Language :
  • CN
  • 胡勇
    • Personal Information

      Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
      Supervisor of Master's Candidates
      Date of Employment:2011-04-16
      Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
      Business Address:建筑学馆402A
      Academic Titles:物理系主任
      Alma Mater:东北大学
      Discipline:Condensed Matter Physics
    • Profile

      Y.H. graduated from Northeastern University in 2011 with an engineering doctoral degree of Materials Physics and Chemistry. He was selected in the "Millions of Talents" project in Liaoning province. In 2016-2017, he is a visiting scholar of the University of California, Davis (UCD), the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). His group "Magnetism" has long been engaged in the fields of nanomagnetism and spintronics, as well as magnetic phase transition materials. He has studied the magnetism of nanoparticles, nanoscale multilayers, and bulk materials, and found a series of research results. He is good at the researches in computational condensed matter physics. He simulated the physical processes of microscopic quantum world and calculated the physical properties of materials to explore the rules of microscopic many-body system and predict the materials structures and properties as well as their relationships, which provides a guide for the development and application of new materials, new information storage and transmission, and new energy utilizations. He understood well the materials properties concerning frustration effect, finite-size effect, surface effect, magnetocaloric effect and exchange bias effect of various nanoscale magnetic materials. Major academic contributions to the field of magnetism include developing a modified Monte Carlo Metropolis algorithm to handle metastable magnetic states in magnetic systems with finite anisotropies, calculating the magnetic domain structures of canonical spin glass, demonstrating the anisotropy influenced magnetocaloric effect in nanoscale magnetic materials, and modeling of self-assembly process of magnetic nanoparticles. He has published more than 60 SCI indexed papers, involving Adv. Mater., Small, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Sci. Rep. He has undertaken more than 10 projects, including National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Regional Innovation and Development Joint Fund Key Project, General Project, Youth Foundation Project, General Project of China Scholarship Council (CSC), Projects of Ministry of Education (MOE), Key Project and General Project of Liaoning Natural Science Foundation, General Projects of Education Department of Liaoning Province.

    • Research Field

    • Social Affiliations

      [1]  2023.1- Now
      Youth Editorial Board in the journal Rare Metals (RM)
      [2]  2022.6- Now
      Youth Editorial Board in the journal Frontiers of Physics (FOP)
    • Education Background

      [1]  2007.3- 2011.4
      东北大学 | Material Physics and Chemistry | 研究生 | Doctoral degree
      [2]  2005.9- 2007.1
      东北大学 | Theoretical Physics | 研究生 | Master's degree
      [3]  2001.9- 2005.6
      东北大学 | Physics | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) | Bachelor's degree
    • Work Experience

      [1]  2011.4- Now
      东北大学 | 理学院物理系 | 在职
    • Research Group

      No content
    • Other Contact Information
