”, Acta Phys-Chem. Sin.2005, 21, 952-956. 68.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C. ; Han, S. J. “Theoretical study on all-metal aromatic complexes: all-metal aromatic hydrogen bond”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2005, 402, 539-543. 69.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Ding, J. Y.; Han, S. J. Mutagenic mechanism of the A-T to G-C transition induced by 5-bromouracil: An ab initio study, Biochemistry 2004, 43, 6361-6369. 70.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C. ; Han, S. J. “Theoretical study on all-metal aromatic complexes: interaction with small gas molecule”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2004, 397, 180-184. 71.Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Liang, W. C.; Han, S. J. Theoretical study of the proton transfer of Uracil+nH2O (n=0-4): Water stabilization and mutation phenomena for uracil, J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 12999-13007. 其他论文: 72.Zhao, T. X.; Feng, X.; Zheng, W. T.; Hu, X. B.; Zhang, J. B.*; Wu, Y. T.*, “Solubility of dilute SO2 in binary system of polyethylene glycol 200 and dimethyl sulfoxide as a function of liquid composition and system's spectroscopic studies”, J. Mol. Liq., 2017, 225, 151-159. 73.Chen, Y. L.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.* Binary Bronsted Acidic Ionic Liquids (BBAILs) as the Reactive Extraction Intensified Catalysts for the Esterification of Acetic Acid and n-Butanol, J. Chem. Eng. JPN, 2017, 50, 632-640. 74.Huang, K.; Zhang, J.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.*, “Absorption of H2S and CO2 in Aqueous Solutions of Tertiary-Amine Functionalized Protic Ionic Liquids”, Energy Fuels, 2017, 31, 14060-14069. 75.Huang, K.; Zhang, X. M.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.* “Hydrophobic protic ionic liquids tethered with tertiary amine group for highly efficient and selective absorption of H2S from CO2”, AIChE J.2016, 62, 4480-4490. 76.Chen, Y. L.; Ding, S. Y.; Zheng, W. T.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Wu, Y. T.*; Hu, X. B. Proton-gradient-transfer acid complexes and their catalytic performance for the synthesis of geranyl acetate, Chinese J. Catal.2016, 37, 2114-2121. 77.Cai, D. N.; Huang, K.; Zhang, X. M.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.*, “Amino Acid Modified Macroreticular Anion Exchange Resins for CO2 Adsorption”, J. Chem. Eng. JPN.2015, 48, 268-275. 78.Cai, D. N.; Huang, K.; Chen, Y. L.; Hu, X. B.; Wu, Y. T.* “Systematic Study on the General Preparation of Ionic Liquids with High Purity via Hydroxide Intermediates”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2014, 53, 6871-6880. 79.Wang, G. N.; Dai, Y.; Hu, X. B.; Xiao, F.; Wu, Y. T.; Zhang, Z. B. “Novel ionic liquid analogs formed by triethylbutylammonium carboxylate-water mixtures for CO2 absorption”, J. Mol. Liq.2012, 168, 17-20. 80.Tao, D. J.; Wu, Y. T.; Zhou, Z.; Geng, J.; Hu, X. B.; Zhang, Z. B. “Kinetics for the Esterification Reaction of n-Butanol with Acetic Acid Catalyzed by Noncorrosive Bronsted Acidic Ionic Liquids”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 1989-1996. 81.Sun, Y.; Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Jalbout, A. F. “Comparison between the two different forms of iron(IV)-oxo porphyrin and the effects of neutral axial ligand on their catalysis: A theoretical study”, Comput. Theor. Chem.2011, 966, 62-69. 82.Yun, X.; Hu, X. B.; Jin, Z. Y.; Hu, J. H.; Yan, C.; Yao, J.; Li, H. R. Copper-salen catalysts modified by ionic compounds for the oxidation of cyclohexene by oxygen, J. Mol. Catal. A Chem.2010, 327, 25-31. 83.Sun, Y.; Zhang, W. S.; Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R. “Correlation Analysis of the Substituent Electronic Effects on the Allylic H-Abstraction in Cyclohexene by Phthalimide-N-oxyl Radicals: a DFT Study”, J. Phys. Chem. B2010, 114, 4862-4869. 84.Yao, Z.; Hu, X. B.; Mao, J. Y.; Li, H. R. An environmentally benign catalytic oxidation of cholesteryl acetate with molecular oxygen by using N-hydroxyphthalimide, Green Chem.2009, 11, 2013-2017. 85.Sun, Y.; Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Jalbout, A. F. Metalloporphyrin-dioxygen interactions and the effects of neutral axial ligands, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 14316-14323. 86.Wang, C. M.; Guan, W. H.; Xie, P. H.; Yu, X.; Li, H. R.; Hu, X. B.; Wang, Y. “Effects of ionic liquids on the oxidation of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol to trimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone under atmospheric oxygen”, Catal. Commun.2009, 10, 725-727. 87.Mao, J. Y.; Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R.; Sun, Y.; Wang, C. M. Iron chloride supported on pyridine-modified mesoporous silica: An efficient and reusable catalyst for the allylic oxidation of olefins with molecular oxygen, Green Chem.2008, 10, 827-831. 88.Zhang, L; Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R. “Why 1-NH and 3-NH protons of D-biotin exhibit different activities in aqueous solution”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 8779-8782. 89.Shen, Q. C.; Liang, W. C.; Hu, X. B.; Li, H. R. “Molecular dynamics simulation for formamide aqueous solution”, Acta Phys-Chem. Sin.2008, 24, 1169-1174. 90.Guan, W. H.; Wang, C. M.; Yun, X.; Hu, X. B.; Wang, Y.; Li, H. 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