Rejecting disturbance propagation in uncertain interconnected systems
报告题目:Rejecting disturbance propagation in uncertain interconnected systems
报告人:Prof. Simone Baldi
报告人简介:Simone Baldi,教授,博士生导师,入选国家级A类人才计划,2014-2019年在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(QS,THE世界大学排名前50位)担任助理教授,2005年,2007年和2011年分别在意大利佛罗伦萨大学获得电气工程学士,自动化系统控制工程硕士和系统与信息学博士学位,希腊CERTH和塞浦路斯大学博士后,师从Edoardo Mosca教授(IEEE Life Fellow, IFAC Fellow)、Petros Ioannou教授(IEEE Life Fellow, IFAC Fellow,IEEE-ITS前主编)和Markos Papageorgiou教授(IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, Transp. Reas. C前主编)。主要研究兴趣为自适应与学习系统及其在智能交通,智能能源,智能电网,无人驾驶,无人机编队等领域的应用,发表论文200余篇,SCI收录论文140余篇,其中在自动控制领域顶刊IEEE TAC,Automatica,以及交通领域,智能能源领域,航空航天等应用领域顶刊上发表长文60余篇。
报告摘要:Vehicular platoons are a typical example of interconnected system where connected automated vehicles drive at close distance. The interest in this topic has increased over the years as a way to face increasing traffic volumes. Despite the progress in the field, the issue of disturbance propagation in vehicular platoons as per effect of control interconnection has stimulated several lines of research, and only recently an interpretation of this problem has been given in the framework of disturbance decoupling. Disturbance decoupling refers to making a controlled output independent of a disturbance. In a platoon setting, the controlled output is the inter-vehicle spacing error, with the preceding vehicle acting as a disturbance. The appealing feature of disturbance decoupling is to yield a decentralized controller that guarantees desirable properties like stability and string stability. This talk will show how disturbance decoupling can be further exploited even in the presence of uncertain interconnected systems. We refer to this framework as adaptive disturbance decoupling.