Zaobao Liu
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一、 个人基本情况
在领域内国际权威期刊《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science》《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Geotechnique》和国内《岩石力学与工程学报》等相关出版物上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录60余篇,SCI数据库h指数21。获国家授权发明专利16项、计算机软件著作权4项。
兼任中国岩石力学与工程学会地震与地壳应力委员会副主任委员、多场耦合专业委员会副主任委员、青年工作委员会委员,国际岩石力学学会会员,国家重大铁路建设工程实施技术咨询专家组成员,担任《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》等多本国内外学术期刊编委及20余本国际学术期刊审稿人。
1. 学术期刊编委:
1) J Rock Mech Geotech Eng (2021~ )
2) SMART CONSTR RES (2017~ )
3) Adv Civil Eng (2018~ )
2. 主要期刊审稿人:
《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science》SCI收录
《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》SCI收录
《Engineering Geology》SCI收录
《International Journal of Geomechanics》SCI收录
《Applied Thermal Engineering》
《Journal of Cleaner Production》
《Engineering with Computers》SCI收录
《Engineering Computation》SCI收录
《Environmental Informatics》SCI收录
《Applied Mathematical Modelling》SCI收录
《European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering》SCI收录
《Environmental Earth Science》SCI收录
《Natural Hazards》SCI收录
《Geomechanics and Engineering》SCI收录
《Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal》SCI收录
《Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment》
《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》SCI收录
四、 课程教学
本科生:《矿山岩体力学》(双语)、 《材料力学》(双语)
五、 在研主持科研项目
1) 国家自然科学基金项目, 衰变热作用下高放废物深地处置工程近场围岩屏障功能劣化机理研究,54万元
2) 国家科技部重点研发计划重点专项子课题,深埋隧道极高地应力岩爆动态精细评估与等级划分技术研究,751万元
3) 某深埋隧洞岩爆监测预警与防控技术,新疆某管理局,1325万元
4) 重大铁路工程深部重大地质灾害孕灾机理研究,科技支撑重大铁路建设重大专项课题,西藏自治区,50万元
5) 深部工程高温岩体力学与灾害控制技术研究,中央高校基本科研业务费,50万元
6) 高放废物地质处置北山地下实验室斜坡道施工期开挖微震监测与分析,国防科工局核工业北京地质研究院,186万元
7) 复杂铁路隧道岩体高温高压力学特性测试技术,中国铁道科学研究院,109万元
8) CZ铁路深埋隧道岩爆地质机理与防控技术,75万元
六、 工作成绩
1. 奖励与荣誉
2. 近5年发表的主要研究论文
[1] LIU Z, WANG H, LI Y, et al. Triaxial Compressive Strength, Failure, and Rockburst Potential of Granite Under High-Stress and Ground-Temperature Coupled Conditions [J]. Rock Mech Rock Eng, 2022.
[2] ZHOU H, LIU Z, SHEN W, et al. Mechanical property and thermal degradation mechanism of granite in thermal-mechanical coupled triaxial compression [J]. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci, 2022, 160: 105270.
[3] WANG K, LIU Z, ZENG T, et al. Performance of enhanced geothermal system with varying injection-production parameters and reservoir properties [J]. Appl Therm Eng, 2022, 207: 118160.
[4] LIU Z, LIU B, ZHOU J, et al. Triaxial direct shear property and permeability change of interface between high-performance concrete and claystone with water injection and chemical leaching [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 356: 129307.
[5] GAO Z, LIU Z, TIAN F, et al. Strength, energy evolution and cracking process of sandstone under high-temperature and high-pressure coupled true triaxial compression [J]. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2022, 8(6): 1-19.
[6] WANG C, LIU Z, ZHOU H, et al. A novel true triaxial test device with a high-temperature module for thermal-mechanical property characterization of hard rocks [J]. Eur J Environ Civ En, 2022: 1-18.
[7] 严孝海, 郭长宝, 刘造保, et al. 四川康定某深埋隧道花岗岩岩爆物理模拟实验研究 [J]. 地球科学, 2022, 47(6): 2081-93.
[8] ZHANG Y, LIU Z, HAN B, et al. Numerical study of hydraulic fracture propagation in inherently laminated rocks accounting for bedding plane properties [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 210: 109798.
[9] ZENG T, LIU Z, JIA C, et al. Elasto-plastic behavior of the Fontainebleau sandstone based on a refined continuous strain deviation approach [J]. Eur J Environ Civ En, 2022, 26(9): 3788-804.
[10] WU X, LIU Z. Advances in Deformation and Permeability Evolution during Creep of Rocks [J]. Geotechnics, 2022, 2(2): 317-34.
[11] SHEN W Q, ZHU L P, LIU Z B, et al. Investigation of compressive and tensile behaviors for porous sandstone by a microstructure-based constitutive model [J]. Acta Geotech, 2022.
[12] LIU Z, WANG Y, LI L, et al. Realtime prediction of hard rock TBM advance rate using temporal convolutional network (TCN) with tunnel construction big data [J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(4): 401-13.
