关于加拿大皇家科学院院长Keith W. Hipel教授学术报告的通知
加拿大皇家科学院院长Keith W. Hipel教授将于2016年4月5日(星期二)上午10:00在综合楼(新主楼)822报告厅为我校师生做题为“Technology and Policy Options for a Low-Emission System in Canada”的学术报告,演讲语言为英语,欢迎各位老师和同学参加。
Keith W. Hipel教授现任加拿大皇家科学院院长、加拿大滑铁卢大学资深教授、系统设计工程系冲突分析研究组主任、美国工程院外籍院士、加拿大工程院院士、IEEE学会会士、国际系统工程学会会士、美国水资源学会会士、美国土木工程师学会会士、加拿大工程院研究院院士、国际治理创新中心资深研究员以及滑铁卢大学Renison学院董事会前任主席。
为表彰其学术和专业成就,Hipel教授已经获得52个奖项和荣誉,其中包括IEEE系统、人、控制论(SMC)学会Joseph G. Wohl杰出成就奖和诺伯特•维纳奖、日本学术振兴会(JSPS)杰出科学家奖、加拿大皇家科学院Sir John William Dawson奖、加拿大国会Killam奖、法国里尔中央理工学院和匈牙利奥布达大学名誉博士学位以及获得美国水资源协会Icko Iben奖和W.R. Boggess奖、IEEE SMC学会的杰出贡献奖和最活跃SMC技术委员会奖、法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)和JSPS研究奖、安大略专业工程师的研发工程奖以及滑铁卢大学杰出科研奖等。Hipel教授曾担任滑铁卢系统工程系两任系主任,并是滑铁卢大学董事会和评议委员会成员。目前,Hipel教授高度活跃于上述专业组织,并担任了很多国际高水平学术期刊的副主编和编委,其中包括IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems、Group Decision and Negotiation以及Systems Engineering等。
A synopsis is presented on the key findings of the Council of Canadian Academies’ Expert Panel Report on energy use and climate change, which was released in late October of 2015. The evidence is clear: increased greenhouse gas emissions from human activity are causing pervasive changes to the Earth’s climate, and significant and rapid efforts will be needed to reduce these emissions in the coming decades. The Panel’s report is an up-to-date, accessible review of options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and moving Canada toward a low-emission future. It provides an overview of Canada’s energy system, an analysis of different energy sources and technologies, and an exploration of the public policies available to support a shift toward low-emission energy sources and technologies. Moreover, the investigation is guided by a systems thinking approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of society and the natural environment supporting it. Overall, the Panel acknowledged that the technologies needed for moving toward a low-emission energy system and the policies required for promoting the use of those technologies, already exist, are well-understood and are constantly improving. Optimal strategies and policies for advancing reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will need to be adaptive by evolving as necessary in response to emission trends, new technological developments, and other social, economic, and political changes. They will also benefit from system level principles of resilience, sustainability, fairness, and integration across jurisdictions and disciplines. The report constitutes an indispensable resource for private sector decision-makers, different levels of government, and the public as they seek to better understand energy use and the options available to combat climate change.