职称: 教授
E-mail: yaodanshu@163.com;yaodanshu@mail.neu.edu.cn
办公电话: 024-83683429
个人简历:教授,辽宁沈阳人。1983-1990年在复旦大学化学系攻读学士与硕士学位,2005年获东北大学博士学位。现承担《有机化学》、《有机化学实验》、《生物有机大分子》等本科生及研究生课程的教学任务,学风严谨,曾荣获沈阳市优秀教师,宝钢教育基金优秀教师等光荣称号。热衷于功能有机材料的研究,先后主持及参与国家863、自然科学基金、省、部级等科研项目十余项。在《Tetrahedron Letter》,《Liquid Crystals》,《Journal of Molecular Structure》等国内外核心期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。
1. Synthesis and mesomorphism of novel star-shaped glassy liquid crystals containing pentaerythritol esters[J].Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45,8953-8956.
2. A new class of star-shaped cholesteric liquid crystal containing a 1,3,5-trihydroxy- benzene unit as a core[J]. J. Mol. Struct. 2008, 881,83-89.
3. Synthesis and properties of liquid crystalline monomers and polymers containing tartaric acid derivative[J]. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 2010, 26(9), 4-7.
4. Synthesis and properties of banana-shaped liquid crystalline compounds with terminal nitryl groups[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2012, 43 (13), 1774-1777.
5. New side chain liquid crystal aliphatic polycarbonate with pendant functionalized diosgenyl groups: I. Synthesis and mesomorphism[J], Colloid Polym Sci, 2015, 293, 3049–3059.
6. 1,2-propanediol-linked Chiral Symmetric and Non-symmetric Liquid Crystals Dimers Containing Trifluoromethyl[J],Liquid Crystals, 2016, 43(12):1843-1861.
7.Synthesis and mesomorphism of novel multi-arm liquid crystals with cholic acidas chiral centre linking Schiff base moieties as mesogens[J],Liquid Crystals, 2018, 45(7), 1055-1067.
8. Multi-arm azobenzene liquid crystal based on cholic acid: synthesis and mesophase properties,Liquid Crystals, 2018, 45(12), 1813-1824.