
本人于2017年9月进入同济大学力学专业攻读博士学位,预计2020年6月毕业。目前在郑百林教授课题组进行石墨烯反常现象研究,同时指导组内学生。目前已发表SCI论文11篇,9篇一作,其中Nonlinear Dynamics(Top期刊,IF: 5.05,一作)、Complexity(Top期刊,IF: 2.69,一作)和Physics of Fluids(流体力学顶级期刊,IF: 2.80,一作)各一篇,并且担任过Nonlinear Dynamics(IF: 5.05) 、 Physics of Fluids(IF: 2.80)等期刊的审稿人。目前研究过的方向如下:
[1] Kai Y*. Exact solutions and asymptotic solutions of one-dimensional domain walls in nonlinearly coupled system. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(4): 1665-1677. (IF: 5.05, 动力学顶级期刊)
[2] Kai Y, Zheng B*, Zhang K, et al. Exact and asymptotic solutions to magnetohydrodynamic flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet with a power-law velocity by the homotopy renormalization method. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(6): 063606.(IF: 2.80, 流体力学顶级期刊)
[3] Kai Y*. Algebraic Geodesics on Three-Dimensional Quadrics. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 2015, 70(12): 1049-1054.
[4] Kai Y*. Global solutions to two nonlinear perturbed equations by renormalization group method. Physica Scripta, 2016, 91(2): 025202.
[5] Kai Y*. The classification of the single travelling wave solutions to the variant Boussinesq equations. Pramana, 2016, 87(4): 59.
[6] Guan J, Kai Y*. Asymptotic analysis to two nonlinear equations in fluid mechanics by homotopy renormalisation method. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 2016, 71(9): 863-868.
[7] Kai Y*. Soliton, Wronskian and Grammian solutions to the generalised (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation. Pramana, 2019, 93(3): 46.
[8] Kai Y*, Zheng B. Asymptotic analysis to free-convective boundary-layer problem by homotopy renormalization method. Modern Physics Letters B, 2019, 33(07): 1950083.
[9] Zheng B*, Kai Y, Xu W, et al. Exact traveling and non-traveling wave solutions of the time fractional reaction–diffusion equation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019: 121780.
[10] Kai Y, Xu W, Zheng B*, et al. Origin of Non-Gaussian Velocity Distribution Found in Freestanding Graphene Membranes. Complexity, 2019, 2019.
[11] Kai Y, Zheng B*, Yang N, et al. Exact single traveling wave solutions to generalized (2+ 1)-dimensional Gardner equation with variable coefficients. Results in Physics, 2019, 15: 102527.
[12] Kai Y, Zheng B*, Yang N, et al. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of nonlinear dynamics by the complete discrimination system for polynomial method. Minor Revision