东北大学 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal Physics Postgraduate (Doctoral)
东北大学 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal Physics Postgraduate (Master's Degree)
东北大学 热能与动力工程 本科
东北大学 冶金学院 副教授 党委委员、党支部书记
Brunel University London Centre for Sustainable Energy use in Food chains (CSEF) 访问学者
东北大学 材料与冶金学院/冶金学院 师资博士后/讲师
Blast furnace slag obtained from dry granulation method as a component in slag cement
Waste Heat Recovery from High-Temperature Blast Furnace Slag Particles
Reactivity and performance of dry granulation blast furnace slag cement
The effect of size distribution of slag particles obtained in dry granulation on blast furnace slag cement strength
Breaking boundaries in slag waste heat recovery: Review and future perspective of dry centrifugal granulation technology