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课题组每年招收硕士生 3 名,博士生 2 名,同时欢迎本科生提前加入参与课题研究,具体研究方向可结合自身兴趣自选。




本人曾获国家杰青、优青资助,担任IEEE自动控制汇刊、Systems and Control Letters编委,作为第三完成人获得国家自然科学二等奖。课题组在IEEE自动控制汇刊和 Automatica 发表论文 30 余篇(录用率96.7%),博士研究生大多在控制顶刊发表论文,曾多次获得国际会议最佳论文奖,毕业后在高校从事教学科研工作;硕士生曾在国内外重要比赛中获奖(包括国际小型无人机竞赛室外赛第一名),毕业后主要从事智能或控制算法研发(大疆等)或继续深造。


  1. Y. Wang, T. Liu, H. Shim, G.A. Rovithakis and Z.P. Jiang, "A Lyapunov Characterization of Prescribed Performance Control Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022 (accepted). 

  2. Z. Qin, T. Liu, T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and T. Chai, "Distributed Feedback Optimization of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems Subject to Inequality Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (accepted). 

  3. H. Li, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "A Lyapunov-Based Small-Gain Theorem for a Network of Finite-Time Input-to-State Stable Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, pp. 1052–1059, 2024. 

  4. M. Wang, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Robust Saturated Stabilization with Measurement Errors: From a Chain of Integrators to Feedforward Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, pp. 6664–6679, 2023. 

  5. S. Wu, T. Liu, M. Egerstedt, and Z.P. Jiang, "Quadratic Programming for Continuous Control of Safety-Critical Multi-Agent Systems Under Uncertainty," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, pp. 6664–6679, 2023. 

  6. P. Zhang, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Tracking Control of Unicycle Mobile Robots with Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, pp. 2261–2276, 2023. 

  7. S. Wu, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Continuous Safety Control of Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environments," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, pp. 8012–8019, 2022. 

  8. Z. Qin, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Adaptive Backstepping for Distributed Optimization," Automatica, vol. 141, article 110304, 2022. 

  9. Z. Qin, L. Jiang, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Optimization for Uncertain Euler-Lagrange Systems with Local and Relative Measurements," Automatica, vol. 139, article 110113, 2022. 

  10. Z. Xu, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Nonlinear Integral Control with Event-Triggered Feedback: Unknown Decay Rates, Zeno-Freeness, and Asymptotic Convergence," Automatica, vol. 139, article 110028, 2022. 

  11. T. Liu, Z. Qin, Y. Hong, and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Optimization of Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems: A Small-Gain Approach," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, pp. 676–691, 2022. 

  12. F. Zhao, W. Gao, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Adaptive Optimal Output Regulation of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Based on Event-Triggered Output-Feedback," Automatica, vol. 137, article 110103, 2022. 

  13. T. Liu, Z. Qin, and Z.P. Jiang, "A New Look at Distributed Optimal Output Agreement of Multi-Agent Systems," Automatica, vol. 136, article 110053, 2022. 

  14. Y. Wang, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Systematic Design of Supervisory Controllers for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems," Automatica, vol. 135, article 109991, 2022. 

  15. Z.L. Zhao, Z.P. Jiang, T. Liu, and T. Chai, "Global Finite-Time Output-Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems Under Relaxed Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, pp. 4259–4266, 2020. 

  16. P. Zhang, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Event-Triggered Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, pp. 421–428, 2021. 

  17. P. Zhang, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Systematic Design of Robust Event-Triggered State and Output Feedback Controllers for Uncertain Nonholonomic Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, pp. 213–228, 2021. 

  18. Z.L. Zhao, T. Chai, C. Wei, D. Liu, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "Compensation-Signal-Driven Control for a Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems," Automatica, vol. 125, article 109423, 2021. 

  19. T. Liu, J. Qi, and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Containment Control of Multi-Agent Systems with Velocity and Acceleration Saturations," Automatica, vol. 117, article 108992, 2020. 

  20. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Control of Multi-Agent Systems with Pulse-Width-Modulated Controllers," Automatica, vol. 119, article 109020, 2020. 

  21. A. Bao, T. Liu, and Z.P. Jiang, "An IOS Small-Gain Theorem for Large-Scale Hybrid Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, pp. 1295–1300, 2019. 

  22. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "Event-Triggered Control of Nonlinear Systems with State Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, pp. 797–803, 2019. 

  23. T. Liu, P. Zhang, and Z.P. Jiang, "Event-Triggered Input-to-State Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems Subject to Disturbances and Dynamic Uncertainties," Automatica, vol. 108, article 108488, 2019. 

  24. Z.P. Jiang and T. Liu, "Small-Gain Theory for Stability and Control of Dynamical Networks: A Survey," Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 46, pp. 58–79, 2018. 

  25. Z. Wu, T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and T. Chai, "Nonlinear Control Tools for Fused Magnesium Furnaces: Design and Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, pp. 7248–7257, 2018. 

  26. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "Event-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems with Partial State and Output Feedback," Automatica, vol. 53, pp. 10–22, 2015. 

  27. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "A Small-Gain Approach to Robust Event-Triggered Control of Nonlinear Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2072–2085, 2015. 

  28. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Nonlinear Control of Mobile Autonomous Multi-Agents," Automatica, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 1075–1086, 2014. 

  29. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Output-Feedback Control of Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 2912–2917, 2013. 

  30. T. Liu and Z.P. Jiang, "Distributed Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Without Global Position Measurements," Automatica, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 592–600, 2013. 

  31. T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and D.J. Hill, "Decentralized Output-Feedback Control of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems with Sensor Noise," Automatica, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 2560–2568, 2012. 

  32. T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and D.J. Hill, "Lyapunov Formulation of the ISS Cyclic-Small-Gain Theorem for Hybrid Dynamical Networks," Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 988–1001, 2012. 

  33. T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and D.J. Hill, "Small-Gain Based Output-Feedback Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Actuator Dynamic Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1326–1332, 2012. 

  34. T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and D.J. Hill, "Quantized Stabilization of Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems Based on ISS Cyclic-Small-Gain Theorem," Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol. 24, no. 1–2, pp. 75–110, 2012. 

  35. T. Liu, D.J. Hill, and Z.P. Jiang, "Lyapunov Formulation of the Large-Scale, ISS Cyclic-Small-Gain Theorem: The Discrete-Time Case," Systems and Control Letters, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 266–272, 2012. 

  36. T. Liu, Z.P. Jiang, and D.J. Hill, "A Sector Bound Approach to Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems with State Quantization," Automatica, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 145–152, 2012. 

  37. T. Liu, D.J. Hill, and Z.P. Jiang, "Lyapunov Formulation of ISS Small-Gain in Continuous-Time Dynamical Networks," Automatica, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2088–2093, 2011.




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