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NEU Won the 8th China College Students’ Material Heat Treatment Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition

编辑: Lei Chang, Yuhui Wang 来源:NEU 更新日期: 2022-09-21

Recently, the 8th China College Students’ Material Heat Treatment Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition sponsored by the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society came to an end. In the competition, NEU won 2 first prizes, 2 second prizes and 2 third prizes. Among them, the work New Anti-oxidation No-coating Cr-Si Alloying Hot Forming Steel instructed by NEU teachers Xu Wei and Wang Lingyu won the national first prize for postgraduates; and the work Innovative Automobile Body Manufacturing Based on the “Unified Composition Steel Design Concept instructed by NEU teachers Zhang Yuqi and Huang Mingxin won the national first prize for undergraduates. 

The competition attracted thousands of students from more than 100 universities nationwide, including Harbin Institute of Technology, Central South University, Beihang University and NEU, with a total of 678 entries. The national competition was divided into two stages: sectionals and finals. After going through online defense and expert review, a total of 134 teams were shortlisted for the national finals. At last, 24 undergraduate teams won the first prize, 48 the second prize, and 149 the third prize; and 22 postgraduate teams won the first prize, 41 the second prize and 110 the third prize.