[13] LI L, LIU Z, LU Y, et al. Hard-Rock TBM Thrust Prediction Using an Improved Two-Hidden-Layer Extreme Learning Machine [J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 112695-712.
[14] LI L, LIU Z, ZHOU H, et al. Prediction of TBM cutterhead speed and penetration rate for high-efficiency excavation of hard rock tunnel using CNN-LSTM model with construction big data [J]. Arab J Geosci, 2022, 15(3): 280.
[15] 刘造保, 王川, 周宏源, et al. 岩石高温高压两刚一柔型真三轴时效力学试验系统研制与应用 [J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2021, 40(12): 2477-86.
[16] LIU Z, SHAO J, ZHA W, et al. Shear strength of interface between high-performance concrete and claystone in the context of a French radioactive waste repository project [J]. Géotechnique, 2021, 71(6): 534-47.
[17] LIU Z, LI L, FANG X, et al. Hard-rock tunnel lithology prediction with TBM construction big data using a global-attention-mechanism-based LSTM network [J]. Automat Constr 2021, 125: 103647.
[18] ZHANG Y, SHAO J, LIU Z, et al. An improved hydromechanical model for particle flow simulation of fractures in fluid-saturated rocks [J]. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci, 2021, 147: 104870.
[19] ZHA W, ZHOU H, LIU Z, et al. Experimental study of gas permeability evolution in tight sandstone with damage and cracking along various stress loading paths [J]. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 2021, 80(10): 7847-63.
[20] SUN Y, LIU Z, FENG T, et al. Modified KCC model for modelling mechanical behaviour of quartz sandstone under triaxial compression from low to high confining pressures [J]. Eur J Environ Civ En, 2021: 1-17.
[21] FENG J, MA Y, LIU Z. A Study on the Creep Characteristics of Airport Viscous Subsoil Based on Unsaturated Stress Level [J]. Geofluids, 2021, 2021: 6667245.
[22] 李龙, 刘造保, 周宏源, et al. 基于TBM岩机信息的隧洞断层超前智能感知加权投票模型研究 [J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(s2): 3403-11.
[23] SHEN W, YAJUN C, LIU Z, et al. A multiscale elastoplastic constitutive model for geomaterials with a porous matrix-inclusion microstructure [J]. Comput Geotech, 2020, 126.
[24] LIU T, LI L, LIU Z, et al. Geomechanical properties of synthesised clayey rocks in process of high-pressure compression and consolidation [J]. Geomechanics and Engineering 2020, 20(6): 537-46.
[25] ZHANG Y, SHAO J, LIU Z, et al. Effects of confining pressure and loading path on deformation and strength of cohesive granular materials: a three-dimensional DEM analysis [J]. Acta Geotech, 2019, 14(2): 443-60.
[26] SHEN W, SHAO J, LIU Z. Evaluation and improvement of macroscopic yield criteria of porous media having a Drucker-Prager matrix [J]. Int J Plast, 2019, 126.
[27] LIU Z, ZHOU H, ZHANG W, et al. A new experimental method for tensile property study of quartz sandstone under confining pressure [J]. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci, 2019, 123: 104091.
[28] LIU Z, SHAO J, XIE S, et al. Mechanical Behavior of Claystone in Lateral Decompression Test and Thermal Effect [J]. Rock Mech Rock Eng, 2019, 52(2): 321-34.
[29] ZHANG Y, LIU Z, SHI C, et al. Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Block Shape Irregularity and its Effects on Block Impacts Using an Energy-Based Approach [J]. Rock Mech Rock Eng, 2018, 51(4): 1173-91.
[30] LIU Z B, XIE S Y, SHAO J F, et al. Multi-step triaxial compressive creep behaviour and induced gas permeability change of clay-rich rock [J]. Géotechnique, 2018, 68(4): 281-9.
[31] LIU Z, SHAO J, XIE S, et al. Effects of relative humidity and mineral compositions on creep deformation and failure of a claystone under compression [J]. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci, 2018, 103: 68-76.
[32] CHEN H, LIU Z. Temperature control and thermal-induced stress field analysis of GongGuoQiao RCC dam [J]. J Therm Anal Calorim, 2018.
[33] LIU Z, SHAO J. Strength behavior, creep failure and gas permeability change in a tight marble under triaxial compression [J]. Rock Mech Rock Eng, 2017, 50(3): 529-41.
七、 招生信息
1. 博士后招聘
2. 研究生招生
3. 本科生创新训练
QQ号: 271354169
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2010.10 -- 2013.6
 Geotechnical Engineering
 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
 Doctoral degree
2007.9 -- 2010.10
 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
2003.9 -- 2007.6
 University graduated
 Bachelor's degree
2021.10 -- Now
2022.11 -- Now
2018.10 -- Now
2021.7 -- Now
2021.6 -- Now
2019.5 -- Now
2021.4 -- Now