- 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- 电子邮箱:
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 性别:男
- 学位:博士
- 所属院系:软件学院
- 曾获荣誉:
- Changsheng Zhang,Bin Zhang**,Zhonglin Li.Two multi-objective genetic algorithms for the QoS based routing and wavelength allocation problem in WDM network.International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,124(17):2734-2739.10.1016/j.ijleo.2012.08.034,
- Changsheng Zhang,Bin Zhang**,Mingkang Ren.A self-adaptive multi-objective genetic algorithm for the QoS based routing and wavelength allocation problem in WDM network.International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,124(20):4571-4575.10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.01.075,
- Li Zhang,Bin Zhang**,Claus Pahl, Lei Xu,Zhiliang Zhu.Personalized Quality Prediction for Dynamic Service Management Based on Invocation Patterns.11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing(ICSOC2013)84-98
- Ying Liu,Bin Zhang**,Walter Cazzola.Towards a Colored Reflective Petri-Net Approach to Model Self-Evolving Service-Oriented Architectures.27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'12)1858-1865.10.1145/2245276.2232081,
- Jun Na,Bin Zhang**,Yan Gao, Li Zhang, Zhiliang Zhu.Long-term benefit driven adaptation in service-based software systems..IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2011)572-579
- Lei Yang,Bin Zhang**,Yu Dai.Human Task Support in Service Composition.2011 IEEE World Congress on Services41-42
- Lei Yang,Bin Zhang**,Yu Dai.Exception diagnosis for composite service based on error propagation degree.2011 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing160-167